From 35a5df7d3dd442cc5db920080a214906b5a5b28e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ivze
Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2020 02:17:47 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] Fixed a 'Duplicate object member: "status"' bug with v3.00
The bug is related to sending 'status' field two times in JSON-RPC.
This bug was supposedly triggered by changing the transmission-daemon
RPC engine, as the duplicate record was no longer filtered in responce.
rpc.pas | 997 --------------------------------------------------------
1 file changed, 997 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 rpc.pas
diff --git a/rpc.pas b/rpc.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index a0d1aeba..00000000
--- a/rpc.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,997 +0,0 @@
- This file is part of Transmission Remote GUI.
- Copyright (c) 2008-2019 by Yury Sidorov and Transmission Remote GUI working group.
- Transmission Remote GUI is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- Transmission Remote GUI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with Transmission Remote GUI; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to
- link the code of portions of this program with the
- OpenSSL library under certain conditions as described in each individual
- source file, and distribute linked combinations including the two.
- You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all of the
- code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify file(s) with this exception, you
- may extend this exception to your version of the file(s), but you are not
- obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception
- statement from your version. If you delete this exception statement from all
- source files in the program, then also delete it here.
-unit rpc;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- Classes, SysUtils, Forms, httpsend, syncobjs, fpjson, jsonparser, ssl_openssl;
- sTransmissionAt = 'Transmission%s at %s:%s';
- DefaultRpcPath = '/transmission/rpc';
- TAdvInfoType = (aiNone, aiGeneral, aiFiles, aiPeers, aiTrackers, aiStats);
- TRefreshTypes = (rtTorrents, rtDetails, rtSession);
- TRefreshType = set of TRefreshTypes;
- TRpc = class;
- { TRpcThread }
- TRpcThread = class(TThread)
- private
- ResultData: TJSONData;
- FRpc: TRpc;
- function GetAdvInfo: TAdvInfoType;
- function GetCurTorrentId: cardinal;
- function GetRefreshInterval: TDateTime;
- function GetStatus: string;
- procedure SetStatus(const AValue: string);
- function GetTorrents: boolean;
- procedure GetPeers(TorrentId: integer);
- procedure GetFiles(TorrentId: integer);
- procedure GetTrackers(TorrentId: integer);
- procedure GetStats;
- procedure GetInfo(TorrentId: integer);
- procedure GetSessionInfo;
- procedure DoFillTorrentsList;
- procedure DoFillPeersList;
- procedure DoFillFilesList;
- procedure DoFillInfo;
- procedure DoFillTrackersList;
- procedure DoFillStats;
- procedure DoFillSessionInfo;
- procedure NotifyCheckStatus;
- procedure CheckStatusHandler(Data: PtrInt);
- protected
- procedure Execute; override;
