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Dutch GIS acronyms |
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When you arrive in the Netherlands and attend your first meeting with your GIS colleagues, you'll most likely not undertand a single word, even if they speak English. The reason? The zillions of acronyms they use.
Here's a short list to help you survive the first few meetings.
- BAG: dataset about buildings and adresses in the Netherlands
- BGT: large-scale (1:1000/1:500) topographic map (actually an object oriented data set) of the Netherlands, replacing GBKN
- BK: Bouwkunde, architecture in Dutch
- FP7: A large European research initiative, with calls for funding in many areas
- Geonovum: body in charge of the development and the management of the standards related to geo-information in the Netherlands
- GBKN: the large-scale topographic map of the Netherlands. Will be replaced by the BGT from 1-1-2016
- INSPIRE: A European initiative related to data interoperability
- Kadaster: producer of the topographic maps of the Netherlands from scale 1:10k and smaller (and responsible for registration of real estate)
- Omgevingswet: Dutch law ("Environmental Act")
- NWO: the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, they fund research projects
- PDOK: website in which all Dutch open geo-datasets are hosted
- RWS: Rijkswaterstaat, a part of the Ministry of Infrastructures and the Environment in charge of the maintenance of the main roads and the waterways
- STW: the engineering part of NWO
- Top10NL: the Dutch topographic object oriented data set at scale 1:10k
- TNO: Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research