============================================================================== Databricks JDBC Driver Release Notes ============================================================================== The release notes provide details of enhancements, features, known issues, and workflow changes in Databricks JDBC Driver 2.6.29. 2.6.29 ======================================================================= Released 2022-07-27 Resolved Issues The following issues have been resolved in Databricks JDBC Driver 2.6.29. * [SPARKJ-614] After closing HTTP connections, the driver does not clean up native threads. * [SPARKJ-611] In the Databricks license file, a Unicode replacement character ( � ) is displayed instead of an apostrophe ( ' ). * [SPARKJ-611] The naming of the Apache license file (LICENSE.txt) caused confusion. This issue has been resolved. LICENSE.txt has been renamed to ApacheLICENSE.txt. * [SPARKJ-611] Documentation links were missing from the Databricks license file. This issue has been resolved. Documentation links have been added to the Databricks license file. Known Issues The following are known issues that you may encounter due to limitations in the data source, the connector, or an application. * [SPARKJ-573] Issue when deserializing Apache Arrow data with Java JVMs version 11 or higher, due to compatibility issues. As a workaround, if you encounter the "Error occurred while deserializing arrow data: sun.misc.Unsafe or java.nio.DirectByteBuffer.(long, int) not available" error, add the follwing line: --add-opens java.base/java.nio=ALL-UNNAMED For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide. * [SPARKJ-330] Issue with date and timestamp before the beginning of the Gregorian calendar when connecting to Spark 2.4.4 or later, or versions previous to 3.0, with Arrow result set serialization. When using Spark 2.4.4 or later, or versions previous to Spark 3.0, DATE and TIMESTAMP data before October 15, 1582 may be returned incorrectly if the server supports serializing query results using Apache Arrow. This issue should not impact most distributions of Apache Spark. To confirm if your distribution of Spark 2.4.4 or later has been impacted by this issue, you can execute the following query: SELECT DATE '1581-10-14' If the result returned by the connector is 1581-10-24, then you are impacted by the issue. In this case, if your data set contains date and/or timestamp data earlier than October 15, 1582, you can work around this issue by adding EnableArrow=0 in your connection URL to disable the Arrow result set serialization feature. * [SPARKJ-267] The JDBC 4.0 version of the connector fails to connect to servers that require encryption using TLS 1.1 or later. When you attempt to connect to the server, the connection fails and the connector returns an SSL handshake exception. This issue occurs only when you run the connector using Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 6.0. As a workaround, run the connector using JRE 7.0 or 8.0. * When retrieving data from a BINARY column, a ClassCastException error occurs. In Spark 1.6.3 or earlier, the server sometimes returns a ClassCastException error when attempting to retrieve data from a BINARY column. This issue is fixed as of Spark 2.0.0. For more information, see the JIRA issue posted by Apache named "When column type is binary, select occurs ClassCastException in Beeline" at https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-12143. Workflow Changes ============================================================= The following changes may disrupt established workflows for the connector. 2.6.29 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * [SPARKJ-618] Renamed jar files Beginning with this release, the following files have been renamed: - SparkJDBC41.jar is now DatabricksJDBC41.jar - SparkJDBC42.jar is now DatabricksJDBC42.jar 2.6.21 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * [SPARKJ-534] Renamed connection properties Beginning with this release, the following connection properties have been renamed: - ClusterAutostartRetry is now TemporarilyUnavailableRetry - ClusterAutostartRetryTimeout is now TemporarilyUnavailableRetryTimeout 2.6.20 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * [SPARKJ-474] Updated catalog support When connecting to a server that supports multiple catalogs, the connector no longer reports the catalog for schemas and tables as SPARK. Instead, the catalog is the one reported by the Spark server. