diff --git a/bench/src/main/scala/org/scalacheck/bench/GenBench.scala b/bench/src/main/scala/org/scalacheck/bench/GenBench.scala
index f5eb4d428..e281c0642 100644
--- a/bench/src/main/scala/org/scalacheck/bench/GenBench.scala
+++ b/bench/src/main/scala/org/scalacheck/bench/GenBench.scala
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package org.scalacheck.bench
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations._
+import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary.arbitrary
import org.scalacheck.Gen
import org.scalacheck.rng.Seed
@@ -110,6 +111,10 @@ class GenBench {
def asciiPrintableStr(): List[String] =
seeds.map(s => Gen.asciiPrintableStr.pureApply(params, s))
+ @Benchmark
+ def arbitraryString(): List[String] =
+ seeds.map(s => arbitrary[String].pureApply(params, s))
private val gens = Vector.fill(10)(genInt)
@@ -146,4 +151,12 @@ class GenBench {
val gf = Gen.frequency(1 -> g, 2 -> g, 3 -> g, 4 -> g, 5 -> g)
gf.pureApply(params, s)
+ private def fg = Gen.choose(1, 100).filter(_ >= 3)
+ @Benchmark
+ def testFilter(): List[List[Int]] =
+ seeds.map { s =>
+ Gen.listOfN(100, fg).pureApply(params, s)
+ }
diff --git a/project/codegen.scala b/project/codegen.scala
index d2fde682f..7ba39cfaf 100644
--- a/project/codegen.scala
+++ b/project/codegen.scala
@@ -84,20 +84,13 @@ object codegen {
def zip(i: Int) = {
val gens = flatMappedGenerators(i, idents("t",i) zip idents("g",i))
- def sieveCopy = idents("g",i) zip idents("t",i) map { case (g,t) => s"$g.sieveCopy($t)" } mkString " && "
| /** Combines the given generators into one generator that produces a
| * tuple of their generated values. */
| def zip[${types(i)}](
| ${wrappedArgs("Gen",i)}
- | ): Gen[(${types(i)})] = {
- | val g = $gens
- | g.suchThat {
- | case (${vals(i)}) =>
- | ${sieveCopy}
- | }
- | }
+ | ): Gen[(${types(i)})] =
+ | $gens
diff --git a/src/main/scala/org/scalacheck/Arbitrary.scala b/src/main/scala/org/scalacheck/Arbitrary.scala
index e2a1ee152..36473706a 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/org/scalacheck/Arbitrary.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/org/scalacheck/Arbitrary.scala
@@ -80,13 +80,6 @@ private[scalacheck] sealed trait ArbitraryLowPriority {
/**** Arbitrary instances for each AnyVal ****/
- /** Arbitrary AnyVal */
- implicit lazy val arbAnyVal: Arbitrary[AnyVal] = Arbitrary(oneOf(
- arbitrary[Unit], arbitrary[Boolean], arbitrary[Char], arbitrary[Byte],
- arbitrary[Short], arbitrary[Int], arbitrary[Long], arbitrary[Float],
- arbitrary[Double]
- ))
/** Arbitrary instance of Boolean */
implicit lazy val arbBool: Arbitrary[Boolean] =
Arbitrary(oneOf(true, false))
@@ -120,37 +113,33 @@ private[scalacheck] sealed trait ArbitraryLowPriority {
/** Arbitrary instance of Char */
- implicit lazy val arbChar: Arbitrary[Char] = Arbitrary {
- // exclude 0xFFFE due to this bug: https://bit.ly/2pTpAu8
- // also exclude 0xFFFF as it is not unicode: http://bit.ly/2cVBrzK
- val validRangesInclusive = List[(Char, Char)](
- (0x0000, 0xD7FF),
- (0xE000, 0xFFFD)
- )
- Gen.frequency((validRangesInclusive.map {
- case (first, last) => (last + 1 - first, Gen.choose[Char](first, last))
- }: List[(Int, Gen[Char])]): _*)
- }
+ implicit lazy val arbChar: Arbitrary[Char] =
