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Chapter 4

Extending and Enhancing the Orders and Registrations Bounded Contexts

Exploring further

A Description of the Orders and Registrations Bounded Context

The Orders and Registrations Bounded Context was described in some detail in the previous chapter. This chapter describes some changes that the team made in this bounded context during the second stage of their CQRS journey.

The specific topics described in this chapter include:

  • Improvements to the way that message correlation works with the *RegistrationProcess. This illustrates how aggregate instances within the bounded context can interact in a complex manner.
  • Implementing a record locator to enable a registrant to retrieve an order that was saved during a previous session. This illustrates adding some additional logic to the write-side that enables you to locate an aggregate instance without knowing its unique Id.
  • Adding a countdown timer to the UI to enable a registrant to track how much longer they have to complete an order. This illustrates enhancements to the write-side to support displaying rich information in the UI.
  • Supporting orders for multiple seat types simultaneously. For example a registrant requests five seats for pre-conference event and eight seats for the full conference. This adds more complex business logic into the write-side.
  • Supporting partially fulfilled orders where the only some of the seats that the registrant requests are available. This adds more complex business logic into the write-side.
  • CQRS command validation using MVC. This illustrates how to make use of the model validation feature in MVC to validate your CQRS commands before you send them to the domain.

Note: The Contoso Conference Management System described in this chapter is not the final version of the system. This guidance describes a journey, so some of the design decisions and implementation details change in later steps in the journey. These changes are described in subsequent chapters.

Working Definitions for this Chapter

The following definitions are used for the remainder of this chapter. For more detail, and possible alternative definitions see A CQRS/ES Deep Dive in the Reference Guide.


A command is a request for the system to perform an action that changes the state of the system. Commands are imperatives, for example MakeSeatReservation. In this bounded context, commands originate either from the UI as a result of a user initiating a request, or from a workflow when the workflow is directing an aggregate to perform an action.

Commands are processed once by a single recipient. A command bus transports commands that command handlers then dispatch to aggregates. Sending a command is an asynchronous operation with no return value.


An event describes something that has happened in the system, typically as a result of a command. Aggregates in the domain model raise events.

Multiple subscribers can handle a specific event. Aggregates publish events to an event bus; handlers register for specific types of event on the event bus and then deliver the events to the subscriber. In this bounded context, the only subscriber is a workflow.

Coordinating Workflow

In this bounded context, a Coordinating Workflow (or workflow) is a class that coordinates the behavior of the aggregates in the domain. A workflow subscribes to the events that the aggregates raise, and then follow a simple set of rules to determine which command or commands to send. The workflow does not contain any business logic, simply logic to determine the next command to send. The workflow is implemented as a state machine, so when the workflow responds to an event, it can change its internal state in addition to sending a new command.

The workflow in this bounded context can receive commands as well as subscribe to events.

User Stories

This chapter discusses the implementation of two user stories in addition to describing some changes and enhancements to the Orders and Registrations bounded context.

Implement a Login using a Record Locator

When a registrant creates an order for seats at a conference, the system generates a five character order access code and sends it to the registrant by email. The registrant can use her email address and the order access code on the conference web site to retrieve the order from the system at a later date. The registrant may wish to retrieve the order to review it, or to complete the registration process by assigning attendees to seats.

Inform the Registrant How Much Time Remains to Complete an Order

When a registrant creates an order, the system reserves the seats requested by the registrant until the order is complete or the reservations expire. To complete an order, the registrant must submit her details, such as name and email address, and make a successful payment.

To help the registrant, the system displays a count-down timer to inform the registrant how much time remains to complete the order before the seat reservations expire.

Enabling a Registrant to Create an Order that Includes Multiple Seat Types

When a registrant creates an order, the registrant may request different numbers of different seat types. For example, a registrant may request five seats for the full conference and three seats for the pre-conference workshop.