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide. 2.6.19 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * [SPARKJ-483] Removed third-party libraries Beginning with this release, the connector no longer includes the ZooKeeper and Jute libraries in the JAR file. 2.6.18 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * [SPARKJ-296][SPARKJ-297] Removed support for 2.1 Beginning with this release, the connector no longer supports servers that run Spark version 2.1. For information about the supported Spark versions, see the Installation and Configuration Guide. * [SPARKJ-288][SPARKJ-289] Removed support for JDBC 4.0 (Java 6) Beginning with this release, the connector no longer supports JDBC 4.0 (Java 6). For a list of supported JDBC versions, see the Installation and Configuration Guide. 2.6.11 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * [SPARKJ-301] Removed support for Spark 1.5.2 and earlier, as well as 2.0 Beginning with this release, the driver no longer supports servers that run any of the following Spark versions: - Versions 1.5.2 and earlier - Version 2.0 For information about the supported Spark versions, see the Installation and Configuration Guide. * [SPARKJ-296][SPARKJ-298] Deprecated support for Spark 1.6 and 2.1 Beginning with this release, support for Spark versions 1.6 and 2.1 has been deprecated. For information about the supported Spark versions, see the Installation and Configuration Guide. * [SPARKJ-288] Deprecated support for JDBC 4.0 (Java 6) Beginning with this release, support for JDBC 4.0 (Java 6) has been deprecated. Support will be removed in a future release. For a list of supported JDBC versions, see the Installation and Configuration Guide. Version History ============================================================== 2.6.28 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Released 2022-07-12 Resolved Issues The following issue has been resolved in Databricks JDBC Driver 2.6.28. * [SPARKJ-592][SPARKJ-602] When using an HTTP proxy with Cloud Fetch enabled, the connector does not return large data set results 2.6.27 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Released 2022-06-10 Enhancements & New Features * [SPARKJ-567][SPARKJ-577][SPARKJ-595] Updated third-party libraries The connector now uses the following third-party libraries: - Apache Arrow 7.0.0 - Google FlatBuffers 1.12.0 - jackson-annotations-2.13.2 (previously 2.11.3) - jackson-core-2.13.2 (previously 2.11.3) - jackson-databind- (previously 2.11.3) - netty-buffer 4.1.77.Final (previously 4.1.73.Final) - netty-common 4.1.77.Final (previously 4.1.73.Final) * [SPARKJ-587] Updated license file The license file in the connector JAR file has been updated. Resolved Issues The following issues have been resolved in Databricks JDBC Driver 2.6.27. * [SPARKJ-576] In some cases, when an HTTP connection has been active for a long period of time, the connector returns a NoHttpResponseException error. * [SPARKJ-596] In some cases, unshaded Log4j classes in the connector JAR file conflict with files deployed in the end user's environment. This issue has been resolved. The unshaded classes have been removed from the connector JAR file. * [SPARKJ-608] When using a DataSource class, the subprotocol names are incorrect. 2.6.25 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Released 2022-04-01 Enhancements & New Features * [SPARKJ-531] Return regular result sets for certain queries You can now configure the connector to return regular result sets for certain queries. To do this, set the NonRowcountQueryPrefixes property to a comma-separated list of queries. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide. * [SPARKJ-489] New value for UseNativeQuery You can now configure the connector to automatically set the UseNativeQuery property to either 0 or 1, depending on the server capabilities. To do this, set the UseNativeQuery property to 2. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide. * [SPARKJ-528] Propagate SQLSTATE When an error occurs during an API call to the server, the connector now propagates the SQLSTATE in the returned error exception. Previously, the server returned the SQLSTATE in the API call response. * [SPARKJ-570] Enhanced wire protocol support The connector now supports v5 and v6 of the wire protocol used for communication between the connector and the server. 2.6.22 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Released 2022-01-11 Enhancements & New Features * [SPARKJ-552] Updated log4j third-party libraries The JDBC 4.2 version of the connector has been updated to version 2.17.1 of the log4j third-party libraries. The JDBC 4.1 version of the connector has been updated to version 2.12.4 of the log4j third-party libraries. * [SPARKJ-551] Removed Slf4j-log4j12 dependency The connector no longer uses the Slf4j-log4j12 library. 