+ Arbitrary(Gen.unicodeChar)
/** Arbitrary instance of Byte */
- implicit lazy val arbByte: Arbitrary[Byte] = Arbitrary(
- Gen.chooseNum(Byte.MinValue, Byte.MaxValue)
- )
+ implicit lazy val arbByte: Arbitrary[Byte] =
+ Arbitrary(Gen.chooseNum(Byte.MinValue, Byte.MaxValue))
/** Arbitrary instance of Short */
- implicit lazy val arbShort: Arbitrary[Short] = Arbitrary(
- Gen.chooseNum(Short.MinValue, Short.MaxValue)
- )
+ implicit lazy val arbShort: Arbitrary[Short] =
+ Arbitrary(Gen.chooseNum(Short.MinValue, Short.MaxValue))
/** Absolutely, totally, 100% arbitrarily chosen Unit. */
- implicit lazy val arbUnit: Arbitrary[Unit] = Arbitrary(const(()))
+ implicit lazy val arbUnit: Arbitrary[Unit] =
+ Arbitrary(Gen.const(()))
+ /** Arbitrary AnyVal */
+ implicit lazy val arbAnyVal: Arbitrary[AnyVal] = Arbitrary(oneOf(
+ arbitrary[Unit], arbitrary[Boolean], arbitrary[Char], arbitrary[Byte],
+ arbitrary[Short], arbitrary[Int], arbitrary[Long], arbitrary[Float],
+ arbitrary[Double]
+ ))
/**** Arbitrary instances of other common types ****/
/** Arbitrary instance of String */
implicit lazy val arbString: Arbitrary[String] =
- Arbitrary(arbitrary[List[Char]] map (_.mkString))
+ Arbitrary(Gen.unicodeStr)
/** Arbitrary instance of Date */
implicit lazy val arbDate: Arbitrary[java.util.Date] =
diff --git a/src/main/scala/org/scalacheck/Gen.scala b/src/main/scala/org/scalacheck/Gen.scala
index 17e322d4b..31ba3491b 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/org/scalacheck/Gen.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/org/scalacheck/Gen.scala
@@ -33,21 +33,21 @@ sealed abstract class Gen[+T] extends Serializable { self =>
/** Just an alias */
private type P = Gen.Parameters
- /** Should be a copy of R.sieve. Used internally in Gen when some generators
- * with suchThat-clause are created (when R is not available). This method
- * actually breaks covariance, but since this method will only ever be
- * called with a value of exactly type T, it is OK. */
+ // This is no long used but preserved here for binary compatibility.
private[scalacheck] def sieveCopy(x: Any): Boolean = true
+ // If you implement new Gen[_] directly (instead of using
+ // combinators), make sure to use p.initialSeed or p.useInitialSeed
+ // in the implementation, instead of using seed directly.
private[scalacheck] def doApply(p: P, seed: Seed): R[T]
//// Public interface ////
/** A class supporting filtered operations. */
final class WithFilter(p: T => Boolean) {
- def map[U](f: T => U): Gen[U] = Gen.this.suchThat(p).map(f)
- def flatMap[U](f: T => Gen[U]): Gen[U] = Gen.this.suchThat(p).flatMap(f)
- def withFilter(q: T => Boolean): WithFilter = Gen.this.withFilter(x => p(x) && q(x))
+ def map[U](f: T => U): Gen[U] = self.suchThat(p).map(f)
+ def flatMap[U](f: T => Gen[U]): Gen[U] = self.suchThat(p).flatMap(f)
+ def withFilter(q: T => Boolean): WithFilter = self.withFilter(x => p(x) && q(x))
/** Evaluate this generator with the given parameters */
@@ -104,16 +104,14 @@ sealed abstract class Gen[+T] extends Serializable { self =>
* the generator fails (returns None). Also, make sure that the provided
* test property is side-effect free, e.g. it should not use external vars.
