When launched in lsp mode, HIE creates four threads -
- Gets input from the IDE via stdin, parses it via haskell-lsp and forwards it to the HIE messaging loop
- Main messaging loop
- Dispatcher loop to execute
requests - Sends responses to the IDE via stdout
These threads communicate with each other mainly through TChan
s and TVar
Due to limitations with ghc-mod and maintaining the ghc session, we are restricted to
a single thread using which we can run Plugin Requests in the IdeM
type IdeM = IdeT IO
type IdeT m = GM.GhcModT (StateT IdeState m)
Plugins define IdeM
actions to be executed in the dispatcher.
The IdeState
accessible within IdeM contains many useful things for
plugin writers, most important of which is the CachedModule
data CachedModule = CachedModule
{ tcMod :: !TypecheckedModule
, requestQueue :: Map.Map FilePath [Either T.Text CachedModule -> IdeM ()]
, revMap :: FilePath -> FilePath
, newPosToOld :: Position -> Maybe Position
, oldPosToNew :: Position -> Maybe Position
On every file open or edit, HIE tries to load a TypecheckedModule
(as defined in the ghc api)
for the corresponding file. If this succeeds, the result is stored in the CachedModule
If the module fails to load for any reason(parse error, type error etc.), the previous
for the file would still be available. This allows HIE to respond to queries
even when the current version of the file doesn't compile.
In this scenario, the newPosToOld
and oldPosToNew
functions help to associate
positions in the current version of the document (which doesn't compile) to the most recent
version of the document that did compile. newPosToOld
will take a Position
in the current
document, and give us the corresponding Position
in the document corresponding to the
typechecked module we have, and oldPosToNew
will take a Position
in document corresponding
to the current typechecked module, and give us the corresponding Position
in the current
version of the document.
These functions can fail - newPosToOld
will fail when called with some position inside text
that has been recently inserted in the document, and oldPosToNew
will fail when called with
some position inside text that has been deleted from the document.
We use ghc-mod
s "mapped files" feature in order to support live queries for documents whose
contents haven't been saved to disk yet. ghc-mod creates temporary files to hold the current
version of the document. This means that every SrcSpan
inside the TypecheckedModule
contains the path to the temporary file instead of the actual file on disk. revMap
allows us
to recover the original FilePath
given the FilePath
of the temp file.
HIE also supports caching custom data along with the TypecheckedModule
. This is useful
for avoiding duplicating work across queries:
class Typeable a => ModuleCache a where
cacheDataProducer :: CachedModule -> IdeM a
withCachedModuleAndData :: forall a b. ModuleCache a
=> FilePath -> b
-> (CachedModule -> a -> IdeM b) -> IdeM b
withCachedModuleAndData uri noCache callback = ...
This is used in HaRePlugin
to keep a Map
that associates SrcSpan
s in the
to their corresponding names and vice versa.
data NameMapData = NMD
{ nameMap :: !(Map.Map SrcSpan Name)
, inverseNameMap :: Map.Map Name [SrcSpan]
} deriving (Typeable)
invert :: (Ord k, Ord v) => Map.Map k v -> Map.Map v [k]
invert m = Map.fromListWith (++) [(v,[k]) | (k,v) <- Map.toList m]
instance ModuleCache NameMapData where
cacheDataProducer cm = pure $ NMD nm inm
where nm = initRdrNameMap $ tcMod cm
inm = invert nm
This data is used to find all references to a symbol, and to find the name corresponding to a particular position in the source.
getReferencesInDoc :: Uri -> Position -> IdeM (IdeResult [J.DocumentHighlight])
getReferencesInDoc uri pos = do
let noCache = return $ nonExistentCacheErr "getReferencesInDoc"
withCachedModuleAndData uri noCache $
\cm NMD{nameMap, inverseNameMap} -> ...
ensures that the cached data(NameMapData
in this case) is only
generated once per TypecheckedModule
. It looks up the typeRep
of the kind of data requested
in its cache, and returns the associated data if found, otherwise uses cacheDataProducer
generate the data. noCache
is called when the requested module isn't cached in the IdeState
This cache is automatically invalidated whenever a new TypecheckedModule
is loaded, and
fresh data is generated when first requested.
dispatcherP :: forall m. TChan (PluginRequest m)
-> IdePlugins
-> GM.Options
-> DispatcherEnv
-> ErrorHandler
-> CallbackHandler m
-> IO ()
type PluginRequest m = Either (IdeRequest m) (GhcRequest m)
data GhcRequest m = forall a. GhcRequest
{ pinContext :: Maybe J.Uri
, pinDocVer :: Maybe (J.Uri, Int)
, pinLspReqId :: Maybe J.LspId
, pinCallback :: RequestCallback m a
, pinReq :: IdeGhcM (IdeResult a)
data IdeRequest m = forall a. IdeRequest
{ pureReqId :: J.LspId
, pureReqCallback :: RequestCallback m a
, pureReq :: IdeM (IdeResult a)
(thread #3) listens for PluginRequest
s on the TChan
and executes the
, sending the result to the pinCallback
. pinDocVer
and pinLspReqId
help us
make sure we don't execute a stale request or a request that has been cancelled by the IDE.
Note that because of the single threaded architecture, we can't cancel a request that
has already started execution.
These requests are constructed by the message loop(#2). For example, here is the code for handling the "definition" request
-- LspStdio.hs
case inval of
Core.ReqDefinition req -> do
liftIO $ U.logs $ "reactor:got DefinitionRequest:" ++ show req
let params = req ^. J.params
doc = params ^. J.textDocument . J.uri
pos = params ^. J.position
callback = reactorSend . Core.makeResponseMessage req
let hreq = IReq (req ^. J.id) callback
$ fmap J.MultiLoc <$> Hie.findDef doc pos
makeRequest hreq
-- HaRePlugin.hs
findDef :: Uri -> Position -> IdeM (IdeResult Location)
The request uses the findDef
function in the HaRe
plugin to get the Location
of the definition of the symbol at the given position. The callback makes a LSP
response message out of the location, and forwards it to thread #4 which sends
it to the IDE via stdout.
Should you find yourself wanting to access a typechecked module from within IdeM
use withCachedModule
to get access to a cached version of that module.
If there is no cached module available, then it will automatically defer your result,
or return a default if that then fails to typecheck:
withCachedModule file (IdeResultOk []) $ \cm -> do
-- poke about with cm here
Internally, a deferred response is represented by IdeDefer
, which takes a file path
to a module, and a callback which will be executed with a UriCache
passed as an
argument as soon as the module is loaded, or a UriCacheFailed
if it failed.