Many GTFS attributes are passed through to the Transitland data model, either as attributes or as tags. A * indicates a required GTFS attribute.
- agency_id -> Operator.identifiers
- agency_name* ->
- agency_timezone*
- agency_url*
- agency_phone
- agency_lang
- agency_fare_url
- stop_id* -> Stop.identifiers
- stop_name* ->
- stop_lon*, stop_lat* -> Stop.geometry
- location_type, parent_station -> as Stop/StopStation/StopEgress
- stop_timezone
- wheelchair_boarding
- stop_desc
- stop_url
- zone_id
- route_id* -> Route.identifiers
- route_short_name* ->
- agency_id -> Route.operatedBy
- shape_id from trips -> Route.geometry
- route_type* (as vehicle_type)
- route_long_name
- route_desc
- route_url
- route_color, route_text_color