A higher-order component be use for add animation effects to the placeholder witch in react-hold.
npm i --save react-hold-animation
import React from 'react'
import { render } from 'react-dom'
import hold from 'react-hold'
import { Fill } from 'react-hold/holders'
import animation from 'react-hold-animation'
const H1 = hold('h1', (props) => !props.children)
class App extends React.Component {
constructor(...args) {
this.state = {
title: '',
render() {
return (
<H1 holder={animation(Fill)}>{ this.state.title }</H1>
render(<App />, document.body)
import { Fill } from 'react-hold/holders'
import animation, { animate, BLINK, SPREAD, SLIDE } from 'react-hold-animation'
let AnimatedFill
// use decorator
AnimatedFill = animate(SLIDE)(Fill)
// use build-in animation mode
AnimatedFill = animation(Fill) // default SLIDE
AnimatedFill = animation(Fill, BLINK)
AnimatedFill = animation(Fill, SPREAD)
// cusmtom animation
AnimatedFill = animation(Fill, {
name: BLINK, // or your css keyframe names
delay: '0.1s',
duration: '0.6s',
direction: 'normal',
timingFunction: 'ease',
iterationCount: 'infinite',