Handling Partially Fulfilled Orders

When a registrant creates an order, it may not be possible to completely fulfill the order. For example, a registrant may request a registrant may request five seats for the full conference, five seats for the drinks reception, and three seats for the pre-conference workshop. There may only be three seats available and one seat for the drinks reception, but more than three seats available for the pre-conference workshop. The system displays this information to the registrant and gives the registrant the opportunity to adjust the number of each type of seat in the order before continuing to the payment process.


The application is designed to deploy to Windows Azure. At this stage in the journey, the application consists of a web role that contains the MVC web application and a worker role that contains the message handlers and domain objects. The application uses SQL Azure databases for data storage, both on the write-side and the read-side. The application uses the Windows Azure Service Bus to provide its messaging infrastructure.

While you are exploring and testing the solution, you can run it locally, either using the Windows Azure compute emulator or by running the MVC web application directly and running a console application that hosts the handlers and domain objects. When you run the application locally, you can use a local SQL Express database instead of SQL Azure, and use a simple messaging infrastructure implemented in a SQL Express database.

For more information about the options for running the application, see Appendix 1.

Patterns and Concepts

  • What are the primary patterns or approaches that have been adopted for this bounded context? (CQRS, CQRS/ES, CRUD, ...)

  • What were the motivations for adopting these patterns or approaches for this bounded context?

  • What trade-offs did we evaluate?

  • What alternatives did we consider?

Record Locators

The system uses Access Codes instead of passwords to avoid the overhead for the registrant of setting up an account with the system. Many registrants may use the system only once, so there is no need to create a permanent account with a user ID and a password.

The system needs to be able to retrieve order information quickly based on the registrant's email address and access code. To provide a minimum level of security, the access codes that the system generates should not be predictable, and the order information that registrants can retrieve should not contain any sensitive information.

Querying the Read-side

The previous chapter focused on the write-side model and implementation, in this chapter we'll explore the read-side implementation in more detail. In particular you'll see how the team implemented the read model and the querying mechanism from the MVC controllers.

In this initial exploration of the CQRS pattern, the team decided to use SQL views in the database as the underlying source of the data queried by the MVC controllers on the read-side. These views currently exist in the same database as the normalized tables that the write model uses.

JanaPersona: The team will split the database into two and explore options for pushing changes from the normalized write-side to the de-normalized read-side in a later stage of the journey.

Storing De-normalized Views in a Database

One common option for storing the read-side data is to use a set of relational database tables to hold the de-normalized views. The read-side should be optimized for fast reads, so there is typically no benefit in storing normalized data because this will require complex queries to construct the data for the client. This implies that goals for the read-side should be to keep the queries as simple as possible, and to structure the tables in the database in such a way that they can be read quickly and efficiently.

An important area for consideration is the interface whereby a client such as an MVC controller action submits a query to the read-side model.

Figure 1

The Read-side storing data in a relational database

In figure 1, a client such as an MVC controller action invokes a method on a ViewRepository class to request the data that it needs. The ViewRepository class in turn runs a query against the de-normalized data in the database.

The team at Contoso evaluated two approaches to implementing the ViewRepository class: using the IQueryable interface and using non-generic data access objects (DAOs).

Using the IQueryable Interface

One approach to consider for the ViewRepository class is to have it return an IQueryable instance that enables the client to use LINQ to specify its query. It is very easy to return an IQueryable instance from many ORMs such as Entity Framework or NHibernate. The following code snippet illustrates how the client can submit such queries.

var ordersummary = repository.Query<OrderSummary>().Where(LINQ query to retrieve order summary);
var orderdetails = repository.Query<OrderDetails>().Where(LINQ query to retrieve order details);

This approach has a number of advantages:

  • Simplicity #1. This approach uses a thin abstraction layer over the underlying database. It is supported by multiple ORMs and minimizes the amount of code that you must write.
  • Simplicity #2. You only need to define a single repository and a single Query method.
  • Simplicity #3. You don't need a separate query object. On the read-side the queries should be simple because you have already de-normalized the data from the write-side to support the read-side clients.
  • Simplicity #4. You can make use of LINQ to provide support for features such as filtering, paging, and sorting in the client.
  • Testability. You can use LINQ to Objects for mocking.

