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- borrowed pointers | conditions | containers & iterators | ffi | macros | rustpkg | tasks
- Manual (PDF)
- Standard library
- Extra library
- Package manager
Tutorial (PDF)
- borrowed pointers | conditions | containers & iterators | ffi | macros | rustpkg | tasks
- Manual (PDF)
- Standard library
- Extra library
- Package manager
- Language FAQ
- Project FAQ
- Usage FAQ
- Code cheatsheet - "How do I do X?"
- HOWTO submit a bug report
- IRC:
- #rust on irc.mozilla.org - Main Rust channel - general discussion
- #rust-internals on irc.mozilla.org - Rust compiler and library development
- #rust-gamedev on irc.mozilla.org - game development in Rust
- #rust-osdev on irc.mozill.org - OS development in Rust
- #rust on irc.ozinger.org - Korean Rust community
- Mailing list rust-dev
- Reddit's r/rust
- User groups
Releases - Links to current and old releases and documentation
Detailed release notes - Further explanation of language changes
Rust for C++ programmers - A cheat sheet
Rusticon - A glossary of terms commonly used in Rust and Rust tools.
Unit testing - Writing tests and running them with the built-in test driver
Using rustpkg - Managing packages
Using rustdoc - How to extract Markdown and HTML documentation from code
Package documentation - Documentation for rust packages
Continuous integration - Test your GitHub-hosted packages with Travis CI
Reading and writing files
Attributes - The role of metadata in Rust code, with descriptions of many applications
Packages, editors, and other tools
Packaging Terminology
Crate Hashes - How Rust generates crate filenames, versions symbols, and why
Computer Graphics and Game Development - Libraries and example projects
Présentation du langage Rust - Detailed documentation in French, with examples
Building for Android
Building for iOS
People sometimes write about Rust. Interesting stuff usually appears on r/rust.
Some Rust classics:
- Pointers in Rust: A Guide
- A taste of Rust
- An overview of memory management in Rust
- Which pointer should I use?
- Lifetimes explained
- Little things that matter in language design
- Operator overloading in Rust
- Embedding Rust in Ruby
- A first parallel program in Rust
- FizzBuzz revisited
- Ownership types in Rust, and whether they're worth it
- Reasoning about the heap in Rust
- The Option Type
- How I got started hacking rustc
- Abstraction penalties, stack allocation, and ownership types
- Présentation de Rust 0.8 - A very detailed article about Rust 0.8, in French!
- John Clements, 10-minute talk (video) at SoCal PLS on Rust, Macros, and Hygiene. December 2013.
- Felix's Codemesh 2013 slides
- Geoffroy Couprie's Scala.IO 2013 slides
- Steve's presentation at RuPy 2013 "Nobody Knows Rust." slides, video to come soon
- Tim's presentation at OS Bridge 2013 - And slides
- Niko's presentation at Northeastern - Slides only
- An I/O system for Rust - Eric Reed's intern presentation on I/O
- Types of Types - Ben Blum's intern presentation on 'kinds'
- Default methods in Rust - Michael Sullivan's intern presentation on default methods
- A work stealing runtime for Rust - Aaron Todd's intern presentation on the Rust scheduler
- Dave Herman's StrangeLoop 2012 talk