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Convenient tool to develop the web apps under ROS infrastructure

On Ubuntu,:

$ apt-get install ros-indigo-roswww

On other platform, download sourcecode into your Catkin workspace.

To test if roswww can run on your machine and provide http server feature, run a web server from this package by simply running a launch file:

$ roslaunch roswww roswww.launch

Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile. Press Ctrl-C to interrupt Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://tork-kudu1:48011/


  • /rosdistro: indigo
  • /rosversion: 1.11.16
roswww (roswww/

auto-starting new master process[master]: started with pid [26851] ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311

setting /run_id to 8482c492-96b5-11e5-bc2d-f816542d218e process[rosout-1]: started with pid [26864] started core service [/rosout] process[roswww-2]: started with pid [26867] 2015-11-29 08:23:27,191 - roswww - INFO - roswww : # of packages : 689 2015-11-29 08:23:27,191 - roswww - INFO - roswww : Weg Page root : www 2015-11-29 08:23:27,285 - roswww - INFO - roswww : Initialised 2015-11-29 08:23:27,285 - roswww - INFO - roswww : Attempting to start webserver on port 8085 2015-11-29 08:23:27,289 - roswww - INFO - roswww : Webserver successfully started on port 8085 WARNING:tornado.access:404 GET /favicon.ico ( 1.60ms WARNING:tornado.access:404 GET /favicon.ico ( 1.33ms

You can see a web page being published at http://localhost:%PORT_OF_YOURCHOICE%/ like below, which should show the list of ROS packages in your ROS_PACKAGE_PATH:

ROS web server successfully started.

Package List


You can integrate web server capability from roswww by either launch file or python module.

Examples are also available in packages in visualization_rwt.

  1. In your own launch, include roswww.launch file. Customize arguments if necessary.
<arg name="name" default="www server for ros"/>
<arg name="port" default="8085"/> <!-- avoid to use apache default port -->
<arg name="webpath" default="www"/> <!-- relative path to the webroot. E.g. place this foloder in the ROS package root dir -->
<arg name="use_roswww" default="true" />
<include if="$(arg use_roswww)" file="$(find roswww)/launch/roswww.launch">
  <arg name="name" value="$(arg name)"/>
  <arg name="port" value="$(arg port)"/>
  <arg name="webpath" value="$(arg webpath)"/>
  1. Add <run_depend>roswww</run_depend> in your package.xml, to avoid "404 package not found" kind of error when you run.

Use roswww.roswww_server.ROSWWWServer class to include the ROS web server capability into your Python package.

When you launch the roswww, you can access static pages(html) which are installed in share/%PACKAGE_NAME%/www folder through http://localhost:%PORT_OF_YOURCHOICE%/%PACKAGE_NAME%/%STATIC_PAGE%.html.

To play with the rostopic, you can launch a simple talker and listener:

$ roslaunch roswww start_bridge.launch

You can send a message through ROS topic from http://localhost:%PORT_OF_YOURCHOICE%/roswww/talker.html. And also, you can subscribe the message on http://localhost:%PORT_OF_YOURCHOICE%/roswww/listener.html.

After launching start_bridge.launch, let's open http://localhost:%PORT_OF_YOURCHOICE%/roswww/chat.html with a browser in two windows. Once you send a message from one of the windows, the message will be shown in both windows.

To enable basic authentication, start a launch file with a basic and basic_yaml arguments

$ roslaunch roswww roswww.launch basic:=true basic_yaml:=%PATH_TO_YAML_FILE%

The example of %PATH_TO_YAML_FILE% like below, which a dictionary of %USER_NAME% and %PASSWORD.

# example passwrod file user: password