- public
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- property Status: string read GetStatus write SetStatus;
- property RefreshInterval: TDateTime read GetRefreshInterval;
- property CurTorrentId: cardinal read GetCurTorrentId;
- property AdvInfo: TAdvInfoType read GetAdvInfo;
- end;
- TRpc = class
- private
- FLock: TCriticalSection;
- FStatus: string;
- FInfoStatus: string;
- FConnected: boolean;
- FTorrentFields: string;
- FRPCVersion: integer;
- XTorrentSession: string;
- FMainThreadId: TThreadID;
- FRpcPath: string;
- function GetConnected: boolean;
- function GetConnecting: boolean;
- function GetInfoStatus: string;
- function GetStatus: string;
- function GetTorrentFields: string;
- procedure SetInfoStatus(const AValue: string);
- procedure SetStatus(const AValue: string);
- procedure SetTorrentFields(const AValue: string);
- procedure CreateHttp;
- public
- Http: THTTPSend;
- HttpLock: TCriticalSection;
- RpcThread: TRpcThread;
- Url: string;
- RefreshInterval: TDateTime;
- CurTorrentId: cardinal;
- AdvInfo: TAdvInfoType;
- RefreshNow: TRefreshType;
- RequestFullInfo: boolean;
- ReconnectAllowed: boolean;
- RequestStartTime: TDateTime;
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure InitSSL;
- procedure Lock;
- procedure Unlock;
- procedure Connect;
- procedure Disconnect;
- function SendRequest(req: TJSONObject; ReturnArguments: boolean = True; ATimeOut: integer = -1): TJSONObject;
- function RequestInfo(TorrentId: integer; const Fields: array of const; const ExtraFields: array of string): TJSONObject;
- function RequestInfo(TorrentId: integer; const Fields: array of const): TJSONObject;
- property Status: string read GetStatus write SetStatus;
- property InfoStatus: string read GetInfoStatus write SetInfoStatus;
- property Connected: boolean read GetConnected;
- property Connecting: boolean read GetConnecting;
- property TorrentFields: string read GetTorrentFields write SetTorrentFields;
- property RPCVersion: integer read FRPCVersion;
- property RpcPath: string read FRpcPath write FRpcPath;
- end;
- RemotePathDelimiter: char = '/';
-uses Main, ssl_openssl_lib, synafpc, blcksock;
-{ TRpcThread }
-procedure TRpcThread.Execute;
- t, tt: TDateTime;
- i: integer;
- ai: TAdvInfoType;
- try
- GetSessionInfo;
- NotifyCheckStatus;
- if not FRpc.FConnected then
- Terminate;
- t:=Now - 1;
- tt:=Now;
- while not Terminated do begin
- if Now - t >= RefreshInterval then begin
- FRpc.RefreshNow:=FRpc.RefreshNow + [rtTorrents, rtDetails];
- t:=Now;
- end;
- if Now - tt >= RefreshInterval*5 then begin
- Include(FRpc.RefreshNow, rtSession);
- tt:=Now;
- end;
- if Status = '' then
- if rtTorrents in FRpc.RefreshNow then begin
- GetTorrents;
- Exclude(FRpc.RefreshNow, rtTorrents);
- t:=Now;
- end
- else
- if rtDetails in FRpc.RefreshNow then begin
- i:=CurTorrentId;
- ai:=AdvInfo;
- if i <> 0 then begin
- case ai of
- aiGeneral:
- GetInfo(i);
- aiPeers:
- GetPeers(i);
- aiFiles:
- GetFiles(i);
- aiTrackers:
- GetTrackers(i);
- end;
- end;
- case ai of
- aiStats:
- GetStats;
- end;
- if (i = CurTorrentId) and (ai = AdvInfo) then
- Exclude(FRpc.RefreshNow, rtDetails);
