A month-long celebration of non-commercial botmaking.
1–30 November 2016.
National Botmaking Month. It's like NaNoGenMo, which is itself like NaNoWriMo, inasmuch as all three are creative challenges which take place during the month of November. All three are international, so Na is a bit of a misnomer, but InBoMaMo is even more of a mouthful.
Bots (from 'robot') is used here as the term for the (often) small, (sometimes) simple and (occasionally) silly software denizens of platforms like Twitter and Slack. Bots do all manner of things, from telling the time (or not) to toying with the fundamental forces of the universe to generating Disney karaoke. For an idea of the great variety of (Twitter) bots out there, check out @botALLY's Following list.
Easy: make a bot during the month of November. Make a few! Or, if you're really keen, shoot for a bot a day across the entire thirty days… 😱 If you like, share your process, progress or finished projects on Twitter with the #NaBoMaMo hashtag.
Oh, good question! There are a whole bunch of tools and techniques for doing so, running the gamut from beginner-friendly webapps to bespoke codebases – a great place to start is Nora Reed's cheapbotsdonequick.com primer. For more, try the botpad archive, Botwiki's list of tutorials, or ask around on the #botALLY hashtag on Twitter – we're a friendly bunch!
Inside your own heart. ❤️
Can I work in a team/on an existing bot/in Brainfuck/…?
Are you having a good time? Are you causing anyone else to not have one? If the answers are yes and no respectively then sure, go for it!
Yep! 😁
This site is by Tully Hansen, a bot aficionado from way back (like, since 2014).
Yeah, my bad, I should set up proper Github Pages Jekyll install, but too busy making bots right now! Maybe next year.
NaBoMaMo is maintained by tullyhansen. This page was generated by GitHub Pages using the Cayman theme by Jason Long.