MarkusPersona: In the RI, using Entity Framework, we didn't need to write any code at all to expose the IQueryable instance. We also had just a single ViewRepository class.

Possible objections to this approach include:

  • It is not easy to replace the data store with a non-relational database (that does not expose an IQueryable object. However, you can choose to implement the write-model differently in each bounded context using an approach that is appropriate to that bounded context.
  • The client might abuse the IQueryable interface be performing operations that can be done more efficiently as a part of the de-normalization process. You should ensure that the de-normalized data fully meets the requirements of the clients.
  • Using the IQueryable interface hides the queries away. However, since you de-normalize the data from the write-side, the queries against the relational database tables are unlikely to be complex.
  • It's hard to know if your integration tests cover all the different uses of the Query method.

Using Non-generic DAOs

An alternative approach is to have the ViewRepository expose custom Find and Get methods as shown in the following code snippets.

var ordersummary = dao.FindAllSummarizedOrders(userId);
var orderdetails = dao.GetOrderDetails(orderId);

You could also choose to use different DAO classes. This would make it easier to access different data sources.

var ordersummary = OrderSummaryDAO.FindAll(userId);
var orderdetails = OrderDetailsDAO.Get(orderId);

This approach has a number of advantages:

  • Simplicity #1. Dependencies are clearer for the client. For example, the client references an explicit IOrderSummaryDAO instance rather than a generic IViewRepository instance.
  • Simplicity #2. For the majority of queries, there are only one or two predefined ways to access the object. Different queries typically return different projections.
  • Flexibility #1. The Get and Find methods hide details such as the partitioning of the data store and the data access methods such as an ORM or executing SQL code explicitly. This makes it easier to change these choices in the future.
  • Flexibility #2. The Get and Find methods could use an ORM, LINQ, and the IQueryable interface behind the scenes to get the data from the data store. This is a choice that you could make on a method by method basis.
  • Performance #1. You can easily optimize the queries that the Find and Get methods run.
  • Performance #2. The data access layer executes all queries. There is no risk that the client MVC controller action tries to run complex and inefficient LINQ queries against the data source.
  • Testability. It is easier to specify unit tests for the Find and Get methods than to create suitable unit tests for the range of possible LINQ queries that a client could specify.

Possible objections to this approach include:

  • Using the IQueryable interface makes it much easier to use grids that support features such as paging, filtering, and sorting in the UI.

The team decided to adopt the second approach. For examples, see the ConferenceDao and OrderDao classes in the Registration project.

Making Information about Partially Fulfilled Orders Available to the Read-side

The UI displays data about orders that it obtains by querying the model on the read-side. Part of the data that the UI displays to the registrant is information about partially fulfilled orders: for each seat type in the order, the number of seats requested and the number of seats that are available. This information is temporary data that is only used while the registrant is creating the order using the UI; the business only needs to store information about seats that were actually purchased, not the difference between what the registrant requested and what the registrant purchased.

The consequence of this is that the informationa about how many seats the registrant requested only needs to exist in the model on the read-side.

JanaPersona: You can't store this information in an HTTP session because the registrant may leave the site in between requesting the seats and completing the order.

A further consequence, is that the underlying storage on the read-side cannot be simple SQL views because it includes data that is not stored in the underlying table storage on the write-side. This means that this information must be passed to the read-side by using events.

Figure 2 shows all the commands and events that the Order and SeatsAvailability aggregates use and how the Order aggregate pushes changes to the read-side by raising events.

Figure 2

The new architecture of the reservation process

The OrderPlaced, OrderUpdated, OrderPartiallyReserved, OrderRegistrantAssigned, and OrderReservationCompleted events are handled by the OrderViewModelGenerator class that uses DraftOrder and DraftOrderItem instances to persist changes to the view tables.

BharathPersona: If you look ahead to the next chapter, Preparing for the V1 Release, you'll see that the team extended the use of events and migrated the Orders and Registrations bounded context to use event sourcing.

