Jun 7, 2023 - JavaScript
Google Apps Script is a scripting platform developed by Google for light-weight application development in the Google Workspace platform. Google Apps Script was initially developed by Mike Harm as a side project while working as a developer on Google Sheets. It is based on JavaScript 1.6, but also includes some portions of 1.7 and 1.8 and a subset of the ECMAScript 5 API.
Save Form submission data to Google Sheets with media being uploaded to Google Drive and Url being saved in Sheets
Mobile-friendly frontend to enable quick filtering of a Google Sheet.
SpreadsheetPublisher Library for Google Apps Script
This Google Apps Script sends notifications via LINE Notify when there is a scheduled garbage collection day for a specific garbage type. The garbage collection schedule is stored in a Google Spreadsheet.このGoogle Apps Scriptは、特定のゴミの種類に対してスケジュールされたゴミ収集日がある場合、LINE Notifyを介して通知を送信します。ゴミ収集スケジュールはGoogleスプレッドシートに保存されています。
Automation of learning English
GitHubGraphQLRequest Library for Google Apps Script
This short Google Apps Script application read email messages based on specific filter and scrape email addresses that are in message body to add them to Google Spreadsheet
App Engine Datastore connector for Google Apps Script
Custom Function (Google Sheets) to Import Scryfall Data (Magic: The Gathering)
Prueba de CRUD con Hoja de Calculo de Google Sheets mediante SheetDB
👔 OAuth2 for Google Apps Script
A Google Apps Script that exports a whole spreadsheet as a ZIP of CSVs
Scaffold for developing Google Apps Script with Typescript.
An example of how to update a node based website with Wordsmith and Google Sheets
Returns spreadsheet data in JSON format API using Google Apps Script
Created by Google, Mike Harm
Released July 12, 2010