2.6.21 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Released 2021-12-24 Enhancements & New Features * [SPARKJ-540] Updated log4j third-party libraries The JDBC 4.2 version of the connector has been updated to version 2.17.0 of the log4j third-party libraries. The JDBC 4.1 version of the connector has been updated to version 2.12.2 of the log4j third-party libraries. To address security vulnerabilities, do one of the following: - In PatternLayout in the logging configuration, replace Context Lookups like ${ctx:loginId} or $${ctx:loginId} with Thread Context Map patterns (%X, %mdc, or %MDC). - Otherwise, in the configuration, remove references to Context Lookups like ${ctx:loginId} or $${ctx:loginId} where they originate from sources external to the application such as HTTP headers or user input. * [SPARKJ-532] Third-party library upgrade The connector has been upgraded with the following third-party libraries: - netty-buffer 4.1.72.Final (previously 4.1.65.Final) - netty-common 4.1.72.Final (previously 4.1.65.Final) Resolved Issues The following issues have been resolved in Simba Spark JDBC Connector 2.6.21. * [SPARKJ-437] The http.header connection properties are not correctly sent to the server. * [SPARKJ-519] In some cases, the connector incorrectly removes the word SPARK from the table name in a query. * [SPARKJ-538] The catalog filter for GetFunctions() behaves inconsistently with previous releases. 2.6.20 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Released 2021-10-29 Enhancements & New Features * [SPARKJ-474] Multiple catalogs support The connector now supports multiple catalogs when connecting to a server that supports multiple catalogs. 2.6.19 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Released 2021-08-27 Enhancements & New Features * [SPARKJ-405][SPARKJ-418] Query results support You can now download query results from a cloud store, such as AWS or Azure, if the server supports the URL_BASED_SET result set type. * [SPARKJ-508] Third-party library upgrade The connector has been upgraded with the following third-party libraries: - Apache Commons Codec 1.15 (previously 1.9) - Apache HttpClient 4.5.13 (previously 4.5.3) - Apache HttpCore 4.4.14 (previously 4.4.6) 2.6.18 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Released 2021-06-17 Enhancements & New Features * [SPARKJ-420] Ignore transactions support You can now ignore transaction-related operations. To do this, set the IgnoreTransactions property to 1. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide. * [SPARKJ-390] Updated getColumns support When you use the getColumns JDBC API call, you can now retrieve the nullability information for the columns from the server. * [SPARKJ-404][SPARKJ-458][SPARKJ-462][SPARKJ-464] Updated third-party libraries The connector has been updated to use the following libraries: - netty 4.1.65.Final (previously 4.1.50.Final) - jackson 2.12.3 (previously 2.10.1) The JDBC 4.1 connector has been updated to use the following libraries: - log4j 2.12.1 - slf4j 1.7.30 Resolved Issues The following issues have been resolved in Simba Spark JDBC Connector 2.6.18. * [SPARKJ-448] The connector reveals the ProxyUID and ProxyPWD credentials to the server as server-side properties. * [SPARKJ-347] The HiveJDBCDataEngine does not check getFunctions and returns an empty result set. * [SPARKJ-355] When calling GetTypeInfo, the connector returns incorrect data types. * [SPARKJ-360] When querying getColumns, the connector returns a getColumns metadata operation and a DESCRIBE query. 2.6.17 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Released 2020-10-23 Resolved Issues The following issues have been resolved in Simba Spark JDBC Driver 2.6.17. * [SPARKJ-328] In some cases, non-row count queries result in the driver returning an incorrect error. * [SPARKJ-336][SPARKJ-353] In some cases, the user-agent entry validation logic rejects valid user-agent entry strings. * [SPARKJ-348] The driver does not honor the values set via the Statement.setFetchSize JDBC API call. * [SPARKJ-406] The driver does not return the correct row count result when it is provided by the server. 2.6.16 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Released 2020-07-31 Enhancements & New Features * [SPARKJ-363] Custom HTTP headers The driver now supports custom HTTP headers in connection URLs. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide. * [SPARKJ-364] Updated third-party libraries The JDBC 4.2 driver has been updated to use the following libraries: - log4j 2.13.3 - slf4j 1.7.30 The JDBC 4.0 and 4.1 versions of the driver continue to use the previous versions of these libraries. * [SPARKJ-397] Support for Spark 3.0 The driver now supports Spark 3.0 Resolved Issues The following issue has been resolved in Simba Spark JDBC Driver 2.6.16. * [SPARKJ-349] The driver does not log correct socket timeout values. * [SPARKJ-366] When fetching arrow serialized results, the driver returns an "Out of Memory" error message. * [SPARKJ-367] In some cases, the driver delivers ambiguous error messages related to OAuth authentication. ==============================================================================