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File metadata and controls

82 lines (70 loc) · 3.19 KB


A small vanilla JS utility which modifies the way you upload file. Before uploading it to server, you can preview the file(right now only image preview available). This plugin accepts a target element(can be a div, button anything), on click of which browse file popup is shown, after successful upload it returns a File object with data URL and other file attributes.

Demo - fileUplaoder Demo


  • No dependency, pure Javascript plugin
  • Uploads file to given URL, returns dataURL if no actionURL provided
  • Preview file before submitting
  • File Validations
  • Mounts on any element, doesn't require file input type
  • Customizable callback functions
  • Customizable preview popoup

Getting Started

include library in your HTML

<script src="../dist/script.js"> </script></pre>

Initialize the library on your target element

const divv = new FileUpload({
    targetElement: 'imageUpload',
    actionURL: ''
    vaildFiles: ['html','png'],
    onSuccess: onSuccess,
    onError: onError,

Only mandatory parameter is targetElement which is the id of the element on which you want to mount the plugin. actionURL is mandatory if you want to upload file to any server, if not provided it will return dataURL of file in onSuccess callback.

other accepted options are

        'onSuccess': callback function which recieves file object as parameter
                            dataUrl: "data:application/x-javascript;base64",
                            lastModified: 1506169036000,
                            name: "script.js",
                            size: 17,
                            type: "application/x-javascript",
                            userData: <optional>
        'onError': callback function which recieves error message as parameter
        'onFail': callback function which recieves fail message as parameter
        'maxSize' maximum file size allowed in `MB` default is 2MB
        'debug': Boolean- shows console messages
        'onClose' hook function called when preview popup is closed
        'vaildFiles': accepts an array of valid file extensions eg `['png', 'jpg']`
        'overLayClass': CSS class of screen overlay for preview 
        'popupClass': CSS class of popup for preview
        'actionURL': upload URL for the file/ returns dataURL if no actionURL provided
        'userData': optional data if you want to send with file

Example for how sever side should be handled, this is in PHP just for reference, it can be any server-side language.

    header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *");
    $filePath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."uploads/";
    $fileData = $_POST['dataUrl'];
        $filePath .= $_POST['userData'];
    $filePath = $filePath.$_POST['name'];
    $data = explode('base64,',$fileData);
    $data = str_replace(' ', '+', $data[1]);
    $data = base64_decode($data);
    $success = file_put_contents($filePath, $data);
    print $success ? $filePath : 'Unable to save the file.';

Feel free to file issues in case you find one :)