- web foundations
- nano-degree info
- HTML series
- CSS series
- responsive web design series
- project: build a portfolio website
- web programming with javascript
- intro to javascript series
- shell workshop
- git series
- javascript and the DOM series
- project: pixel art maker
- project: memory game
- exploring js - objects, tools and testing
- web accessibility series
- OOP in JavaScript series
- project: classic arcade game
- gulp.js series
- testing javascript series
- project: feed reader testing
- front-end applications
- building with react
Core sections:
- web foundations
- web programming with javascript
- exploring js: objects, tools and testing
- front-end apps
- building with react
- what is js (series)
- data types & variables
- conditionals
- loops
- functions
- arrays
- objects
- syntax (self course)
- shell workshop (self course)
- what is version control (series)
- create a repo
- review a repo's history
- add commits to a repo
- tagging, branching, merging
- undoing changes
- working with remotes
- working on another dev's repo
- staying in sync with a remote repo
- the dom (series)
- creating content with js
- working with browser events
- pixel art maker (project)
- performance (apart of series)
- memory game (project)