Freiburg Seminar Simulation Mathematik -- Simulation ~ Spieletheorie
Jan 25, 2016 - C++
Statistics is a mathematical discipline concerned with developing and studying mathematical methods for collecting, analyzing, interpreting, and presenting large quantities of numerical data. Statistics is a highly interdisciplinary field of study with applications in fields such as physics, chemistry, life sciences, political science, and economics.
Freiburg Seminar Simulation Mathematik -- Simulation ~ Spieletheorie
This is a small collection of custom PDFs for RooFit.
A repo based on the HackerRank Tutorials Course "10 Days of Statistics Challenges". All problems are solved by C++.
Spline regression and additive models (Simple introduction with C++). We provide an example of C++ implementation of additive regression splines through Rcpp and RcppArmadillo.
All tasks and homeworks from different kind of courses during my education at @fmi - Sofia University.
This is a collection of information and code for the psychology project in collaboration with PK. This is an agent-based data manipulation and statistics gathering project. (Most certainly nothing to see here.)
Simulation of POTTS model for square lattice with three Monte Carlo methods
statistical methods on C++ and JavaScript
Fork of ROOT Repository for GSoC project
Project that I started during my summer course in probability and statistics. This library has the foundations of various prob/stats functions and requisite custom types.
My solutions to 10 Days of Statistics HackerRank Track.
Fast adaptive rejection sampler for R
Header-only collection of statistics utilities for C++14
Projekt z przedmiotu Statystyczne Metody Przetwarzania Danych
Desktop twitch bot.
The friendly Hearthstone Tracker (Linux port)