diff --git a/docs/make.jl b/docs/make.jl
index 3bc2dec41..a00209908 100644
--- a/docs/make.jl
+++ b/docs/make.jl
@@ -104,8 +104,8 @@ makedocs(sitename="TrixiParticles.jl",
"Tutorial" => "tutorial.md",
"Examples" => "examples.md",
"Visualization" => "visualization.md",
- "preprocessing" => [
- "Sample Geometries" => joinpath("preprocessing", "preprocessing.md"),
+ "Preprocessing" => [
+ "Sampling of Geometries" => joinpath("preprocessing", "preprocessing.md"),
"Components" => [
"Overview" => "overview.md",
diff --git a/docs/src/preprocessing/preprocessing.md b/docs/src/preprocessing/preprocessing.md
index 8d83c9caf..5d367d015 100644
--- a/docs/src/preprocessing/preprocessing.md
+++ b/docs/src/preprocessing/preprocessing.md
@@ -1,6 +1,245 @@
+# Sampling of Geometries
+Generating the initial configuration of a simulation requires filling volumes (3D) or surfaces (2D) of complex geometries with particles.
+The algorithm to sample a complex geometry should be robust and fast,
+since for large problems (large numbers of particles) or complex geometries (many geometry faces),
+generating the initial configuration is not trivial and can be very expensive in terms of computational cost.
+We therefore use a [winding number](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winding_number) approach for an inside-outside segmentation of an object.
+The winding number ``w(\mathbf{p})`` is a signed integer-valued function of a point ``\mathbf{p}`` and is defined as
+w(\mathbf{p}) = \frac{1}{2 \pi} \sum^n_{i=1} \Theta_i.
+Here, ``\Theta_i`` is the *signed* angle between ``\mathbf{c}_i - \mathbf{p}`` and ``\mathbf{c}_{i+1} - \mathbf{p}`` where ``\mathbf{c}_i`` and ``\mathbf{c}_{i+1}`` are two consecutive vertices on a curve.
+In 3D, we refer to the solid angle of an *oriented* triangle with respect to ``\mathbf{p}``.
+We provide the following methods to calculate ``w(\mathbf{p})``:
+- Horman et al. (2001) evaluate the winding number combined with an even-odd rule, but only for 2D polygons (see [WindingNumberHorman](@ref)).
+- Naive winding: Jacobson et al. (2013) generalized the winding number so that the algorithm can be applied for both 2D and 3D geometries (see [WindingNumberJacobson](@ref)).
+- Hierarchical winding: Jacobson et al. (2013) also introduced a fast hierarchical evaluation of the winding number. For further information see the description below.
+## [Hierarchical Winding](@id hierarchical_winding)
+According to Jacobson et al. (2013) the winding number with respect to a polygon (2D) or triangle mesh (3D) is the sum of the winding numbers with respect to each edge (2D) or face (3D).
+We can show this with the following example in which we determine the winding number for each edge of a triangle separately and sum them up:
+using TrixiParticles
+using Plots
+triangle = [125.0 375.0 250.0 125.0;
+ 175.0 175.0 350.0 175.0]
+# Delete all edges but one
+edge1 = deleteat!(TrixiParticles.Polygon(triangle), [2, 3])
+edge2 = deleteat!(TrixiParticles.Polygon(triangle), [1, 3])
+edge3 = deleteat!(TrixiParticles.Polygon(triangle), [1, 2])
+algorithm = WindingNumberJacobson()
+grid = hcat(([x, y] for x in 1:500, y in 1:500)...)
+_, w1 = algorithm(edge1, grid; store_winding_number=true)
+_, w2 = algorithm(edge2, grid; store_winding_number=true)
+_, w3 = algorithm(edge3, grid; store_winding_number=true)
+w = w1 + w2 + w3
+heatmap(1:500, 1:500, reshape(w1, 500, 500)', color=:coolwarm, showaxis=false,
+ tickfontsize=12, size=(570, 500), margin=6 * Plots.mm)
+heatmap(1:500, 1:500, reshape(w2, 500, 500)', color=:coolwarm, showaxis=false,
+ tickfontsize=12, size=(570, 500), margin=6 * Plots.mm)
+heatmap(1:500, 1:500, reshape(w3, 500, 500)', color=:coolwarm, showaxis=false,
+ tickfontsize=12, size=(570, 500), margin=6 * Plots.mm)
+heatmap(1:500, 1:500, reshape(w, 500, 500)', color=:coolwarm, showaxis=false,
+ tickfontsize=12, size=(570, 500), margin=6 * Plots.mm, clims=(-1, 1))
+```@raw html
+This summation property has some interesting consequences that we can utilize for an efficient computation of the winding number.
