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Codeception Composer Project Module

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Create throw away composer projects for Codeception tests.

Built with ♥ by Typist Tech

Codeception Composer Project Module is an open source project and completely free to use.

However, the amount of effort needed to maintain and develop new features is not sustainable without proper financial backing. If you have the capability, please consider donating using the links below:

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Create throw away composer projects for Codeception tests.


Because it's good to test your composer plugins in a more realistic environment.

The Goals, or What This Module Does?

Create throw away composer projects for Codeception tests.

Before each test:

  • Copy dummy composer project files to a temporary directory
  • Config local packages paths
  • Install package via composer
  • Change directory into the temporary directory

After each test:

  • Delete the temporary directory


composer require --dev typisttech/codeception-composer-project-module


In your Codeception config file (e.g: acceptance.suite.yml or acceptance.yml):

This is the minimal config:

        - ComposerProject:
            projectRoot: 'path/to/composer/project'
                - Cli
                - Filesystem

This is the full config:

        - ComposerProject:
            projectRoot: 'path/to/composer/project'
            composerInstallFlags: '--no-interaction --quiet'
            symlink: 'true'
                - 'tests/_data/dummy'
                - 'tests/_data/another-dummy'
                - Cli
                - Filesystem


Required String

Example: tests/_data/project

Path to the composer project directory, relative to the root directory (where codeception.yml is located). This directory must contain a composer.json file.


Optional String

Example: --no-interaction --verbose --no-ansi

Default: --no-interaction --quiet

Extra flags to pass in during composer install.

See: $ composer help install


Optional Boolean in single quotes

Example: 'false'

Default: 'true'

Should the local packages be symlink-ed or not.

See: Composer document


Optional Array of strings


- 'tests/_data/dummy'
- 'tests/_data/another-dummy'

Default: The root directory (where codeception.yml is located).

Paths to local packages, relative to the root directory (where codeception.yml is located).

See: Composer document

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Change directory to the temporary project directory

  • @return void




Run a composer command

  • @param string $command
  • @param bool $failNonZero Optional. Default: true Fails If exit code is > 0.
  • @return void


// This is equivalent to running `$ composer update --verbose` in the console.
$I->runComposerCommand('update --verbose');


Run composer install with composerInstallFlags

  • @return void




Get the path to the temporary project directory

Note: Return value maybe a symbolic link.

  • @return string



// To ensure real path:
$tmpProjectDir = $I->getTmpProjectDir();
$tmpProjectDir = realpath($tmpProjectDir);

Frequently Asked Questions

Which composer versions are supported?

Both v1 and v2.

I want to see what Codeception Composer Project Module have done for me?

Run the tests with the --debug flag.

Codeception Composer Project Module will log debug message to the console.

What to do when composer install fail or not install the latest version?

Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.

Make sure you have package version constraints and minimum stability set up correctly.

    "require": {
        "dummy/dummy": "*"
    "minimum-stability": "dev"

What to do when the tests are too slow?

Note: These methods are not suitable for every use case.

Do you have real life examples that use this composer plugin?

Here you go:

Add your own here

Will you add support for older PHP versions?

Never! This plugin will only work on actively supported PHP versions.

Don't use it on end of life or security fixes only PHP versions.

It looks awesome. Where can I find some more goodies like this

Where can I give 5-star reviews?

Thanks! Glad you like it. It's important to let me knows somebody is using this project. Please consider:


composer test
composer style:check


Please provide feedback! We want to make this project as useful as possible. Please submit an issue and point out what you do and don't like, or fork the project and send pull requests. No issue is too small.

Security Vulnerabilities

If you discover a security vulnerability within this project, please email us at All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.


Codeception Composer Project Module is a Typist Tech project and maintained by Tang Rufus, freelance developer for hire.

Full list of contributors can be found here.


Codeception Composer Project Module is released under the MIT License.