- end
- else
- if rtSession in FRpc.RefreshNow then begin
- GetSessionInfo;
- Exclude(FRpc.RefreshNow, rtSession);
- end;
- if Status <> '' then begin
- NotifyCheckStatus;
- Sleep(100);
- end;
- if FRpc.RefreshNow = [] then
- Sleep(50);
- end;
- except
- Status:=Exception(ExceptObject).Message;
- FRpc.RpcThread:=nil;
- NotifyCheckStatus;
- end;
- FRpc.RpcThread:=nil;
- FRpc.FConnected:=False;
- FRpc.FRPCVersion:=0;
- Sleep(20);
-constructor TRpcThread.Create;
- inherited Create(True);
-destructor TRpcThread.Destroy;
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TRpcThread.SetStatus(const AValue: string);
- FRpc.Status:=AValue;
-procedure TRpcThread.DoFillTorrentsList;
- MainForm.FillTorrentsList(ResultData as TJSONArray);
-procedure TRpcThread.DoFillPeersList;
- MainForm.FillPeersList(ResultData as TJSONArray);
-procedure TRpcThread.DoFillFilesList;
- t: TJSONObject;
- dir: widestring;
- if ResultData = nil then begin
- MainForm.ClearDetailsInfo;
- exit;
- end;
- t:=ResultData as TJSONObject;
- if RpcObj.RPCVersion >= 4 then
- dir:=widestring(t.Strings['downloadDir'])
- else
- dir:='';
- MainForm.FillFilesList(t.Integers['id'], t.Arrays['files'], t.Arrays['priorities'], t.Arrays['wanted'], dir);
-procedure TRpcThread.DoFillInfo;
- MainForm.FillGeneralInfo(ResultData as TJSONObject);
-procedure TRpcThread.DoFillTrackersList;
- MainForm.FillTrackersList(ResultData as TJSONObject);
-procedure TRpcThread.DoFillStats;
- MainForm.FillStatistics(ResultData as TJSONObject);
-procedure TRpcThread.DoFillSessionInfo;
- MainForm.FillSessionInfo(ResultData as TJSONObject);
-procedure TRpcThread.NotifyCheckStatus;
- if not Terminated then
- Application.QueueAsyncCall(@CheckStatusHandler, 0);
-procedure TRpcThread.CheckStatusHandler(Data: PtrInt);
- if csDestroying in MainForm.ComponentState then exit;
- MainForm.CheckStatus;
-procedure TRpcThread.GetSessionInfo;
- req, args, args2: TJSONObject;
- s: string;
- req:=TJSONObject.Create;
- try
- req.Add('method', 'session-get');
- args:=FRpc.SendRequest(req);
- if args <> nil then
- try
- FRpc.FConnected:=True;
- if args.IndexOfName('rpc-version') >= 0 then
- FRpc.FRPCVersion := args.Integers['rpc-version']
- else
- FRpc.FRPCVersion := 0;
- if args.IndexOfName('version') >= 0 then
- s:=' ' + args.Strings['version']
- else
- s:='';
- FRpc.InfoStatus:=Format(sTransmissionAt, [s, FRpc.Http.TargetHost, FRpc.Http.TargetPort]);
- if FRpc.RPCVersion >= 15 then begin
- // Requesting free space in download dir
- req.Free;
- req:=TJSONObject.Create;
- req.Add('method', 'free-space');
- args2:=TJSONObject.Create;
- try
- args2.Add('path', args.Strings['download-dir']);
- req.Add('arguments', args2);
- args2:=FRpc.SendRequest(req);
- if args2 <> nil then
- args.Floats['download-dir-free-space']:=args2.Floats['size-bytes']
- else begin
- args.Floats['download-dir-free-space']:=-1;
- FRpc.Status:='';
- end;
- finally
- args2.Free;
- end;
- end;
- ResultData:=args;
- if not Terminated then
- Synchronize(@DoFillSessionInfo);
- finally
- args.Free;
- end
- else
- ASSERT(FRpc.Status <> '');
- finally
- req.Free;
- end;
-function TRpcThread.GetTorrents: boolean;
