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Upgrading to TractoR 2

TractoR version 2.0 introduced some significant changes, aimed broadly at generalising the package and providing a better platform for future development. Part of this process was to remove the focus of the package on diffusion-weighted data, and on using FSL tools to (pre)process it.

The update has also provided an opportunity to use internally new features of the R language. These changes will not be seen by most users, but they do mean that a relatively recent version of R (v2.12.1 or later) is required before installing.

Details on specific changes to preprocessing, overriding defaults and session status reporting are outlined below, plus miscellaneous changes. Parallel installation of TractoR 1.x and 2.x is discussed at the end.


The most visible changes for most users will be the changes to preprocessing. The old preproc script was becoming quite unwieldy, and tried to perform too many functions, only some of which were strictly preprocessing operations. It also used FSL tools for everything by default. The script still exists, although it has been renamed to dpreproc to reflect the fact that it is specific to preprocessing diffusion data; some of its defaults have changed; and some of its functions have been devolved to other (new) scripts. Hence, while you previously may have run simply

tractor preproc

from a session directory, you will now need several commands to perform the same operations. The closest equivalent to the old five stages would be achieved by running the following commands (in this order).

tractor dpreproc MaskingMethod:bet BetIntensityThreshold:0.5
tractor gradcheck
tractor gradrotate  # Only if you previously used RotateGradients:true
tractor tensorfit Method:fsl
tractor bedpost

The first of these commands runs the old stages 1-3, now split into four stages, with the order of eddy-current distortion correction and brain extraction reversed. MaskingMethod now defaults to kmeans, so if you wish to use BET (the old default), you must specify this explicitly. Likewise, the default value of BetIntensityThreshold is now 0.3, so again you may want to explicitly revert to the old default of 0.5 -- although this is not recommended because experience suggests that 0.3 gives more reliable results.

The second command gives you the opportunity to check interactively that your gradient directions have the correct sign. If you know that this is the case, then you can skip this altogether. The third command rotates the diffusion gradient directions to compensate for eddy-current distortion correction, as preproc did with the option RotateGradients:true, and is optional. The fourth command fits diffusion tensors to the data, which is optional but recommended. In this case the FSL dtifit program is used, but TractoR's own fitter can be used instead, in particular if you want to use an iterative weighted least-squares approach for robustness. Lastly, tractor bedpost performs the old preproc stage 5. This is currently required for tractography, but may not remain so in the future.

Most of these scripts have options that you can see using tractor -o (script_name) in the usual way.

Overriding defaults

The default options for several scripts have changed, as noted for dpreproc above. However, TractoR now provides a mechanism for overriding defaults on a per-user basis, so if you liked things the way they were, you can do something about it! The mechanism is to create a YAML file in ~/.tractor which is named for the script in question, and placing new defaults there. For example, if you create a file called ~/.tractor/dpreproc.yaml and put in it the line

MaskingMethod: bet

then BET will be used by default in dpreproc, as in TractoR 1.x.

Session status

The status script is now both more general and more informative. Example output as of TractoR v2.0.2 is below.

  Session directory        : /usr/local/tractor/tests/data/session
  Working directory exists : TRUE

  Preprocessing complete        : TRUE
  Data dimensions               : 96 x 96 x 25 x 13 voxels
  Voxel dimensions              : 2.5 x 2.5 x 5 x 1 mm
  Diffusion b-values            : 0, 1000 s/mm^2
  Number of gradient directions : 1, 12
  Diffusion tensors fitted      : TRUE
  FSL BEDPOST run               : TRUE (1 fibre(s) per voxel)
  Camino files created          : FALSE

Note that this script is not diffusion-specific. If you simply want to know which stages of dpreproc have been run, you need the command

tractor dpreproc StatusOnly:true

Miscellaneous changes

  • The mkbvecs script is now called gradread.
  • Scripts that use a Tracker option now default to tractor (the internal tracker, which is usually faster but requires the tractor.native package). PNT scripts that have an AsymmetricModel option default to TRUE, while those with a NumberOfSamples option default to 1000, again for speed.
  • The default verbosity level is now 1, rather than 0. Users may therefore see much more output than before. The default can be switched back by setting up ~/.tractor/config appropriately: see the man page for details.

Parallel installation

Parallel installation of versions 1.x and 2.x of TractoR is possible, although not totally straightforward. (This is partly because R itself does not allow multiple versions of a single package to be installed at once.) However, if you do need to do this, the following instructions should help. They assume that you are using the "bash" shell, and that you already have TractoR 1.x set up.

Note: TractoR 2.x will (minimally) update any session directories that it touches to the updated format, which is not backwards compatible with TractoR 1.x, so you would be well advised to duplicate any data that you may wish to continue to use with TractoR 1.x.

Firstly, create a directory for storing the installed TractoR 2.x R packages. For example,

mkdir ~/tractor2libs

Then navigate to the unpacked "tractor" directory for TractoR 2.x, and install the packages using

R_LIBS_USER=~/tractor2libs make install
R_LIBS_USER=~/tractor2libs make install-native  # if native packages are required

Now, the standard TRACTOR_HOME variable cannot be set up as usual, because it is in use by TractoR 1.x. So instead, we set up an alias to allow us to be able to pick up the new version. In your ~/.bashrc file, add the line

alias tractor2='TRACTOR_HOME=/usr/local/tractor2 R_LIBS_USER=~/tractor2libs /usr/local/tractor2/bin/tractor'

where /usr/local/tractor2 is the directory containing the TractoR 2.x installation. You can then run tractor2 instead of tractor from the command line when you want to use the new version:

tractor2 -z platform
# Starting TractoR environment...
#                Machine : x86_64
#                OS name : Darwin
#             OS release : 11.1.0
# TractoR home directory : /usr/local/tractor2
#        TractoR version : 2.0.2
#              R version : 2.13.0
#       R build platform : x86_64-apple-darwin9.8.0
#            FSL version : 4.1.8
#    ImageMagick version : 6.7.1-1
# Experiment completed with 0 warning(s) and 0 error(s)