This repository contains all the work that I did during my second semester of exchange at NUS. This module was given by Min and most of the resources are accessible here
- Assignment 1 : A ngram based Language Model
- Assignment 2 : A Boolean Retrieval indexation/search
- Assignment 3 : A tf-idf ranked based indexation/search
- Exercises : 4 Exercises from the Tutorial 0
- Ex1 : A oneline word counter
- Ex2 : A simple Paper/Scissors/Rock game
- Ex3 : Some list comprehension on nltk data
- Ex4 : First usage of nltk stemmer
I know my repository is public even during the semester. This was encouraged by Min. But please, respect the Facebook rule ! You can approach me during class or whenever and I'd more than happy to discuss the code or the ideas. But I don't want anyone to get into any problem, me included ;p