- args: TJSONObject;
- ExtraFields: array of string;
- sl: TStringList;
- i: integer;
- Result:=False;
- sl:=TStringList.Create;
- try
- FRpc.Lock;
- try
- sl.CommaText:=FRpc.FTorrentFields;
- finally
- FRpc.Unlock;
- end;
- if FRpc.RPCVersion < 7 then begin
- i:=sl.IndexOf('trackers');
- if FRpc.RequestFullInfo then begin
- if i < 0 then
- sl.Add('trackers');
- end
- else
- if i >= 0 then
- sl.Delete(i);
- end;
- i:=sl.IndexOf('downloadDir');
- if FRpc.RequestFullInfo then begin
- if i < 0 then
- sl.Add('downloadDir');
- end
- else
- if i >= 0 then
- sl.Delete(i);
- SetLength(ExtraFields, sl.Count);
- for i:=0 to sl.Count - 1 do
- ExtraFields[i]:=sl[i];
- finally
- sl.Free;
- end;
- args:=FRpc.RequestInfo(0, ['id', 'name', 'status', 'errorString', 'announceResponse', 'recheckProgress',
- 'sizeWhenDone', 'leftUntilDone', 'rateDownload', 'rateUpload', 'trackerStats',
- 'metadataPercentComplete'], ExtraFields);
- try
- if (args <> nil) and not Terminated then begin
- FRpc.RequestFullInfo:=False;
- ResultData:=args.Arrays['torrents'];
- Synchronize(@DoFillTorrentsList);
- Result:=True;
- end;
- finally
- args.Free;
- end;
-procedure TRpcThread.GetPeers(TorrentId: integer);
- args: TJSONObject;
- t: TJSONArray;
- args:=FRpc.RequestInfo(TorrentId, ['peers']);
- try
- if args <> nil then begin
- t:=args.Arrays['torrents'];
- if t.Count > 0 then
- ResultData:=t.Objects[0].Arrays['peers']
- else
- ResultData:=nil;
- if not Terminated then
- Synchronize(@DoFillPeersList);
- end;
- finally
- args.Free;
- end;
-procedure TRpcThread.GetFiles(TorrentId: integer);
- args: TJSONObject;
- t: TJSONArray;
- args:=FRpc.RequestInfo(TorrentId, ['id', 'files','priorities','wanted','downloadDir']);
- try
- if args <> nil then begin
- t:=args.Arrays['torrents'];
- if t.Count > 0 then
- ResultData:=t.Objects[0]
- else
- ResultData:=nil;
- if not Terminated then
- Synchronize(@DoFillFilesList);
- end;
- finally
- args.Free;
- end;
-procedure TRpcThread.GetTrackers(TorrentId: integer);
- args: TJSONObject;
- t: TJSONArray;
- args:=FRpc.RequestInfo(TorrentId, ['id','trackers','trackerStats', 'nextAnnounceTime']);
- try
- if args <> nil then begin
- t:=args.Arrays['torrents'];
- if t.Count > 0 then
- ResultData:=t.Objects[0]
- else
- ResultData:=nil;
- if not Terminated then
- Synchronize(@DoFillTrackersList);
- end;
- finally
- args.Free;
- end;
-procedure TRpcThread.GetStats;
- req, args: TJSONObject;
- req:=TJSONObject.Create;
- try
- req.Add('method', 'session-stats');
- args:=FRpc.SendRequest(req);
- if args <> nil then
- try
- ResultData:=args;
- if not Terminated then
- Synchronize(@DoFillStats);
- finally
- args.Free;
- end;
- finally
- req.Free;
- end;
-procedure TRpcThread.GetInfo(TorrentId: integer);
- args: TJSONObject;
- t: TJSONArray;
- args:=FRpc.RequestInfo(TorrentId, ['totalSize', 'sizeWhenDone', 'leftUntilDone', 'pieceCount', 'pieceSize', 'haveValid',
- 'hashString', 'comment', 'downloadedEver', 'uploadedEver', 'corruptEver', 'errorString',
- 'announceResponse', 'downloadLimit', 'downloadLimitMode', 'uploadLimit', 'uploadLimitMode',