CQRS Command Validation

When you implement the write-model, you should try to ensure that commands very rarely fail. This gives the best user experience, and makes it much easier to implement the asynchronous behavior in your application.

One approach, adopted by the team, is to use the model validation features in ASP.NET MVC 3.

You should be careful to distinguish between errors and business failures. Examples of errors include:

  • A message not being delivered due to a failure in the messaging infrastructure.
  • Data not being persisted due to a connectivity problem with the database.

In many cases, especially in the cloud, you can handle these errors by retrying the operation.

A business failure should have a predetermined business response. For example:

  • If a seat cannot be reserved because there are no seats left, then the system should add the request to a wait-list.
  • If a credit card payment fails, the user should be given the chance to try a different card, or to set up payment by invoice.

BharathPersona: Your domain experts should help you to identify possible business failures and determine the way that you handle them.

The Count-down Timer and the Read-model

The count-down timer that displays how much time remains to complete the order to the registrant is part of the business data in the system, and not just a part of the infrastructure. When a registrant creates an order and reserves seats, the count-down begins. The count-down continues, even if the registrant leaves the conference web site. The UI must be able to display the correct count-down value if the registrant returns to the site, therefore the reservation expiry time is a part of the data that is available from the read-model.

Implementation Details

This section describes some of the significant features of the implementation of the Orders and Registrations bounded context that are described in this chapter. You may find it useful to have a copy of the code so you can follow along. You can download a copy of the code from the repository on github: [mspnp/cqrs-journey-code][repourl].

Note: Do not expect the code samples to exactly match the code in the reference implementation. This chapter describes a step in the CQRS journey, the implementation may well change as we learn more and refactor the code.

The Order Access Code Record Locator

A registrant may need to retrieve an Order, either to view it, or to complete registering attendees to seats. This may happen in a different web session, so the registrant must supply some information to locate the previously saved order.

The following code sample shows how the Order class generates an new five character order access code that is persisted as part of the Order instance.

public string AccessCode { get; set; }

protected Order()
	this.AccessCode = HandleGenerator.Generate(5);

To retrieve an Order instance, a registrant must provide her email address and the order access code. The system will use these two items to locate the correct order. This logic is part of the read-side.

The following code sample from the OrderController class in the web application shows how the MVC controller submits the query to the repository to discover the unique OrderId value. This Find action passes the OrderId value to a Display action that displays the order information to the registrant.

public ActionResult Find(string conferenceCode, string email, string accessCode)
	var repo = this.repositoryFactory();
	using (repo as IDisposable)
		var order = repo.Query<DraftOrder>()
			.Where(o => o.RegistrantEmail == email && o.AccessCode == accessCode)

		if (order == null)
			return RedirectToAction("Find", new { conferenceCode = conferenceCode });

		return RedirectToAction("Display", new { conferenceCode = conferenceCode, orderId = order.OrderId });

This illustrates two ways of querying the read-side. The first, as shown in the previous code sample, enables you to use a LINQ query against an IQueryable instance. The second, as used in the MVC controller's Display action, retrieves a single instance based on its unique Id. The following code sample shows the Find and Query methods in the OrmViewRepository class that the MVC controller uses.

public T Find<T>(Guid id) where T : class
	return this.Set<T>().Find(id);

public IQueryable<T> Query<T>() where T : class
	return this.Set<T>();

The Count-down Timer

When a registrant creates and order and makes a seat reservation, those seats are reserved for a fixed period of time. The RegistrationProcess instance, which forwards the reservation from the SeatsAvailability aggregate, passes the time that the reservation expires to the Order aggregate. The following code sample shows how the Order aggregate receives and stores the reservation expiry time.

public DateTime? ReservationExpirationDate { get; private set; }

public void MarkAsReserved(DateTime expirationDate, IEnumerable<SeatQuantity> seats)

    this.ReservationExpirationDate = expirationDate;
    this.Items.AddRange(seats.Select(seat => new OrderItem(seat.SeatType, seat.Quantity)));

MarkusPersona: The ReservationExpirationDate is intially set in the Order constructor to a time 15 minutes after the Order is instantiated. This time may be revised by the RegistrationProcess workflow based on when the reservations are actually made. It is this time the workflow sends to the Order aggregate in the MarkSeatsAsReserved command.