* This method is identical to [Gen.filter]. */
- def suchThat(f: T => Boolean): Gen[T] = new Gen[T] {
- def doApply(p: P, seed: Seed) =
- p.useInitialSeed(seed) { (p0, s0) =>
- val res = Gen.this.doApply(p0, s0)
- res.copy(s = { x:T => res.sieve(x) && f(x) })
- }
- override def sieveCopy(x: Any) =
- try Gen.this.sieveCopy(x) && f(x.asInstanceOf[T])
- catch { case _: java.lang.ClassCastException => false }
- }
+ def suchThat(f: T => Boolean): Gen[T] =
+ new Gen[T] {
+ def doApply(p: P, seed: Seed): Gen.R[T] =
+ p.useInitialSeed(seed) { (p0, s0) =>
+ val r = self.doApply(p0, s0)
+ r.copy(r = r.retrieve.filter(f))
+ }
+ }
case class RetryUntilException(n: Int) extends RuntimeException(s"retryUntil failed after $n attempts")
@@ -156,7 +154,7 @@ sealed abstract class Gen[+T] extends Serializable { self =>
/** Returns a new property that holds if and only if both this
* and the given generator generates the same result, or both
* generators generate no result. */
- def ==[U](g: Gen[U]) = Prop { prms =>
+ def ==[U](g: Gen[U]): Prop = Prop { prms =>
// test equality using a random seed
val seed = Seed.random()
val lhs = doApply(prms, seed).retrieve
@@ -164,9 +162,10 @@ sealed abstract class Gen[+T] extends Serializable { self =>
if (lhs == rhs) Prop.proved(prms) else Prop.falsified(prms)
- def !=[U](g: Gen[U]) = Prop.forAll(this)(r => Prop.forAll(g)(_ != r))
+ def !=[U](g: Gen[U]): Prop =
+ Prop.forAll(this)(r => Prop.forAll(g)(_ != r))
- def !==[U](g: Gen[U]) = Prop { prms =>
+ def !==[U](g: Gen[U]): Prop = Prop { prms =>
// test inequality using a random seed
val seed = Seed.random()
val lhs = doApply(prms, seed).retrieve
@@ -178,23 +177,22 @@ sealed abstract class Gen[+T] extends Serializable { self =>
def label(l: String): Gen[T] = new Gen[T] {
def doApply(p: P, seed: Seed) =
p.useInitialSeed(seed) { (p0, s0) =>
- val r = Gen.this.doApply(p0, s0)
+ val r = self.doApply(p0, s0)
r.copy(l = r.labels + l)
- override def sieveCopy(x: Any) = Gen.this.sieveCopy(x)
/** Put a label on the generator to make test reports clearer */
- def :|(l: String) = label(l)
+ def :|(l: String): Gen[T] = label(l)
/** Put a label on the generator to make test reports clearer */
- def |:(l: String) = label(l)
+ def |:(l: String): Gen[T] = label(l)
/** Put a label on the generator to make test reports clearer */
- def :|(l: Symbol) = label(l.name)
+ def :|(l: Symbol): Gen[T] = label(l.name)
/** Put a label on the generator to make test reports clearer */
- def |:(l: Symbol) = label(l.name)
+ def |:(l: Symbol): Gen[T] = label(l.name)
/** Perform some RNG perturbation before generating */
def withPerturb(f: Seed => Seed): Gen[T] =
@@ -214,35 +212,36 @@ object Gen extends GenArities with GenVersionSpecific {
private[scalacheck] trait R[+T] {
def labels: Set[String] = Set()
- def sieve[U >: T]: U => Boolean = _ => true
+ // sieve is no longer used but preserved for binary compatibility
+ final def sieve[U >: T]: U => Boolean = (_: U) => true
protected def result: Option[T]
def seed: Seed
- def retrieve: Option[T] = result.filter(sieve)
+ def retrieve: Option[T] = result
def copy[U >: T](
l: Set[String] = this.labels,
+ // s is no longer used but preserved for binary compatibility
s: U => Boolean = this.sieve,
r: Option[U] = this.result,
sd: Seed = this.seed
): R[U] = new R[U] {
override val labels = l
- override def sieve[V >: U] = { (x: Any) =>
- try s(x.asInstanceOf[U])
- catch { case _: java.lang.ClassCastException => false }
- }
val seed = sd
val result = r
