diff --git a/pipelines/azure_pipelines.yml b/pipelines/azure_pipelines.yml
index 098419ee9..8e9912632 100644
--- a/pipelines/azure_pipelines.yml
+++ b/pipelines/azure_pipelines.yml
@@ -57,6 +57,11 @@ extends:
version: 8.x
includePreviewVersions: true
+ - task: PowerShell@2
+ displayName: Validate OData Package Versions
+ inputs:
+ targetType: 'inline'
+ script: 'powershell.exe -executionpolicy remotesigned -File $(Build.SourcesDirectory)\tool\ValidateODataPackageVersions.ps1'
- task: DotNetCoreCLI@2
displayName: build Microsoft.AspNetCore.OData
diff --git a/tool/ValidateODataPackageVersions.ps1 b/tool/ValidateODataPackageVersions.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a0e6a35ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/ValidateODataPackageVersions.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+Validates the package versions in the .csproj file against the lower bound of the ODataLibPackageDependency version range in the builder.versions.settings.targets.
+.PARAMETER builderVersionTargetsPath
+Specifies the path to the builder.versions.settings.targets file.
+.PARAMETER csprojPath
+Specifies the path to the .csproj file.
+ [string]
+ $builderVersionTargetsPath,
+ [string]
+ $csprojPath
+# Constants
+$BUILDER_VERSION_TARGETS_FILENAME = "builder.versions.settings.targets"
+$CSPROJ_FILENAME = "Microsoft.AspNetCore.OData.csproj"
+# Path to your builder.versions.settings.targets file
+if ($builderVersionTargetsPath -eq "") {
+ $builderVersionTargetsPath = "$PSScriptRoot\$BUILDER_VERSION_TARGETS_FILENAME"
+# Path to your .csproj file
+if ($csprojPath -eq "") {
+ $csprojPath = Join-Path -Path (Split-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent) -ChildPath "src/Microsoft.AspNetCore.OData/$CSPROJ_FILENAME"
+# Function to extract the OData package dependency version range from the targets file
+function Get-ODataPackageDependencyVersion {
+ param (
+ [xml]$targets,
+ [string]$dependencyName
+ )
+ $dependencyVersionRange = [string]$targets.Project.PropertyGroup.$dependencyName
+ $dependencyVersionRange = $dependencyVersionRange.Trim()
+ $dependencyVersionRange = $dependencyVersionRange -replace "\s", ""
+ # Extract the lower bound version from the version range
+ $lowerBoundVersion = $dependencyVersionRange -replace "\[([^\]]+),.*", '$1'
+ return $lowerBoundVersion
+# Dictionary to store the OData package dependencies
+$odataPackageDependenciesDict = [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[String,String]]::new()
+# Load the targets file
+[xml]$targets = Get-Content $builderVersionTargetsPath
+# Extract the ODataLibPackageDependency version range
+$lowerBoundVersion = Get-ODataPackageDependencyVersion -targets $targets -dependencyName $ODATA_LIB_PACKAGE_DEPENDENCY_KEY
+$odataPackageDependenciesDict.Add($ODATA_LIB_PACKAGE_DEPENDENCY_KEY, $lowerBoundVersion)
+# Extract the ODataModelBuilderPackageDependency version range
+$lowerBoundVersion = Get-ODataPackageDependencyVersion -targets $targets -dependencyName $ODATA_MODEL_BUILDER_PACKAGE_DEPENDENCY_KEY
+$odataPackageDependenciesDict.Add($ODATA_MODEL_BUILDER_PACKAGE_DEPENDENCY_KEY, $lowerBoundVersion)
+# Extract the lower bound version from the version range
+$lowerBoundVersion = $odataPackageDependenciesDict[$ODATA_LIB_PACKAGE_DEPENDENCY_KEY]
+# Load the .csproj file
+[xml]$csproj = Get-Content $csprojPath
+# Extract the PackageReference versions
+$PackageReference = $csproj.Project.ItemGroup.PackageReference
+# Dictionary to store the PackageReferences
+$csprojPackageReferencesDict = @{
+ $ODATA_LIB_PACKAGE_DEPENDENCY_KEY = "Microsoft.OData.Core|Microsoft.OData.Client|Microsoft.OData.Edm|Microsoft.Spatial"
+foreach ($key in $odataPackageDependenciesDict.Keys) {
+ $lowerBoundVersion = $odataPackageDependenciesDict[$key]
+ $packageReferences = $PackageReference | Where-Object { $_.Include -match $csprojPackageReferencesDict[$key] }
+ $packageVersions = $packageReferences.Version
+ Write-Host "Validating the package versions of '$key' in '$CSPROJ_FILENAME' against the lower bound of the '$key' version range in '$BUILDER_VERSION_TARGETS_FILENAME'."
+ # Validate the versions
+ foreach ($version in $packageVersions) {
+ if ($version -ne $lowerBoundVersion) {
+ $exception = New-Object System.Exception(
+ "Error.VersionMismatch: '$key' version '$version' in '$csprojPath' do not match the lower bound '$lowerBoundVersion' of '$key' in '$builderVersionTargetsPath'.")
+ throw $exception
+ }
+ }
+ Write-Host "Validation successful: Package versions match the lower bound of the $key version range."
diff --git a/tool/builder.versions.settings.targets b/tool/builder.versions.settings.targets
index 74387234c..b6ff151c5 100644
--- a/tool/builder.versions.settings.targets
+++ b/tool/builder.versions.settings.targets
@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@
- 2
+ 3
- [8.2.2, 9.0.0)
+ [8.2.3, 9.0.0)
[2.0.0, 3.0.0)