- 'maxConnectedPeers', 'nextAnnounceTime', 'dateCreated', 'creator', 'eta', 'peersSendingToUs',
- 'seeders','peersGettingFromUs','leechers', 'uploadRatio', 'addedDate', 'doneDate',
- 'activityDate', 'downloadLimited', 'uploadLimited', 'downloadDir', 'id', 'pieces',
- 'trackerStats', 'secondsDownloading', 'secondsSeeding', 'magnetLink', 'isPrivate', 'labels']);
- try
- if args <> nil then begin
- t:=args.Arrays['torrents'];
- if t.Count > 0 then
- ResultData:=t.Objects[0]
- else
- ResultData:=nil;
- if not Terminated then
- Synchronize(@DoFillInfo);
- end;
- finally
- args.Free;
- end;
-function TRpcThread.GetAdvInfo: TAdvInfoType;
- FRpc.Lock;
- try
- Result:=FRpc.AdvInfo;
- finally
- FRpc.Unlock;
- end;
-function TRpcThread.GetCurTorrentId: cardinal;
- FRpc.Lock;
- try
- Result:=FRpc.CurTorrentId;
- finally
- FRpc.Unlock;
- end;
-function TRpcThread.GetRefreshInterval: TDateTime;
- FRpc.Lock;
- try
- Result:=FRpc.RefreshInterval;
- finally
- FRpc.Unlock;
- end;
-function TRpcThread.GetStatus: string;
- Result:=FRpc.Status;
-{ TRpc }
-constructor TRpc.Create;
- inherited;
- FMainThreadId:=GetCurrentThreadId;
- FLock:=TCriticalSection.Create;
- HttpLock:=TCriticalSection.Create;
- RefreshNow:=[];
- CreateHttp;
-destructor TRpc.Destroy;
- Http.Free;
- HttpLock.Free;
- FLock.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TRpc.InitSSL;
-{$ifdef unix}
-{$ifndef darwin}
- procedure CheckOpenSSL;
- const
- OpenSSLVersions: array[1..4] of string =
- ('0.9.8', '1.0.0', '1.0.2', '1.1.0');
- var
- hLib1, hLib2: TLibHandle;
- i: integer;
- begin
- for i:=Low(OpenSSLVersions) to High(OpenSSLVersions) do begin
- hlib1:=LoadLibrary(PChar('' + OpenSSLVersions[i]));
- hlib2:=LoadLibrary(PChar('' + OpenSSLVersions[i]));
- if hLib2 <> 0 then
- FreeLibrary(hLib2);
- if hLib1 <> 0 then
- FreeLibrary(hLib1);
- if (hLib1 <> 0) and (hLib2 <> 0) then begin
- DLLSSLName:='' + OpenSSLVersions[i];
- DLLUtilName:='' + OpenSSLVersions[i];
- break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
-{$endif darwin}
-{$endif unix}
- if IsSSLloaded then exit;
-{$ifdef unix}
-{$ifndef darwin}
- CheckOpenSSL;
-{$endif darwin}
-{$endif unix}
- if InitSSLInterface then
- SSLImplementation := TSSLOpenSSL;
- CreateHttp;
-function TRpc.SendRequest(req: TJSONObject; ReturnArguments: boolean; ATimeOut: integer): TJSONObject;
- obj: TJSONData;
- res: TJSONObject;
- jp: TJSONParser;
- s: string;
- i, j, OldTimeOut, RetryCnt: integer;
- locked, r: boolean;
- if FRpcPath = '' then
- FRpcPath:=DefaultRpcPath;
- Status:='';
- Result:=nil;
- RetryCnt:=2;
- i:=0;
- repeat
- Inc(i);
- HttpLock.Enter;
- locked:=True;
- try
- OldTimeOut:=Http.Timeout;
- RequestStartTime:=Now;
- Http.Document.Clear;
- s:=req.AsJSON;
- Http.Document.Write(PChar(s)^, Length(s));
- s:='';
- Http.Headers.Clear;
- Http.MimeType:='application/json';
- if XTorrentSession <> '' then
- Http.Headers.Add(XTorrentSession);
- if ATimeOut >= 0 then
- Http.Timeout:=ATimeOut;
- try
- r:=Http.HTTPMethod('POST', Url + FRpcPath);
- finally
- Http.Timeout:=OldTimeOut;
- end;
- if not r then begin
- if FMainThreadId <> GetCurrentThreadId then
- ReconnectAllowed:=True;
- Status:=Http.Sock.LastErrorDesc;