The MVC RegistrationController class retrieves the order information on the read-side. The DraftOrder class includes the reservation expiry time that is then passed to the view using the ViewBag class, as shown in the following code sample.

public ActionResult SpecifyRegistrantDetails(string conferenceCode, Guid orderId)
	var repo = this.repositoryFactory();
	using (repo as IDisposable)
		var draftOrder = repo.Find<DraftOrder>(orderId);
		var conference = repo.Query<Conference>()
			.Where(c => c.Code == conferenceCode)

		this.ViewBag.ConferenceName = conference.Name;
		this.ViewBag.ConferenceCode = conference.Code;
		this.ViewBag.ExpirationDateUTCMilliseconds = draftOrder.BookingExpirationDate.HasValue ? ((draftOrder.BookingExpirationDate.Value.Ticks - EpochTicks) / 10000L) : 0L;
		this.ViewBag.OrderId = orderId;

		return View(new AssignRegistrantDetails { OrderId = orderId });

The MVC view then uses Javascript to display an animated count-down timer.

Using ASP.NET MVC 3 Validation for Commands

You should try to ensure that any commands that the MVC controllers in your application send to the write-model will succeed. You can use the features in MVC to validate the commands both client-side and server-side before sending them to the write-model.

MarkusPersona: Client-side validation is primarily a convenience to the user that avoids the need to for round trips to the server to help the user complete a form correctly. You still need server-side validation to ensure that the data is validated before it is forwarded to the write-model.

The following code sample shows the AssignRegistrantDetails command class that uses DataAnnotations to specify the validation requirements; in this example, that the FirstName, LastName, and Email fields are not empty.

using System;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using Common;

public class AssignRegistrantDetails : ICommand
	public AssignRegistrantDetails()
		this.Id = Guid.NewGuid();

	public Guid Id { get; private set; }

	public Guid OrderId { get; set; }

	[Required(AllowEmptyStrings = false)]
	public string FirstName { get; set; }

	[Required(AllowEmptyStrings = false)]
	public string LastName { get; set; }

	[Required(AllowEmptyStrings = false)]
	public string Email { get; set; }

The MVC view uses this command class as its model class. The following code sample from the SpecifyRegistrantDetails.cshtml file shows how the model is populated.

@model Registration.Commands.AssignRegistrantDetails


<div class="editor-label">@Html.LabelFor(model => model.FirstName)</div><div class="editor-field">@Html.EditorFor(model => model.FirstName)</div>
<div class="editor-label">@Html.LabelFor(model => model.LastName)</div><div class="editor-field">@Html.EditorFor(model => model.LastName)</div>
<div class="editor-label">@Html.LabelFor(model => model.Email)</div><div class="editor-field">@Html.EditorFor(model => model.Email)</div>

Client-side validation based on the DataAnnotations attributes is configured in the Web.config file as shown in the following snippet.

    <add key="ClientValidationEnabled" value="true" />
    <add key="UnobtrusiveJavaScriptEnabled" value="true" />

The server-side validation occurs in the controller before the command is sent. The following code sample from the RegistrationController class shows how the controller uses the IsValid property to validate the command. Remember that this example uses an instance of the command as the model.

public ActionResult SpecifyRegistrantDetails(string conferenceCode, Guid orderId, AssignRegistrantDetails command)
    if (!ModelState.IsValid)
        return SpecifyRegistrantDetails(conferenceCode, orderId);


    return RedirectToAction("SpecifyPaymentDetails", new { conferenceCode = conferenceCode, orderId = orderId });

For an additional example, see the RegisterToConference command and the StartRegistration action in the RegistrationController class.

For more information, see Models and Validation in ASP.NET MVC on MSDN.