+Let ``\mathcal{S}`` be an open surface and ``\bar{\mathcal{S}}`` an arbitrary closing surface, such that
+\partial \bar{\mathcal{S}} = \partial \mathcal{S}
+and ``\mathcal{B} = \bar{\mathcal{S}} \cup \mathcal{S}`` is some closed oriented surface.
+For any query point ``\mathbf{p}`` outside of ``\mathcal{B}``, we know that
+w_{\mathcal{S}}(\mathbf{p}) + w_{\bar{\mathcal{S}}}(\mathbf{p}) = w_{\mathcal{B}}(\mathbf{p}) = 0.
+This means
+w_{\mathcal{S}}(\mathbf{p}) = - w_{\bar{\mathcal{S}}}(\mathbf{p}),
+regardless of how ``\bar{\mathcal{S}}`` is constructed (as long as ``\mathbf{p}`` is outside of ``\mathcal{B}``).
+We can use this property in the discrete case to efficiently compute the winding number of a query point
+by partitioning the polygon or mesh in a "small" part (as in consisting of a small number of edges/faces) and a "large" part.
+For the small part we just compute the winding number, and for the large part we construct a small closing and compute its winding number.
+The partitioning is based on a hierarchical construction of bounding boxes.
+### Bounding volume hierarchy
+To efficiently find a "small part" and a "large part" as mentioned above, we construct a hierarchy of bounding boxes by starting with the whole domain and recursively splitting it in two equally sized boxes.
+The resulting hierarchy is a binary tree.
+The algorithm by Jacobsen et al. (Algorithm 2, p. 5) traverses this binary tree recursively until we find the leaf in which the query point is located.
+The recursion stops with the following criteria:
+- if the bounding box ``T`` is a leaf then ``T.\mathcal{S} = \mathcal{S} \cap T``, the part of ``\mathcal{S}``
+ that lies inside ``T``, is the "small part" mentioned above, so evaluate the winding number naively as ``w(\mathbf{p}, T.\mathcal{S})``.
+- else if ``\mathbf{p}`` is outside ``T`` then ``T.\mathcal{S}`` is the "large part", so evaluate the winding number naively
+ as ``-w(\mathbf{p}, T.\bar{\mathcal{S}})``, where ``T.\bar{\mathcal{S}}`` is the closing surface of ``T.\mathcal{S}``.
+#### Continuous example
+Now consider the following continuous (not discretized to a polygon) 2D example.
+We compute the winding number of the point ``\mathbf{p}`` with respect to ``\mathcal{S}`` using the depicted hierarchy of bounding boxes.
+```@raw html
+- Recurse left: ``w_{\text{left}} = \text{\texttt{hierarchical\_winding}} (\mathbf{p}, T.\text{left})``
+- Recurse right: ``w_{\text{right}} = \text{\texttt{hierarchical\_winding}} (\mathbf{p},T.\text{right})``
+- Query point ``\mathbf{p}`` is outside bounding box ``T``, so don't recurse deeper.
+- Compute ``w_{\mathcal{S}}(\mathbf{p}) = - w_{\bar{\mathcal{S}}}(\mathbf{p})`` with the closure ``T.\bar{\mathcal{S}}``, which is generally much smaller (fewer edges in the discrete version) than ``T.\mathcal{S}``:
+w_{\text{left}} = -\text{\texttt{naive\_winding}} (\mathbf{p}, T.\bar{\mathcal{S}})
+- Bounding box ``T`` is a leaf. Use open surface ``T.\mathcal{S}``:
+w_{\text{right}} = \text{\texttt{naive\_winding}} (\mathbf{p}, T.\mathcal{S})
+The reconstructed surface will then look as in the following image.
+```@raw html
+We finally sum up the winding numbers
+w = w_{\text{left}} + w_{\text{right} } = -w_{T_{\text{left}}.\bar{\mathcal{S}}} + w_{T_{\text{right}}.\mathcal{S}}
+#### Discrete example
+We will now go through the discrete version of the example above.
+```@raw html
+To construct the hierarchy for the discrete piecewise-linear example in (1), we have to do the following.
+Each edge is distributed to the child whose box contains the edge's barycenter (red dots in (2)).
+Splitting stops when the number of a box's edges slips below a
+threshold (usually ``\approx 100`` faces in 3D, here: 6 edges).
+For the closure, Jacobson et al. (2013) define *exterior vertices* (*exterior edges* in 3D)
+as boundary vertices of such a segmentation (red dots in (3)).