- def map[U](f: T => U): R[U] = r(retrieve.map(f), seed).copy(l = labels)
+ def map[U](f: T => U): R[U] =
+ r(retrieve.map(f), seed).copy(l = labels)
- def flatMap[U](f: T => R[U]): R[U] = retrieve match {
- case None => r(None, seed).copy(l = labels)
- case Some(t) =>
- val r = f(t)
- r.copy(l = labels ++ r.labels, sd = r.seed)
- }
+ def flatMap[U](f: T => R[U]): R[U] =
+ retrieve match {
+ case None =>
+ r(None, seed).copy(l = labels)
+ case Some(t) =>
+ val r = f(t)
+ r.copy(l = labels | r.labels, sd = r.seed)
+ }
private[scalacheck] def r[T](r: Option[T], sd: Seed): R[T] = new R[T] {
@@ -473,7 +472,6 @@ object Gen extends GenArities with GenVersionSpecific {
private[scalacheck] def failed[T](seed0: Seed): R[T] =
new R[T] {
val result: Option[T] = None
- override def sieve[U >: T]: U => Boolean = _ => false
val seed = seed0
@@ -485,7 +483,7 @@ object Gen extends GenArities with GenVersionSpecific {
/** Sequences generators. If any of the given generators fails, the
* resulting generator will also fail. */
- def sequence[C,T](gs: Traversable[Gen[T]])(implicit b: Buildable[T,C]): Gen[C] = {
+ def sequence[C, T](gs: Traversable[Gen[T]])(implicit b: Buildable[T, C]): Gen[C] = {
val g = gen { (p, seed) =>
gs.foldLeft(r(Some(Vector.empty[T]), seed)) {
case (rs,g) =>
@@ -577,7 +575,7 @@ object Gen extends GenArities with GenVersionSpecific {
/** Picks a random generator from a list */
def oneOf[T](g0: Gen[T], g1: Gen[T], gn: Gen[T]*): Gen[T] = {
val gs = g0 +: g1 +: gn
- choose(0,gs.size-1).flatMap(gs(_)).suchThat(x => gs.exists(_.sieveCopy(x)))
+ choose(0, gs.size - 1).flatMap(i => gs(i))
/** Makes a generator result optional. Either `Some(T)` or `None` will be provided. */
@@ -598,16 +596,14 @@ object Gen extends GenArities with GenVersionSpecific {
if (filtered.isEmpty) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("no items with positive weights")
} else {
- var total = 0L
+ var total = 0L
val builder = TreeMap.newBuilder[Long, Gen[T]]
filtered.foreach { case (weight, value) =>
total += weight
builder += ((total, value))
val tree = builder.result
- choose(1L, total).flatMap(r => tree.rangeFrom(r).head._2).suchThat { x =>
- gs.exists(_._2.sieveCopy(x))
- }
+ choose(1L, total).flatMap(r => tree.rangeFrom(r).head._2)
@@ -631,11 +627,31 @@ object Gen extends GenArities with GenVersionSpecific {
* complete container generator will also fail. */
def buildableOfN[C,T](n: Int, g: Gen[T])(implicit
evb: Buildable[T,C], evt: C => Traversable[T]
- ): Gen[C] =
- sequence[C,T](Traversable.fill(n)(g)) suchThat { c =>
- // TODO: Can we guarantee c.size == n (See issue #89)?
- evt(c).forall(g.sieveCopy)
+ ): Gen[C] = {
+ require(n >= 0, s"invalid size given: $n")
+ new Gen[C] {
+ def doApply(p: P, seed0: Seed): R[C] = {
+ var seed: Seed = p.initialSeed.getOrElse(seed0)
+ val bldr = evb.builder
+ val allowedFailures = Gen.collectionRetries(n)
+ var failures = 0
+ var count = 0
+ while (count < n) {
+ val res = g.doApply(p, seed)
+ res.retrieve match {
+ case Some(t) =>
+ bldr += t
+ count += 1
+ case None =>
+ failures += 1
+ if (failures >= allowedFailures) return r(None, res.seed)
+ }
+ seed = res.seed
+ }
+ r(Some(bldr.result), seed)
+ }
+ }
/** Generates a container of any Traversable type for which there exists an
* implicit [[org.scalacheck.util.Buildable]] instance. The elements in the
@@ -644,9 +660,8 @@ object Gen extends GenArities with GenVersionSpecific {
def buildableOf[C,T](g: Gen[T])(implicit
evb: Buildable[T,C], evt: C => Traversable[T]
): Gen[C] =
