"yiimp" - crypto-mining-pool-framework. Forked from "yaamp" and based on the "yii" framework.
Originally developed by "globalzon", now maintained and further enhanced by "tpruvot" and various users from "GitHub".
"Linux", "MySQL/MariaDB", "php7.0+", "Memcached", a web-server ("Lighttpd" or "Nginx" recommended).
Basic configuration for "Nginx":
location / {
try_files $uri @rewrite;
location @rewrite {
rewrite ^/(.*)$ /index.php?r=$1;
location ~ \.php$ {
fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php7.0-fpm.sock;
fastcgi_index index.php;
include fastcgi_params;
If you use "Apache", it should be something like that. (Already set in "web/.htaccess"):
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^(.*) index.php?r=$1 [QSA]
If you use "Lighttpd", use the following configuration:
$HTTP["host"] =~ "YourServerName" {
server.document-root = "/var/web"
url.rewrite-if-not-file = (
"^(.*)/([0-9]+)$" => "index.php?r=$1&id=$2",
"^(.*)\?(.*)" => "index.php?r=$1&$2",
"^(.*)" => "index.php?r=$1",
"." => "index.php"
url.access-deny = ( "~", ".dat", ".log" )
For the database, import the initial dump present in the "sql/" folder.
Then, apply the migration scripts to be in sync with the current git, they are sorted by date of change.
Your database need at least 2 users, one for the web site ("php7.0+")
and one for the "stratum" connections.
(password set in "config/algo.conf")
The recommended install folder for the stratum engine is "/var/stratum."
Copy all the ".conf" files, "run.sh", the "stratum" binary
and the "blocknotify" binary to this folder.
Some scripts are expecting the web folder to be "/var/web".
You can use directory "symlinks".
Add your exchange "API" public and secret keys in these two separated files:
"/etc/yiimp/keys.php" - Fixed path in code.
"web/serverconfig.php" - Use sample as basic configuration.
You can find sample configuration files in
This web application includes some command line tools, add "bin/" folder to your path
and type "yiimp" to list them, "yiimp checkup" can help to test your initial setup.
Future scripts and maybe the "cron" jobs will then use this "yiic" interface.
You need at least three backend shells (in "screen") running these scripts:
Start one "stratum" per algorithm using the "run.sh2" script with the algorithm as parameter.
For example, for "x11":
"run.sh x11"
Edit each ".conf" file with proper values.
Look at "rc.local", it starts all three backend shells and all "stratum" processes.
Copy it to the "/etc" folder so that all "screen shells" are started at boot up.
All your "coin's" configuration files need to "blocknotify"
their corresponding "stratum" using something like:
blocknotify=blocknotify yaamp.com:port coinid %s
On your, new "yiimp", website, go to "http://yourserver.any/site/adminRights" to login as administrator.
You have to change it to something different in the code ("web/yaamp/modules/site/SiteController.php").
A real "administrator" login may be added later, but you can setup a password authentication with your web server.
Sample for "Lighttpd":
htpasswd -c /etc/yiimp/admin.htpasswd <adminuser>
and in the "Lighttpd" configuration file:
# Admin access
$HTTP["url"] =~ "^/site/adminRights" {
auth.backend = "htpasswd"
auth.backend.htpasswd.userfile = "/etc/yiimp/admin.htpasswd"
auth.require = (
"/" => (
"method" => "basic",
"realm" => "Yiimp Administration",
"require" => "valid-user"
Finally, remove the "IP-filter-check" in "SiteController.php".
There are logs generated in the "/var/stratum" folder and "/var/log/stratum/debug.log" for the "php7.0+" log.
Thanks to "globalzon" for the release of the "yaamp-sourcecode".
Thanks to "tpruvot" for developing and maintaining the "yiimp-repository".
For my "fork", I have used some code, that I found useful, from the following repositories/users: (In no particular order)
So, thanks to them too.
You can support this project by donating to "tpruvot":
BTC: 1Auhps1mHZQpoX4mCcVL8odU81VakZQ6dR
and/or "Revasz" (That's me.)
BTC: 1i6yhynkkaDN2Y1RiNoZRxcQkEELdePUV
ETH: 0x222eD19EAA80eE530B55b3a8394cF841DFb41Af6
XMR: 4AbuFAvg6wUKxH4uZafgcyJuUkksxiZBz1N8sNvtQbYNe9bDfCnSFxcPs3ZPfaeDzNc9rWorxw4piBvEpuKvWL8dPSJxcPu
BCH: 1Po5XaiwZg8iWDjZDwoNU7M56DpxRmkmed
Revasz, 2018