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128 lines (102 loc) · 4.97 KB


KiteModels v0.6.6 - 2024-09-03


  • the method next_step! uses now upwind_dir as parameter and not longer wind_dir
  • install matplotlib if it is not already installed after user confirmation in a Julia specific environment
  • replaced OrdinaryDiffEq with the three packages OrdinaryDiffEqCore, OrdinaryDiffEqBDF and OrdinaryDiffEqSDIRK. This should help to reduce the pre-compilation time.
  • set the parameter delta in the examples
  • always specify the system.yaml file to use in the examples, always use load_settings instead of se. This ensures that the settings are always freshly loaded from the file when the script is launched, so any changes to the settings become immediately effective.
  • the KPS4_3L model was replaced by the pure ModelingToolkit (MTK) based version. This allows not only a much faster simulation, but the results are also much more accurate.

KiteModels v0.6.5 - 2024-08-12


  • bump KiteUtils to 0.7.7
  • add new examples to menu
  • major change to the function that finds the initial equilibrium; the function init_sim! has the new parameter delta which should be in the range of 0.01 to 0.03.
  • better error message if init_sim!, but no exception any more. I just returns nothing.
  • remove dependency StatProfilerHTML


  • add KCU drag, based on kcu_diameter and cd_kcu
  • add function bridle_length (not exported)
  • unit tests for the KPS3_3L model, based on ModelingToolkit
  • script examples/plot_cl_cd.jl
  • script examples/plot_cl_cd_plate.jl
  • script torque_controlled_mtk.jl


  • correct tether drag based on l_bridle; if the kite has more than 7 bridle lines l_bridle must be larger than bridle_length(se)

KiteModels v0.6.4 - 2024-08-12


  • a new kite model, KPS3_3L was contributed by Bart van de Lint. It uses three lines to the ground and three winches for steering a ram-air foil kite.
  • caching for the initial equilibrium
  • function KiteModels.install_examples() that copies the examples, the data folder and installs the required extra packages
  • log alpha2, alpha3, alpha4; they must never become negative


  • the calculation of the call-backs per time step was fixed in all examples and the tests

KiteModels v0.6.3 - 2024-08-06


  • the function copy_examples() copies now all examples
  • updated the documentation
  • improved the scripts in the bin folder, not relevant for most users

KiteModels v0.6.2 - 2024-08-06


  • renamed the example simulate.jl to simulate_simple.jl
  • renamed the example simulate_ii.jl to simulate_steering.jl
  • add the script menu.jl that provides a menu with all the examples
  • bump ControlPlots to 0.1.4
  • bump KiteUtils to 0.7.4

KiteModels v0.6.1 - 2024-07-25


  • bump WinchModels to 0.3.2
  • bump KitePodModels to 0.3.3
  • fix example reel_out_4p_torque_control.jl

KiteModels v0.6.0 - 2024-07-25


  • use a new version of WinchModels.jl which provides an additional, torque-controlled winch
  • add many new winch parameters to settings.jl
  • BREAKING change: rename v_ro to set_speed in function step()

KiteModels v0.5.16 - 2024-06-25


  • bump KiteUtils to version 0.6.16
  • bump ControlPlots to version 0.0.12

KiteModels v0.5.15 - 2024-06-18


  • bump KiteUtils to version 0.6.12
  • drop support for Julia 1.9

KiteModels v0.5.14 - 2024-05-05


  • replace Plots with ControlPlots in the examples

KiteModels v0.5.13 - 2024-04-14


  • use rel_compr_stiffness and rel_damping from settings.yaml

KiteModels v0.5.12 - 2024-04-14


  • update KiteUtils to v0.6.7
  • update Documenter to v1.0


  • add type KPS4_3L, which is now only a copy of KPS4, but shall implement a kite with the steering lines going to the ground

KiteModels v0.5.11 - 2024-04-04


  • document the support for the DImplicitEuler solver, which is not very accurate, but because it is well known it can serve as a reference
  • support changing max_order for the DFBDF
  • further reduced the memory usage

KiteModels v0.5.10 - 2024-04-03


  • it is now possible (and suggested) to use the DAE solver DFBDF.

This requires adding the following line to the settings.yaml file:

solver: "DFBDF"

The new solver is much faster (4x average, 1.8x worst case), has a lot less memory allocations (~ 50%) and is also much more stable in highly dynamic situations.

KiteModels v0.5.8 - 2024-04-01


  • new, non-allocating function update_sys_state!(ss::SysState, s::AKM, zoom=1.0)

KiteModels v0.5.7 - 2024-04-01


  • improved performance by 10% by implementing custom norm() function for 3D vectors

KiteModels v0.5.6 - 2024-03-30


  • fix the method clear!(s::KPS4) which failed for models with less than 6 tether segments

Simulations should work fine now for one to about 28 tether segments (no hard upper limit, but things become slow and the visualization ugly if you have too many segments).