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Angular component for Google Maps Places autocomplete.

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This library offers a component to easily integrate a Google Maps Places autocomplete typeahead into your project.


  • Lightweight (only 4KB gzipped)
  • Uses Bootstrap styling classes
  • Configurable request options (e.g. to limit the results to specific country)
  • Configurable places details options (e.g. get longitude/latitude from selected place)
  • Returns places details (including long,lat,etc.) when user selects an option
  • Loads the Google Maps Javascript API lazily (only when the component is used, i.e. it doesn't add to the bundle size upfront)

Stackblitz Example App

See the component in action in this example app:


The library relies on the ngx-bootstrap typeahead component. Therefore the first step is to install that peer dependency.
(Note: The library is tree-shakeable, therefore only using the typeahead module doesn't add much to your application size.)

1. Install ngx-bootstrap:

npm install ngx-bootstrap --save

2. Add typeahead package to NgModule imports:

import {TypeaheadModule} from 'ngx-bootstrap/typeahead';

  imports: [TypeaheadModule.forRoot(),...]

3. Install @ueler/ng-google-places-autocomplete

npm install @ueler/ng-google-places-autocomplete --save

4. Import module and configure API Key:

You need a Google Maps API Key in order to run places search queries.
Please follow this guide on how to get one: Get API Key (you need to select the APIs Places API and Maps JavaScript API for the key). Provide the API key as config to your module:

import {
} from '@ueler/ng-google-places-autocomplete';

  providers: [
      useValue: {
        googleMapsApiKey: 'GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY_HERE'
      } as NgGooglePlacesAutocompleteSettings,
export class MyModule {


Basic usage:


Perform an action when user selects an option:

<lib-ng-google-places-autocomplete (addressChanged)="addressChanged($event)">

The $event contains the selected option of the type PlaceResult (

Configuration Options

Global configuration

In the module via the NgGooglePlacesAutocompleteSettings interface. You can set the locale and the Google Maps Api Key.

import {
} from '@ueler/ng-google-places-autocomplete';

  providers: [
      useValue: {
        googleMapsApiKey: 'YOUR_GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY',
        locale: 'de'
      } as NgGooglePlacesAutocompleteSettings
export class MyModule {

Local configuration

Autocompletion results

An optional configuration can be passed to the component to configure the typeahead results

<lib-ng-google-places-autocomplete [autocompletionOptions]="autocompletionOptions">

See google.maps.places.AutocompleteRequest for valid options.

For example, to limit the results to Switzerland, you can specify the following configuration and pass it to the component:

requestOptions: AutocompletionRequestOptions = {
    componentRestrictions: {country: 'CH'}

Place details

An optional configuration can be passed to the component to configure the returned place result (when user selects a typeahead entry):

<lib-ng-google-places-autocomplete [placesDetailsOptions]="placesDetailsOptions">

See google.maps.places.PlaceDetailsRequest for valid options.

For example, to get longitude and latitude of a place include the geometry option:

placesDetailsOptions: PlacesDetailsRequestOptions = {
    fields: ['geometry']

Other attributes

[inputPlaceholder]: Specify a placeholder for the typeahead input field.
[(inputText)]: Model to bind the value in the input box to.


The library is compatible with Angular versions >=8.2.14 and ngx-bootstrap >=5.3.2.