- sized(s => choose(0, s max 0).flatMap(buildableOfN[C,T](_,g))) suchThat { c =>
- if (c == null) g.sieveCopy(null) else evt(c).forall(g.sieveCopy)
- }
+ sized(s => choose(0, Integer.max(s, 0)))
+ .flatMap(n => buildableOfN(n, g)(evb, evt))
/** Generates a non-empty container of any Traversable type for which there
* exists an implicit [[org.scalacheck.util.Buildable]] instance. The
@@ -656,80 +671,91 @@ object Gen extends GenArities with GenVersionSpecific {
def nonEmptyBuildableOf[C,T](g: Gen[T])(implicit
evb: Buildable[T,C], evt: C => Traversable[T]
): Gen[C] =
- sized(s => choose(1, s max 1).flatMap(buildableOfN[C,T](_,g))) suchThat(c => evt(c).size > 0)
+ buildableOf(g)(evb, evt).suchThat(c => evt(c).size > 0)
/** A convenience method for calling `buildableOfN[C[T],T](n,g)`. */
def containerOfN[C[_],T](n: Int, g: Gen[T])(implicit
evb: Buildable[T,C[T]], evt: C[T] => Traversable[T]
- ): Gen[C[T]] = buildableOfN[C[T],T](n,g)
+ ): Gen[C[T]] = buildableOfN[C[T], T](n, g)(evb, evt)
/** A convenience method for calling `buildableOf[C[T],T](g)`. */
def containerOf[C[_],T](g: Gen[T])(implicit
evb: Buildable[T,C[T]], evt: C[T] => Traversable[T]
- ): Gen[C[T]] = buildableOf[C[T],T](g)
+ ): Gen[C[T]] = buildableOf[C[T], T](g)(evb, evt)
/** A convenience method for calling `nonEmptyBuildableOf[C[T],T](g)`. */
def nonEmptyContainerOf[C[_],T](g: Gen[T])(implicit
evb: Buildable[T,C[T]], evt: C[T] => Traversable[T]
- ): Gen[C[T]] = nonEmptyBuildableOf[C[T],T](g)
+ ): Gen[C[T]] = nonEmptyBuildableOf[C[T], T](g)(evb, evt)
/** Generates a list of random length. The maximum length depends on the
* size parameter. This method is equal to calling
* `containerOf[List,T](g)`. */
- def listOf[T](g: => Gen[T]) = buildableOf[List[T],T](g)
+ def listOf[T](g: => Gen[T]) = buildableOf[List[T], T](g)
/** Generates a non-empty list of random length. The maximum length depends
* on the size parameter. This method is equal to calling
* `nonEmptyContainerOf[List,T](g)`. */
- def nonEmptyListOf[T](g: => Gen[T]) = nonEmptyBuildableOf[List[T],T](g)
+ def nonEmptyListOf[T](g: => Gen[T]) = nonEmptyBuildableOf[List[T], T](g)
/** Generates a list with at most the given number of elements. This method
* is equal to calling `containerOfN[List,T](n,g)`. */
- def listOfN[T](n: Int, g: Gen[T]) = buildableOfN[List[T],T](n,g)
+ def listOfN[T](n: Int, g: Gen[T]) = buildableOfN[List[T], T](n, g)
/** Generates a map of random length. The maximum length depends on the
* size parameter. This method is equal to calling
* containerOf[Map,(T,U)](g)
. */
- def mapOf[T,U](g: => Gen[(T,U)]) = buildableOf[Map[T,U],(T,U)](g)
+ def mapOf[T, U](g: => Gen[(T, U)]) = buildableOf[Map[T, U], (T, U)](g)
/** Generates a non-empty map of random length. The maximum length depends
* on the size parameter. This method is equal to calling
* nonEmptyContainerOf[Map,(T,U)](g)
. */
- def nonEmptyMap[T,U](g: => Gen[(T,U)]) = nonEmptyBuildableOf[Map[T,U],(T,U)](g)
+ def nonEmptyMap[T,U](g: => Gen[(T,U)]) = nonEmptyBuildableOf[Map[T, U],(T, U)](g)
/** Generates a map with at most the given number of elements. This method
* is equal to calling containerOfN[Map,(T,U)](n,g)
. */
- def mapOfN[T,U](n: Int, g: Gen[(T,U)]) = buildableOfN[Map[T,U],(T,U)](n,g)
+ def mapOfN[T,U](n: Int, g: Gen[(T, U)]) = buildableOfN[Map[T, U],(T, U)](n, g)
- /** Generates an infinite stream. */
+ /**
+ * Generates an infinite stream.
+ *
+ * Failures in the underlying generator may terminate the stream.
+ * Otherwise it will continue forever.
