Ajax stands for asynchronous JavaScript and XML. It is collection of several web technologies including HTML, CSS, JSON, XML, and JavaScript. It is used for creating dynamic web pages in which small parts of web page change without reloading the page. Additionally, Ajax is fundamental for front-end developers in creating Single Page Applications (SPAs) where content updates seamlessly.
Here are 10,834 public repositories matching this topic...
ASimple PHP Class to help handling Ajax Requests easily
Jun 18, 2012 - PHP
A jQuery plugin to add easy and quick form editing to a page.
Aug 29, 2013 - JavaScript
City Guide for Dresden (Universityproject)
May 1, 2014 - JavaScript
How to handle error messages in HTML form submissions with Ajax, Python and Google App Engine
Sep 25, 2014 - Python
Django Javascript Ajax - website to find similarity between two or more people
Dec 1, 2014 - Python
Angular application with an HttpTestService that retrieves data via http.
Dec 20, 2014 - JavaScript
Sinatra API Server Toolbox (Ruby, Sinatra, ActiveRecord, postgreSQL, JSON, jQuery, AJAX)
Feb 7, 2015 - Ruby
Source code of the episode of "CodeIgniter 3 Ajax Form Submission and Validation Tutorial"
Mar 4, 2015 - PHP