This collection of options are common to many programs and provide information that many users may expect.
-h, --help=[man|no-man]: Display the tools manpage. By default, it attempts to invoke the manpager for the tool, however, on failure will output a short tool summary. This is the same behavior if the "man" option argument is specified, however if explicit "man" is requested, the tool will provide errors from man on stderr. If the "no-man" option if specified, or the manpager fails, the short options will be output to stdout.
To successfully use the manpages feature requires the manpages to be installed or on MANPATH, See man(1) for more details.
-v, --version: Display version information for this tool, supported tctis and exit.
-V, --verbose: Increase the information that the tool prints to the console during its execution. When using this option the file and line number are printed.
-Q, --quiet: Silence normal tool output to stdout. x
-Z, --enable-errata: Enable the application of errata fixups. Useful if an errata fixup needs to be applied to commands sent to the TPM. Defining the environment TPM2TOOLS_ENABLE_ERRATA is equivalent.
-z, --pwd-session: Use password session instead of a HMAC session for authentication. A clear text password is passed to the TPM to authorize the action. This option can be used to avoid problems when unsalted sessions are used in OpenSSL FIPS mode. If auth values are used a salted session should be used for authentication.
-R, --autoflush: Enable autoflush for transient objects created by the command. If a parent object is loaded from a context file also the transient parent object will be flushed. Autoflush can also be activated if the environment variable TPM2TOOLS_AUTOFLUSH is is set to yes or true.