The process of deploying to maven central has been automated based on the Complete guide to continuous deployment to maven central from Travis CI and will be executed whenever a non-snapshot version is committed.
It is preferable to use the automated deployment process over the manual process. However should fail or should the need arise to setup another continuous integration system the Manual deployment section describes how this works.
Is the build passing?
git checkout master
Replace version numbers in:
Then run (replace X.Y.Z below with the next release number):
git commit -am "Release X.Y.Z"
git tag vX.Y.Z
git push --tags
Travis will now deploy everything.
Finally update the version in build.gradle
to the next snapshot version.
It is preferable to use the automated deployment process over the manual process.
The deployment process of cucumber-android
is based on
Deploying to OSSRH with Gradle.
This process is nearly identical for both snapshot deployments and releases. Whether a snapshot
deployment or release is executed is determined by the version number.
To make a release you must have the
GPG private key imported in gpg2.
gpg --import
Additionally upload privileges to the Sonatype repositories are required or you can use cukebot credentials. See the OSSRH Guide for instructions. Then an administrator will have to grant you access to the cucumber repository.
Finally both your OSSRH credentials and private key must be setup in
your ~/.gradle/
- for example:
signing.keyId=123456AB # id
"./gradlew clean build publishToNexus closeAndReleaseRepositoryIfRelease --stacktrace"