Pushing Changes to the Read-side

Some information about orders only needs to exist on the read-side. In particular, the information about partially fulfilled orders is only used in the UI and is not part of the business information persisted by the domain model on the write-side.

This means that the system can't use SQL views as the underlying storage mechanism on the read-side because views cannot contain data that does not exist in the tables that they are based on.

The system stores the de-normalized order data in two tables in a SQL database: the OrdersView and OrderItemsView tables. The OrderItemsView table includes the RequestedSeats column that contains data that only exists on the read-side.

OrderIdA unique identifier for the Order
ReservationExpirationDateThe time when the seat reservations expire
StateValueThe state of the Order: Created, PartiallyReserved, ReservationCompleted, Rejected, Confirmed
RegistrantEmailThe email address of the Registrant
AccessCodeThe Access Code that the Registrant can use to access the Order

OrdersView Table

OrderItemIdA unique identifier for the Order Item
SeatTypeThe type of Seat requested
RequestedSeatsThe number of seats requested
ReservedSeatsThe number of seats reserved
OrderIDThe OrderId in the parent OrdersView table

OrderItemsView Table

To populate these tables in the read-model, the read-side handles events raised by the write-side and uses them to write to these tables. See Figure 2 above for more details.

The OrderViewModelGenerator class handles these events and updates the read-side repository.

public class OrderViewModelGenerator :
    IEventHandler<OrderPlaced>, IEventHandler<OrderUpdated>,
    IEventHandler<OrderPartiallyReserved>, IEventHandler<OrderReservationCompleted>,
    private readonly Func<ConferenceRegistrationDbContext> contextFactory;

    public OrderViewModelGenerator(Func<ConferenceRegistrationDbContext> contextFactory)
        this.contextFactory = contextFactory;

    public void Handle(OrderPlaced @event)
        using (var repository = this.contextFactory.Invoke())
            var dto = new DraftOrder(@event.SourceId, DraftOrder.States.Created)
                AccessCode = @event.AccessCode,
            dto.Lines.AddRange(@event.Seats.Select(seat => new DraftOrderItem(seat.SeatType, seat.Quantity)));


    public void Handle(OrderRegistrantAssigned @event)

    public void Handle(OrderUpdated @event)

    public void Handle(OrderPartiallyReserved @event)

    public void Handle(OrderReservationCompleted @event)


The following code sample shows the ConferenceRegistrationDbContext class.

public class ConferenceRegistrationDbContext : DbContext

    public T Find<T>(Guid id) where T : class
        return this.Set<T>().Find(id);

    public IQueryable<T> Query<T>() where T : class
        return this.Set<T>();

    public void Save<T>(T entity) where T : class
        var entry = this.Entry(entity);

        if (entry.State == System.Data.EntityState.Detached)


JanaPersona: Notice that this ConferenceRegistrationDbContext in the read-side includes a Save method to persist the changes sent from the write-side and handled by the OrderViewModelGenerator handler class.

Querying the Read-side

The following code sample shows a non-generic DAO class that the MVC controllers use to query for conference information on the read-side. It wraps the ConferenceRegistrationDbContext class shown previously.

public class ConferenceDao : IConferenceDao
    private readonly Func<ConferenceRegistrationDbContext> contextFactory;

    public ConferenceDao(Func<ConferenceRegistrationDbContext> contextFactory)
        this.contextFactory = contextFactory;

    public ConferenceDetails GetConferenceDetails(string conferenceCode)
        using (var repository = this.contextFactory.Invoke())
            return repository
                .Where(dto => dto.Code == conferenceCode)
                .Select(x => new ConferenceDetails { Id = x.Id, Code = x.Code, Name = x.Name, Description = x.Description, StartDate = x.StartDate })

    public ConferenceAlias GetConferenceAlias(string conferenceCode)

    public IList<SeatType> GetPublishedSeatTypes(Guid conferenceId)

JanaPersona: Notice how this ConferenceDao class only contains methods that return data. It is is used by the MVC controllers to retrieve data to display in the UI.

