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Quick Reference

Glen Horton edited this page Oct 30, 2015 · 39 revisions


#####Run entire test suite on Curate Gem

  1. cd curate_fork
  2. bundle exec rake jetty:start
  3. bundle exec rake spec or if the test app doesn't exist yet bundle exec rake clean generate spec
  4. bundle exec rake spec

#####Run some tests on Curate Gem

  1. cd curate_fork
  2. bundle exec rake jetty:start
  3. BUNDLE_GEMFILE=./spec/internal/Gemfile bundle exec rspec path/to/spec.rb:LINE

#####Run entire test suite on Scholar application

  1. cd scholar_uc
  2. bundle exec rake jetty:start
  3. bundle exec rake spec

#####Run some tests on Scholar application

  1. cd scholar_uc
  2. bundle exec rake jetty:start
  3. rspec path/to/spec.rb:LINE

###Ruby on Rails

#####Rails Console

  • Find a user: User.find_by_email('')
  • Find a user by a column: User.where(email: '')
  • Display certain fields:'first_name,last_name,email').all
  • Display results in yaml format: y User.all
  • Mass update a column for multiple users: User.update_all(department: 'IT')


#####Sync a copy of your local development files to Larry

  1. rsync -avz -e ssh --delete /path/to/files
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