+ */
def infiniteStream[T](g: => Gen[T]): Gen[Stream[T]] = {
- def unfold[A, S](z: S)(f: S => Option[(A, S)]): Stream[A] = f(z) match {
- case Some((h, s)) => h #:: unfold(s)(f)
- case None => Stream.empty
- }
- gen { (p, seed0) =>
- new R[Stream[T]] {
- val result: Option[Stream[T]] = Some(unfold(seed0)(s => Some(g.pureApply(p, s) -> s.next)))
- val seed: Seed = seed0.next
+ val attemptsPerItem = 10
+ def unfold(p: P, seed: Seed, attemptsLeft: Int): Stream[T] =
+ if (attemptsLeft <= 0) {
+ Stream.empty
+ } else {
+ val r = g.doPureApply(p, seed)
+ r.retrieve match {
+ case Some(t) => t #:: unfold(p, r.seed, attemptsPerItem)
+ case None => unfold(p, r.seed, attemptsLeft - 1)
+ }
+ gen { (p, seed0) =>
+ val stream = unfold(p, seed0, attemptsPerItem)
+ r(Some(stream), seed0.slide)
/** A generator that picks a random number of elements from a list */
- def someOf[T](l: Iterable[T]) = choose(0,l.size).flatMap(pick(_,l))
+ def someOf[T](l: Iterable[T]): Gen[collection.Seq[T]] =
+ choose(0, l.size).flatMap(pick(_,l))
/** A generator that picks a random number of elements from a list */
- def someOf[T](g1: Gen[T], g2: Gen[T], gs: Gen[T]*) =
+ def someOf[T](g1: Gen[T], g2: Gen[T], gs: Gen[T]*): Gen[collection.Seq[T]] =
choose(0, gs.length+2).flatMap(pick(_, g1, g2, gs: _*))
/** A generator that picks at least one element from a list */
- def atLeastOne[T](l: Iterable[T]) = {
+ def atLeastOne[T](l: Iterable[T]): Gen[collection.Seq[T]] = {
require(l.size > 0, "There has to be at least one option to choose from")
/** A generator that picks at least one element from a list */
- def atLeastOne[T](g1: Gen[T], g2: Gen[T], gs: Gen[T]*) =
+ def atLeastOne[T](g1: Gen[T], g2: Gen[T], gs: Gen[T]*): Gen[collection.Seq[T]] =
choose(1, gs.length+2).flatMap(pick(_, g1, g2, gs: _*))
/** A generator that randomly picks a given number of elements from a list
@@ -751,7 +777,7 @@ object Gen extends GenArities with GenVersionSpecific {
buf += t
} else {
val (x, s) = seed.long
- val i = (x & 0x7fffffff).toInt % count
+ val i = (x & Long.MaxValue % count).toInt
if (i < n) buf(i) = t
seed = s
@@ -764,12 +790,8 @@ object Gen extends GenArities with GenVersionSpecific {
* The elements are not guaranteed to be permuted in random order.
- def pick[T](n: Int, g1: Gen[T], g2: Gen[T], gn: Gen[T]*): Gen[Seq[T]] = {
- val gs = g1 +: g2 +: gn
- pick(n, 0 until gs.size).flatMap(idxs =>
- sequence[List[T],T](idxs.toList.map(gs(_)))
- ).suchThat(_.forall(x => gs.exists(_.sieveCopy(x))))
- }
+ def pick[T](n: Int, g1: Gen[T], g2: Gen[T], gn: Gen[T]*): Gen[Seq[T]] =
+ sequence[Seq[T], T](g1 +: g2 +: gn)
/** Takes a function and returns a generator that generates arbitrary
* results of that function by feeding it with arbitrarily generated input
@@ -784,78 +806,139 @@ object Gen extends GenArities with GenVersionSpecific {
//// Character Generators ////
+ private def charSample(cs: Array[Char]): Gen[Char] =
+ new Gen[Char] {
+ def doApply(p: P, seed0: Seed): Gen.R[Char] = {
+ val seed1 = p.initialSeed.getOrElse(seed0)
+ val (x, seed2) = seed1.long
+ val i = ((x & Long.MaxValue) % cs.length).toInt
+ r(Some(cs(i)), seed2)
+ }
+ }
/** Generates a numerical character */
- def numChar: Gen[Char] = choose(48.toChar, 57.toChar)
+ val numChar: Gen[Char] =
+ charSample(('0' to '9').toArray)
/** Generates an upper-case alpha character */
- def alphaUpperChar: Gen[Char] = choose(65.toChar, 90.toChar)
+ val alphaUpperChar: Gen[Char] =
+ charSample(('A' to 'Z').toArray)
/** Generates a lower-case alpha character */
- def alphaLowerChar: Gen[Char] = choose(97.toChar, 122.toChar)
+ val alphaLowerChar: Gen[Char] =
+ charSample(('a' to 'z').toArray)
/** Generates an alpha character */
- def alphaChar = frequency((1,alphaUpperChar), (9,alphaLowerChar))
+ val alphaChar: Gen[Char] =
+ charSample((('A' to 'Z') ++ ('a' to 'z')).toArray)
/** Generates an alphanumerical character */
- def alphaNumChar = frequency((1,numChar), (9,alphaChar))
+ val alphaNumChar: Gen[Char] =
+ charSample((('0' to '9') ++ ('A' to 'Z') ++ ('a' to 'z')).toArray)
/** Generates a ASCII character, with extra weighting for printable characters */
- def asciiChar: Gen[Char] = chooseNum(0, 127, 32 to 126:_*).map(_.toChar)
+ val asciiChar: Gen[Char] =
+ choose(0, 127).map(_.toChar)
/** Generates a ASCII printable character */
- def asciiPrintableChar: Gen[Char] = choose(32.toChar, 126.toChar)
+ val asciiPrintableChar: Gen[Char] =
+ choose(32.toChar, 126.toChar)
/** Generates a character that can represent a valid hexadecimal digit. This
* includes both upper and lower case values.
