We are choosing to deprecate fontsmith
and its family of libraries. They rely on a deprecated icomoon.io API, were never fully developed (e.g. missing SASS templates, multiple engines), and out of date (e.g. uses grunt@0.3
While we would love to keep everything running, we have to choose to prioritize other projects over this one. We suggest using grunt-webfont
as an alternative:
If you are interested in forking, feel free to (and maybe open an issue to let me know so we can link to it).
If you have a minor request (e.g. cannot figure out how to use existing tool), feel free to open an issue describing your problem.
IcoMoon driver written in PhantomJS
# Install module via npm
npm install -g icomoon-phantomjs
# Alternatively, you can clone the repo and run `phantomjs lib/icomoon-phantomjs.js`
# instead of `icomoon-phantomjs`
# Create a JSON file with absolute paths of SVGs to compile
echo '["/home/todd/github/twolfson.com/images/eye.svg",' > svgs.json
echo '"/home/todd/github/twolfson.com/images/fork.svg"]' >> svgs.json
# Get the URL of a zip file contaiing IcoMoon assets
icomoon-phantomjs svgs.json # Returns http://icomoon.io/FontConverter/zip/2/icomoon94905.zip
This module is intended to be a small chainable CLI utility.
icomoon-phantomjs path/to/json/containing/svg/paths
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint your code using grunt and test via npm test
Building Block designed by Michael Rowe from The Noun Project
Eye designed by Dmitry Baranovskiy from The Noun Project
Moon designed by P.J. Onori from The Noun Project
Support this project and others by twolfson via gittip.
Copyright (c) 2013 Todd Wolfson
Licensed under the MIT license.