Install MQTT broker and client on the VPS server
# Install Mosquitto MQTT broker
sudo apt-get --yes install mosquitto mosquitto-clients
sudo systemctl start mosquitto
systemctl status mosquitto
mosquitto -h # mosquitto version 1.5.7; MQTT v3.1.1
Install MQTT client on Raspberry PI Zero
sudo apt-get --yes install mosquitto-clients
Clone Practical-Python-Programming-for-IoT repository
git clone pyiot
Configure mqtt broker. You need to change http_dir
path. The content of file mosquitto_pyiot.conf
is as follows. You may need to allow port 1883
and 8083
to pass through your sever firewall. If your server is using ufw
, the command below can be used.
sudo ufw allow 1883
sudo ufw allow 8083
For an unknown reason, mosquitto did not work with my user directory, so I need to move mosquitto_www
into a new directory.
sudo mv /home/tuyenld/mqtt-python/pyiot/chapter04/mosquitto_www /etc/mosquitto/conf.d/mosquitto_www
Add username/password configuration.
cd /etc/mosquitto/conf.d/
mosquitto_passwd -c pass piZero # password is pihat :)
# sudo vi /etc/mosquitto/conf.d/mosquitto_pyiot.conf
persistence true
# MQTT Protocol
listener 1883
# password file created above
password_file /etc/mosquitto/conf.d/pass
protocol mqtt
# Web Sockets Protocol
listener 8083
protocol websockets
http_dir /etc/mosquitto/conf.d/mosquitto_www
Restart mosquitto broker and test connection.
sudo systemctl restart mosquitto
# make sure that the new configuration is applied
systemctl status mosquitto
# Test connention
wget http://localhost:8083
Remember that MQTT uses ports 1883 and 8883 (for SSL).
sudo systemctl stop mosquitto.service
sudo rm /var/lib/mosquitto/mosquitto.db
sudo systemctl start mosquitto.service
sudo systemctl status mosquitto.service
# [subscriber] Terminal1 of Raspberry Pi
# Using username and password created
mosquitto_sub -u piZero -P pihat -v -h -t 'hat'
# [publisher] Terminal2 of VPS server (MQTT broker)
# the message 'hello' should be received at Terminal1
mosquitto_pub -u piZero -P pihat -h -t 'hat' -m 'hello'
sudo cat /var/log/mosquitto/mosquitto.log
systemctl status mosquitto
# Or alternatively, execute the following command to start Mosquitto manually
# which will display any startup or configurations errors in the Terminal
sudo mosquitto -v -c /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf
# clear log file
sudo truncate -s 0 /var/log/mosquitto/mosquitto.log
sudo apt-get install mosquitto
sudo apt-get install libmosquitto-dev libmosquittopp-dev libssl-dev
sudo vi /etc/mosquitto/conf.d/websocket.conf
listener 1883
listener 1884
protocol websockets
sudo service mosquitto restart
# As long as you make your code with the following flags.
# -l mosquittopp
sudo apt install python3-pip
sudo apt-get install python3-venv
python3 -m venv hat-env
source hat-env/bin/activate
pip install paho-mqtt
QOS 2: The message will be delivered exactly once.-c
--disable-clean-session: keep messages while I am offline.
# subscriber
mosquitto_sub -c -q2 -u piZero -P pihat -v -h -t 'hat'
# publisher
mosquitto_pub -u piZero -P pihat -h -t 'hat' -m 'hello'
# Durable connection
# qos is needed for both sub and pub
# -c : disable clean session/enable persistent client mode
mosquitto_pub -q 2 -h -t "example/temperature" -m 'hello'
mosquitto_sub -q 2 -c -i durable_id -h -t "example/temperature"
The MQTT client is single threaded, it will only receive and process one message at a time