- break;
- end
- else begin
- if Http.ResultCode = 409 then begin
- XTorrentSession:='';
- for j:=0 to Http.Headers.Count - 1 do
- if Pos('x-transmission-session-id:', AnsiLowerCase(Http.Headers[j])) > 0 then begin
- XTorrentSession:=Http.Headers[j];
- break;
- end;
- if XTorrentSession <> '' then begin
- if i = RetryCnt then begin
- if FMainThreadId <> GetCurrentThreadId then
- ReconnectAllowed:=True;
- Status:='Session ID error.';
- end;
- continue;
- end;
- end;
- if Http.ResultCode = 301 then begin
- s:=Trim(Http.Headers.Values['Location']);
- if (s <> '') and (i = 1) then begin
- j:=Length(s);
- if Copy(s, j - 4, MaxInt) = '/web/' then
- SetLength(s, j - 4)
- else
- if Copy(s, j - 3, MaxInt) = '/web' then
- SetLength(s, j - 3);
- FRpcPath:=s + 'rpc';
- Inc(RetryCnt);
- continue;
- end;
- end;
- if Http.ResultCode <> 200 then begin
- if Http.Headers.Count > 0 then begin
- SetString(s, Http.Document.Memory, Http.Document.Size);
- j:=Pos('', LowerCase(s));
- if j > 0 then
- System.Delete(s, 1, j - 1);
- s:=StringReplace(s, #13#10, '', [rfReplaceAll]);
- s:=StringReplace(s, #13, '', [rfReplaceAll]);
- s:=StringReplace(s, #10, '', [rfReplaceAll]);
- s:=StringReplace(s, #9, ' ', [rfReplaceAll]);
- s:=StringReplace(s, '"', '"', [rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]);
- s:=StringReplace(s, '
', LineEnding, [rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]);
- s:=StringReplace(s, '
', LineEnding, [rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]);
- s:=StringReplace(s, '', LineEnding, [rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]);
- s:=StringReplace(s, '', LineEnding+'* ', [rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]);
- j:=1;
- while j <= Length(s) do begin
- if s[j] = '<' then begin
- while (j <= Length(s)) and (s[j] <> '>') do
- System.Delete(s, j, 1);
- System.Delete(s, j, 1);
- end
- else
- Inc(j);
- end;
- while Pos(' ', s) > 0 do
- s:=StringReplace(s, ' ', ' ', [rfReplaceAll]);
- while Pos(LineEnding + ' ', s) > 0 do
- s:=StringReplace(s, LineEnding + ' ', LineEnding, [rfReplaceAll]);
- s:=Trim(s);
- end
- else
- s:='';
- if s = '' then begin
- s:=Http.ResultString;
- if s = '' then
- if Http.ResultCode = 0 then
- s:='Invalid server response.'
- else
- s:=Format('HTTP error: %d', [Http.ResultCode]);
- end;
- Status:=s;
- break;
- end;
- Http.Document.Position:=0;
- jp:=TJSONParser.Create(Http.Document);
- HttpLock.Leave;
- locked:=False;
- RequestStartTime:=0;
- try
- try
- obj:=jp.Parse;
- Http.Document.Clear;
- finally
- jp.Free;
- end;
- except
- on E: Exception do
- begin
- Status:=e.Message;
- break;
- end;
- end;
- try
- if obj is TJSONObject then begin
- res:=obj as TJSONObject;
- s:=res.Strings['result'];
- if AnsiCompareText(s, 'success') <> 0 then begin
- if Trim(s) = '' then
- s:='Unknown error.';
- Status:=s;
- end
- else begin
- if ReturnArguments then begin
- Result:=res.Objects['arguments'];
- if Result = nil then
- Status:='Arguments object not found.'
- else begin
-// res.Extract(Result); // lazarus 1.2.6 ok
- res.Extract(res.IndexOf(Result)); // fix Tample :) lazarus 1.4.0 and high!
