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#Tutorial : AngularJS and JAX-RS with Yeoman and Maven.


  • Maven (check with maven --version)
  • node / npm (check with node --version and npm --version)
  • Yeoman (Check with yo --version)
  • grunt (Check with grunt --version)
  • bower (Check with bower --version)
  • Angular generator for angular (Install with npm install -g generator-angular)

##Create the maven project using archetype

mvn -B archetype:generate \
	-DarchetypeCatalog= \
	-DarchetypeGroupId=com.sun.jersey.archetypes \
	-DarchetypeArtifactId=jersey-quickstart-webapp \
	-DgroupId=com.github.trecloux \
	-DartifactId=yo-jaxrs-tutorial \

##Create the angular application using yeoman

mkdir yo
cd yo
yo angular yo-jaxrs-tutorial
Would you like to include Twitter Bootstrap? (Y/n) Y
If so, would you like to use Twitter Bootstrap for Compass (as opposed to vanilla CSS)? (Y/n) n
Would you like to include angular-resource.js? (Y/n) n
Would you like to include angular-cookies.js? (Y/n) n
Would you like to include angular-sanitize.js? (Y/n) n

##Configure grunt to proxy REST requests

Add the grunt-connect-proxy module

npm install grunt-connect-proxy --save-dev

Edit Gruntfile.js to declare the proxy

// Just after : var lrSnippet
var proxySnippet = require('grunt-connect-proxy/lib/utils').proxyRequest;

/* …………… */

// Modify the connect task configuration : add proxies section and insert 'proxySnippet' in the middleware
    connect: {
      // Proxy requests starting with /webresources to the server on port 8080
      proxies: [
          context: '/webresources',
          host: 'localhost',
          port: 8080,
          https: false,
          changeOrigin: false
      options: {
        port: 9000,
        hostname: 'localhost'
      livereload: {
        options: {
          middleware: function (connect) {
            return [
              mountFolder(connect, '.tmp'),
/* ………… */

// Modifify the server task to ass the configureProxies step
  grunt.registerTask('server', [
    'configureProxies', // add this line

Modify maven build to launch yeoman build and include yeoman build into the war file


Simple call from Angular app to the JAX-RS server

Edit yo/app/scripts/controllers/main.js to add the server call.

'use strict';

  .controller('MainCtrl', function ($scope, $http) {
      $scope.serverSays = data;

Edit yo/app/views/main.html to display the server call

 <div class="hero-unit">
      <h1>Server says : {{serverSays}}</h1

Dev mode

  • Launch the server webapp using your favorite IDE, using a light server like Tomcat (Context /, on port 8080)
  • Download dependencies and then launch the grunt server
npm install
bower install
grunt server

And enjoy this awesome web application :)

Deploy mode

Maven will build the Angular app using yeoman/grunt/bower, you can simply test your war file using classical maven command : mvn clean install