Refactoring the SeatsAvailability Aggregates

In the first stage of our CQRS, the domain included a ConferenceSeatsAvailabilty aggregate root class that modelled the number of seats remaining for a conference. In this stage of the journey, the team replaced the ConferenceSeatsAvailabilty aggregate with a SeatsAvailability aggregate to reflect the fact that there may be multiple seat types available at a particular conference; for example, full conference seats, pre-conference workshop seats, and cocktail party seats. Figure 3 shows the new SeatsAvailability aggregate and its constituent classes.

Figure 3

**The SeatsAvailability and its associated commands and events.

This aggregate now models the following facts:

  • There may be multiple seat types at a conference.
  • There may be different numbers of seats available for each seat type.

The domain now includes a SeatQuantity value type that you can use to represent a quantity of a particular seat type.

Previously, the aggregate raised either a ReservationAccepted or ReservationRejected event depending on whether there were sufficient seats. Now the aggregate raises a SeatsReserved event that reports how many seats of a particular type could be reserved. This means that the number of seats reserved may not match the number of seats requested; this information is passed back to the UI for the registrant to make a decision on how to proceed with the registration.

The AddSeats Method

You may have noticed in Figure 2 that the SeatsAvailability aggregate includes an AddSeats method with no corresponding command. The AddSeats method adjusts the total number of available seats of a given type. The Business Customer is responsible for making any such adjustments, and does this in the Conference Management bounded context. The Conference Management bounded context raises an event whenever the total number of available seats changes, the SeatsAvailability class then handles the event when its handler invokes the AddSeats method.


A common comment about implementations that use the CQRS pattern or that use messaging extensively is the difficulty in understanding how all of the different pieces of the application fit together through sending and receiving commands and events. You can help someone to understand your code base through appropriately designed unit tests.

Consider this first example of a unit test for the Order aggregate:

public class given_placed_order

    private Order sut;

    public given_placed_order()
        this.sut = new Order(
            OrderId, new[] 
                new OrderPlaced 
                    ConferenceId = ConferenceId,
                    Seats = new[] { new SeatQuantity(SeatTypeId, 5) },
                    ReservationAutoExpiration = DateTime.UtcNow

    public void when_updating_seats_then_updates_order_with_new_seats()
        this.sut.UpdateSeats(new[] { new OrderItem(SeatTypeId, 20) });

        var @event = (OrderUpdated)sut.Events.Single();
        Assert.Equal(OrderId, @event.SourceId);
        Assert.Equal(1, @event.Seats.Count());
        Assert.Equal(20, @event.Seats.ElementAt(0).Quantity);


This unit test creates an Order instance and directly invokes the UpdateSeats method. It does not provide any information to the person reading the test code about the command or event that causes this method to be invoked.

Consider this second example that performs the same test, but in this case it does so by sending a command.

public class given_placed_order
    private EventSourcingTestHelper<Order> sut;

    public given_placed_order()
        this.sut = new EventSourcingTestHelper<Order>();
        this.sut.Setup(new OrderCommandHandler(sut.Repository, pricingService.Object));

                new OrderPlaced 
                    SourceId = OrderId,
                    ConferenceId = ConferenceId,
                    Seats = new[] { new SeatQuantity(SeatTypeId, 5) },
                    ReservationAutoExpiration = DateTime.UtcNow

    public void when_updating_seats_then_updates_order_with_new_seats()
        this.sut.When(new RegisterToConference { ConferenceId = ConferenceId, OrderId = OrderId, Seats = new[] { new SeatQuantity(SeatTypeId, 20) }});

        var @event = sut.ThenHasSingle<OrderUpdated>();
        Assert.Equal(OrderId, @event.SourceId);
        Assert.Equal(1, @event.Seats.Count());
        Assert.Equal(20, @event.Seats.ElementAt(0).Quantity);

This example uses a helper class that enables you to send a command to the Order instance. Now someone reading the test can see that when you send a RegisterToConference command you expect to see an OrderUpdated event.