- FreeAndNil(obj);
- end;
- end
- else
- Result:=res;
- if Result <> nil then
- obj:=nil;
- end;
- break;
- end
- else begin
- Status:='Invalid server response.';
- break;
- end;
- finally
- obj.Free;
- end;
- end;
- finally
- RequestStartTime:=0;
- if locked then
- HttpLock.Leave;
- end;
- until i >= RetryCnt;
-function TRpc.RequestInfo(TorrentId: integer; const Fields: array of const; const ExtraFields: array of string): TJSONObject;
- req, args: TJSONObject;
- _fields: TJSONArray;
- i: integer;
- sl: TStringList;
- Result:=nil;
- req:=TJSONObject.Create;
- sl:=TStringList.Create;
- try
- req.Add('method', 'torrent-get');
- args:=TJSONObject.Create;
- if TorrentId <> 0 then
- args.Add('ids', TJSONArray.Create([TorrentId]));
- _fields:=TJSONArray.Create;
- for i:=Low(Fields) to High(Fields) do
- if (Fields[i].VType=vtAnsiString) then
- sl.Add(String(Fields[i].VAnsiString));
- sl.AddStrings(ExtraFields);
- sl.Sort;
- for i:=sl.Count-2 downto 0 do
- if (sl[i]=sl[i+1]) then
- sl.Delete(i+1);
- for i:=0 to sl.Count-1 do
- _fields.Add(sl[i]);
- args.Add('fields', _fields);
- req.Add('arguments', args);
- Result:=SendRequest(req);
- finally
- sl.Free;
- req.Free;
- end;
-function TRpc.RequestInfo(TorrentId: integer; const Fields: array of const): TJSONObject;
- Result:=RequestInfo(TorrentId, Fields, []);
-function TRpc.GetStatus: string;
- Lock;
- try
- Result:=FStatus;
- UniqueString(Result);
- finally
- Unlock;
- end;
-function TRpc.GetTorrentFields: string;
- Lock;
- try
- Result:=FTorrentFields;
- UniqueString(Result);
- finally
- Unlock;
- end;
-procedure TRpc.SetInfoStatus(const AValue: string);
- Lock;
- try
- FInfoStatus:=AValue;
- UniqueString(FStatus);
- finally
- Unlock;
- end;
-function TRpc.GetConnected: boolean;
- Result:=Assigned(RpcThread) and FConnected;
-function TRpc.GetConnecting: boolean;
- Result:=not FConnected and Assigned(RpcThread);
-function TRpc.GetInfoStatus: string;
- Lock;
- try
- Result:=FInfoStatus;
- UniqueString(Result);
- finally
- Unlock;
- end;
-procedure TRpc.SetStatus(const AValue: string);
- Lock;
- try
- FStatus:=AValue;
- UniqueString(FStatus);
- finally
- Unlock;
- end;
-procedure TRpc.SetTorrentFields(const AValue: string);
- Lock;
- try
- FTorrentFields:=AValue;
- UniqueString(FTorrentFields);
- finally
- Unlock;
- end;
-procedure TRpc.CreateHttp;
- i : integer;
- Http.Free;
- Http:=THTTPSend.Create;
- Http.Protocol:='1.1';
- i := Ini.ReadInteger('NetWork', 'HttpTimeout', 30);
- if (i < 2) or (i > 999) then i:= 30; // default
- Ini.WriteInteger('NetWork', 'HttpTimeout', i);
- Http.Timeout:= i * 1000;
- i := Ini.ReadInteger('NetWork', 'ConnectTimeout', 0);
- if (i < 0) or (i > 999) then i:= 0; // default
- Ini.WriteInteger('NetWork', 'ConnectTimeout', i);
- Http.FSock.ConnectionTimeout := i * 1000;
- Http.Headers.NameValueSeparator:=':';
-procedure TRpc.Lock;
- FLock.Enter;
-procedure TRpc.Unlock;
- FLock.Leave;
-procedure TRpc.Connect;
- CurTorrentId:=0;
- XTorrentSession:='';
- RequestFullInfo:=True;
- ReconnectAllowed:=False;
- RefreshNow:=[];
- RpcThread:=TRpcThread.Create;
- with RpcThread do begin
- FreeOnTerminate:=True;
- FRpc:=Self;
- Suspended:=False;
- end;
-procedure TRpc.Disconnect;
- if Assigned(RpcThread) then begin
- RpcThread.Terminate;
- while Assigned(RpcThread) do begin
- Application.ProcessMessages;
- try
- Http.Sock.CloseSocket;
- except
- end;
- Sleep(20);
- end;
- end;
- Status:='';
- RequestStartTime:=0;
- FRpcPath:='';