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Chapter 6

Coordinating Workflows and Sagas (Chapter Title)

Choosing a Name

The term Saga is commonly used in discussions of CQRS to refer to a piece of code that coordinates and routes messages between bounded contexts and aggregates. However, for the purposes of this guidance we prefer to use the term Coordinating Workflow or just Workflow to refer to this type of code artefact. There are two reasons for this:

  1. There is a well-known, pre-existing definition of the term Saga that has a different meaning from the one generally understood in relation to CQRS.
  2. The term Coordinating Workflow is a better description of the role performed by this type of code artefact.

The following section describes what we mean by the term Coordinating Workflow and the section after that provides some information about the pre-existing definition of the term Saga from the paper Sagas by Hector Garcia-Molina and Kenneth Salem.

Coordinating Workflows

This section outlines our definition of the term Coordinating Workflow. Before describing Coordinating Workflows there is a brief recap of how CQRS typically uses messages to communicate between aggregates and bounded contexts.

Messages and CQRS

When you implement the CQRS pattern, you typically think about two types of message to exchange information within your system: commands and events.

Commands are imperatives; they are requests for the system to perform a task or action. For example, "book two places on conference X" or "allocate speaker Y to room Z." Commands are usually processed just once, by a single recipient.

Events are notifications; they inform interested parties that something has happened. For example, "the payment was rejected" or "seat type X was created." Notice how they use the past tense. Events are published and may have multiple subscribers.

Typically, commands are sent within a bounded context. Events may have subscribers in the same bounded context as where they are published, or in other bounded contexts.

The chapter A CQRS/ES Deep Dive in this Reference Guide describes the differences between these two message types in detail.

What is a Coordinating Workflow?

In a complex system that you have modelled using aggregates and bounded contexts, there may be some business processes that involve multiple aggregates, or multiple aggregates in multiple bounded contexts. In these business processes multiple messages of different types are exchanged by the participating aggregates. For example, in a conference management system, the business process of purchasing seats at a conference might involve an order aggregate, a reservation aggregate, and a payment aggregate. They must all cooperate to enable a customer to complete a purchase.

Figure 1 shows a simplified view of the messages that these aggregates might exchange to complete an order. The numbers identify the message sequence.

Note: This does not illustrate how the Reference Implementation processes orders.

Figure 1

Order processing without using a Coordinating Workflow

In the example shown in Figure 1, each aggregate sends the appropriate command to the aggregate that performs the next step in the process. The Order aggregate first sends a MakeReservation command to the Reservation aggregate to reserve the seats requested by the customer. After the seats have been reserved, the Order aggregate sends a MakePayment command to the Payment aggregate. If the payment is successful, the Order aggregate notifies the Reservation aggregate so that it can confirm the seat reservation, and notifies the customer that the order is now complete.

Figure 2

Order processing with a Coordinating Workflow

The example shown in Figure 2 illustrates the same business process as that shown in Figure 1, but this time using a Coordinating Workflow. Now, instead of each aggregate sending messages directly to other aggregates, the messages are mediated by the Coordinating Workflow.

This appears to complicate the process: there is an additional object (the Coordinating Workflow) and a few more messages. However, there are benefits to this approach.

Firstly, the aggregates no longer need to know what is the next step in the process. Originally, the Order aggregate needed to know that after making a reservation it should try to make a payment by sending a message to the Payment aggregate. Now, it simply needs to report that an order has been created.

Secondly, the definition of the message flow is now located in a single place, the Coordinating Workflow, rather than being scattered throughout the aggregates.

In a simple business process such as the one shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2, these benefits are marginal. However, if you have a business process that involves six aggregates and tens of messages, the benefits become more apparent. This is espcially true if this is a volatile part of the system where there are frequent changes to the business process: in this scenario, the changes are likely to be localized to a limited numbe of objects.

In Figure 3, to illustrate this point, we introduce wait-listing to the process. If some of the seats requested by the customer cannot be reserved, the system adds these seat requests to a wait-list. To make this change, we modify the Reservation aggregate to raise a SeatsNotReserved event to report how many seats could not be reserved in addition to the SeatsReserved event that reports how many seats could be reserved. The Coordinating Workflow can then send a command to the WaitList aggregate to wait-list the unfulfilled part of the request.

Figure 3

It's important to note that the Coordinating Workflow does not perform any business logic. It only routes messages, and in some cases translates between message types. For example, when it receives a SeatsNotReserved event, it sends an AddToWaitList command.

Why Should I Use Coordinating Workflows?

Why Should I Not Use Coordinating Workflows?