+To find them, we traverse around each edge (face in 3D) in order, and
+increment or decrement for each vertex (edge) a specific counter.
+v1 = edge_vertices_ids[edge][1]
+v2 = edge_vertices_ids[edge][2]
+vertex_count[v1] += 1
+vertex_count[v2] -= 1
+In 2D, a vertex is declared as exterior if `vertex_count(vertex) != 0`, so there is not the same amount of edges in this box going into versus out of the vertex.
+To construct the closing surface, the exterior vertices are then connected to one arbitrary
+exterior vertex using appropriately oriented line segments:
+edge = vertex_count[v] > 0 ? (closing_vertex, v) : (v, closing_vertex)
+The resulting closed surface ``T.S \cup T.\bar{S}`` then has the same number of edges going into and out of each vertex.
+#### Incorrect evaluation
+If we follow the algorithm, we know that recursion stops if
+- the bounding box ``T`` is a leaf or
+- the query point ``\mathbf{p}`` is outside the box.
+```@raw html
+(1): The query point ``\mathbf{p}`` is outside the box, so we calculate the winding number with the (red) closure of the box.
+(2): The query point ``\mathbf{p}`` is inside the box, so we use the (blue) edges distributed to the box.
+(3): In this case, it leads to an incorrect evaluation of the winding number.
+The query point is clearly inside the box, but not inside the reconstructed surface.
+This is because the property ``w_{\mathcal{S}}(\mathbf{p}) = - w_{\bar{\mathcal{S}}}(\mathbf{p})``
+only holds when ``\mathbf{p}`` is outside of ``\mathcal{B}``, which is not the case here.
+#### Correct evaluation
+Jacobson et al. (2013) don't mention this problem or provide a solution to it.
+We contacted the authors and found that they know about this problem and solve it
+by resizing the bounding box to fully include the closing surface
+of the neighboring box, since it doesn't matter if the boxes overlap.
+```@raw html
+To avoid resizing, we take a different approach and calculate the closure of the bounding box differently:
+- Exclude intersecting edges in the calculation of the exterior vertices.
+- This way, all exterior vertices are inside the bounding box, and so will be the closing surface.
+- The intersecting edges are later added with flipped orientation,
+ so that the closing is actually a closing of the exterior plus intersecting edges.
+```@raw html
+The evaluation then looks as follows.
+```@raw html
Modules = [TrixiParticles]
@@ -17,7 +256,6 @@ Modules = [TrixiParticles]
Pages = [joinpath("preprocessing", "geometries", "io.jl")]
### [References](@id references_complex_shape)
- Alec Jacobson, Ladislav Kavan, and Olga Sorkine-Hornung "Robust inside-outside segmentation using generalized winding numbers".
In: ACM Transactions on Graphics, 32.4 (2013), pages 1--12.
diff --git a/src/preprocessing/point_in_poly/winding_number_horman.jl b/src/preprocessing/point_in_poly/winding_number_horman.jl
index b1b6f9cba..cae358049 100644
--- a/src/preprocessing/point_in_poly/winding_number_horman.jl
+++ b/src/preprocessing/point_in_poly/winding_number_horman.jl
@@ -4,8 +4,6 @@
Algorithm for inside-outside segmentation of a complex geometry proposed by [Horman et al. (2001)](@ref references_complex_shape).
It is only supported for 2D geometries.
[`WindingNumberHorman`](@ref) might handle edge cases a bit better, since the winding number is an integer value.
-Also, it is faster than [`WindingNumberJacobson`](@ref) for 2D geometries with more than about 100 edges.
!!! warning "Experimental Implementation"
This is an experimental feature and may change in any future releases.
diff --git a/src/preprocessing/point_in_poly/winding_number_jacobson.jl b/src/preprocessing/point_in_poly/winding_number_jacobson.jl
index 888df222c..fabf2f541 100644
--- a/src/preprocessing/point_in_poly/winding_number_jacobson.jl
+++ b/src/preprocessing/point_in_poly/winding_number_jacobson.jl
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ Algorithm for inside-outside segmentation of a complex geometry proposed by Jaco
- `geometry`: Complex geometry returned by [`load_geometry`](@ref) and is only required when using
- `hierarchical_winding`: If set to `true`, an optimized hierarchical approach will be used,
- which gives a significant speedup.
+ which gives a significant speedup. For further information see [Hierarchical Winding](@ref hierarchical_winding).
- `winding_number_factor`: For leaky geometries, a factor of `0.4` will give a better inside-outside segmentation.
!!! warning "Experimental Implementation"