- def hexChar: Gen[Char] =
- Gen.oneOf(
- Gen.oneOf("0123456789abcdef".toSeq),
- Gen.oneOf("0123456789ABCDEF".toSeq)
- )
+ val hexChar: Gen[Char] =
+ charSample("0123456789abcdef0123456789ABCDEF".toArray)
+ // valid ranges are [0x0000, 0xD7FF] and [0xE000, 0xFFFD].
+ //
+ // ((0xFFFD + 1) - 0xE000) + ((0xD7FF + 1) - 0x0000)
+ val unicodeChar: Gen[Char] =
+ choose(0, 63486).map { i =>
+ if (i <= 0xD7FF) i.toChar
+ else (i + 2048).toChar
+ }
//// String Generators ////
+ private def mkString(n: Int, sb: StringBuilder, gc: Gen[Char], p: P, seed0: Seed): R[String] = {
+ var seed: Seed = seed0
+ val allowedFailures = Gen.collectionRetries(n)
+ var failures = 0
+ var count = 0
+ while (count < n) {
+ val res = gc.doApply(p, seed)
+ res.retrieve match {
+ case Some(c) =>
+ sb += c
+ count += 1
+ case None =>
+ failures += 1
+ if (failures >= allowedFailures) return r(None, res.seed)
+ }
+ seed = res.seed
+ }
+ r(Some(sb.toString), seed)
+ }
+ def stringOfN(n: Int, gc: Gen[Char]): Gen[String] =
+ gen { (p, seed) =>
+ mkString(n, new StringBuilder, gc, p, seed)
+ }
+ def stringOf(gc: Gen[Char]): Gen[String] =
+ gen { (p, seed0) =>
+ val (n, seed1) = Gen.mkSize(p, seed0)
+ mkString(n, new StringBuilder, gc, p, seed1)
+ }
/** Generates a string that starts with a lower-case alpha character,
* and only contains alphanumerical characters */
- def identifier: Gen[String] = (for {
- c <- alphaLowerChar
- cs <- listOf(alphaNumChar)
- } yield (c::cs).mkString)
+ val identifier: Gen[String] =
+ gen { (p, seed0) =>
+ val (n, seed1) = Gen.mkSize(p, seed0)
+ val sb = new StringBuilder
+ val res1 = alphaLowerChar.doApply(p, seed1)
+ sb += res1.retrieve.get
+ mkString(n - 1, sb, alphaNumChar, p, res1.seed)
+ }
/** Generates a string of digits */
- def numStr: Gen[String] =
- listOf(numChar).map(_.mkString)
+ val numStr: Gen[String] =
+ stringOf(numChar)
/** Generates a string of upper-case alpha characters */
- def alphaUpperStr: Gen[String] =
- listOf(alphaUpperChar).map(_.mkString)
+ val alphaUpperStr: Gen[String] =
+ stringOf(alphaUpperChar)
/** Generates a string of lower-case alpha characters */
- def alphaLowerStr: Gen[String] =
- listOf(alphaLowerChar).map(_.mkString)
+ val alphaLowerStr: Gen[String] =
+ stringOf(alphaLowerChar)
/** Generates a string of alpha characters */
- def alphaStr: Gen[String] =
- listOf(alphaChar).map(_.mkString)
+ val alphaStr: Gen[String] =
+ stringOf(alphaChar)
/** Generates a string of alphanumerical characters */
- def alphaNumStr: Gen[String] =
- listOf(alphaNumChar).map(_.mkString)
+ val alphaNumStr: Gen[String] =
+ stringOf(alphaNumChar)
/** Generates a string of ASCII characters, with extra weighting for printable characters */
- def asciiStr: Gen[String] =
- listOf(asciiChar).map(_.mkString)
+ val asciiStr: Gen[String] =
+ stringOf(asciiChar)
/** Generates a string of ASCII printable characters */
- def asciiPrintableStr: Gen[String] =
- listOf(asciiPrintableChar).map(_.mkString)
+ val asciiPrintableStr: Gen[String] =
+ stringOf(asciiPrintableChar)
/** Generates a string that can represent a valid hexadecimal digit. This
* includes both upper and lower case values.
