psql # local machine
psql -U userName -h hostName -d databaseName #Remote machine
Command | Purpose |
\l | List the databases |
\c | Connect to a database |
\d | Display all accessible tables in a database |
\d tableName | Describe the contents of a table |
\s | Displays the history of commands executed by the user |
\s fileName | Saves the history of commands in a file |
\g | shortcut to execute previous command |
\i fileName | Executes the lists of commands in a file |
\o fileName | Saves the output of the subsequent queries in a file. Exit the postGres to prevent further saving of the queries |
\q or control + D | Quit the postGres |
SELECT * FROM tableName; #Displays whole data provided in a table
SELECT col1,col2,...,colN FROM tableName; # Display only requested columns data
SELECT count(*) FROM tableName; # Prints the number of rows in a table
SELECT distinct(column) FROM tableName; #Prints the unique values in a column
SELECT * FROM tableName LIMIT n; #Displays only n rows
SELECT col1,col2,...,colN FROM tableName LIMIT n;
SELECT * FROM tableName ORDER BY column ASC
SELECT * FROM tableName ORDER BY column DESC
SELECT * FROM tableName WHERE col1='STRING/DATE' and/or col2=NUMBER and/or col3<=NUMBER and/or col4>=NUMBER
SELECT * FROM tableName WHERE col1<=10 ORDER BY col2 ASC LIMIT 100
The postgres stores the spatial objects in a hexadecimal format. Thus, we need to use ST_asTeXT(geometryColumn) function to get reable data
SELECT ST_asText(geom), col1, col2, col3 FROM tableName;
SELECT ST_asX(geom), ST_asY(geom), col1, col2, col3 FROM tableName;
# Above commands reads Lat and Long seperately
SELECT * FROM table1 t1, table2 t2 WHERE t1.colK = t2.colY
SELECT t1.col1, t2.col1, t1.col3,t3.col4 FROM table1 t1, table2 t3 WHERE t1.colK > t2.colY ORDER BY t1.col1 LIMIT 100
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