- def hexStr: Gen[String] =
- listOf(hexChar).map(_.mkString)
+ val hexStr: Gen[String] =
+ stringOf(hexChar)
+ val unicodeStr: Gen[String] =
+ stringOf(unicodeChar)
//// Number Generators ////
@@ -993,4 +1076,15 @@ object Gen extends GenArities with GenVersionSpecific {
1 -> const(Duration.Undefined),
1 -> const(Duration.Zero),
6 -> finiteDuration)
+ // used to compute a uniformly-distributed size
+ private def mkSize(p: Gen.Parameters, seed0: Seed): (Int, Seed) = {
+ val maxSize = Integer.max(p.size + 1, 1)
+ val (x, seed1) = seed0.long
+ (((x & Long.MaxValue) % maxSize).toInt, seed1)
+ }
+ // used to calculate how many per-item retries we should allow.
+ private def collectionRetries(n: Int): Int =
+ Integer.max(10, n / 10)
diff --git a/src/main/scala/org/scalacheck/Prop.scala b/src/main/scala/org/scalacheck/Prop.scala
index 2a5a77c5f..45e4281ae 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/org/scalacheck/Prop.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/org/scalacheck/Prop.scala
@@ -779,7 +779,7 @@ object Prop {
def shrinker(x: T, r: Result, shrinks: Int, orig: T): Result = {
- val xs = shrink(x).filter(gr.sieve)
+ val xs = shrink(x)
val res = r.addArg(Arg(labels,x,shrinks,orig,pp(x),pp(orig)))
if(xs.isEmpty) res else getFirstFailure(xs) match {
case Right((x2,r2)) => res
diff --git a/src/main/scala/org/scalacheck/util/Buildable.scala b/src/main/scala/org/scalacheck/util/Buildable.scala
index f35b554f6..27a38aae6 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/org/scalacheck/util/Buildable.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/org/scalacheck/util/Buildable.scala
@@ -22,33 +22,14 @@ trait Buildable[T,C] extends Serializable {
object Buildable extends BuildableVersionSpecific {
import java.util.ArrayList
- implicit def buildableArrayList[T]: Buildable[T, ArrayList[T]] = new Buildable[T,ArrayList[T]] {
- def builder = new ArrayListBuilder[T]
- }
-object Buildable2 {
- implicit def buildableMutableMap[T,U] = new Buildable2[T,U,mutable.Map] {
- def builder = mutable.Map.newBuilder
- }
- implicit def buildableImmutableMap[T,U] = new Buildable2[T,U,immutable.Map] {
- def builder = immutable.Map.newBuilder
- }
- implicit def buildableMap[T,U] = new Buildable2[T,U,Map] {
- def builder = Map.newBuilder
- }
- implicit def buildableImmutableSortedMap[T: Ordering, U] = new Buildable2[T,U,immutable.SortedMap] {
- def builder = immutable.SortedMap.newBuilder
- }
- implicit def buildableSortedMap[T: Ordering, U] = new Buildable2[T,U,SortedMap] {
- def builder = SortedMap.newBuilder
- }
+ implicit def buildableArrayList[T]: Buildable[T, ArrayList[T]] =
+ new Buildable[T, ArrayList[T]] {
+ def builder = new ArrayListBuilder[T]
+ }
+ implicit def buildableSeq[T]: Buildable[T, Seq[T]] =
+ new Buildable[T, Seq[T]] {
+ def builder: mutable.Builder[T, Seq[T]] =
+ Seq.newBuilder[T]
+ }