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Target Windows

Ulf Frisk edited this page Mar 9, 2019 · 2 revisions

Target operating system: Windows (64-bit)

PCILeech is able to target 64-bit Windows versions with varying degrees of success. PCILeech is not able to target 32-bit Windows versions or secure operating system parts (secure kernel) on systems already booted running Virtualization based secure.

If possible to target the Windows system a wide range of kernel modules may be used. Also it may be possible to target the system with user-mode injections.

Even though PCILeech may not be able to target the specific operating system memory dumping may still be possible.


Load a kernel module into Windows 7 by using the default memory scan technique.

  • pcileech kmdload -kmd win7x64

Load a kernel module into Windows 10. Compatible with VBS/VTL0 only if "Protection of Code Integrity" is not enabled. This technique may be unstable on the most recent Windows 10 versions.

  • pcileech kmdload -kmd WIN10_X64

Load a kernel module into Windows 10. Compatible with VBS/VTL0 only if "Protection of Code Integrity" is not enabled. This requires the windows-only vmm.dll from MemProcFS to exist alongside PCILeech.

  • pcileech.exe kmdload -kmd WIN10_X64_2

Load a kernel module into Windows 10 by targeting the page table of the ntfs.sys driver signed on 2016-03-29.

  • pcileech kmdload -kmd win10x64_ntfs_20160329 -pt

Spawn a system shell on the target system (system needs to be locked and kernel module must be loaded). In this example the kernel module is loaded at address: 0x7fffe000.

  • pcileech wx64_pscmd -kmd 0x7fffe000

In addition to the examples below please find additional built-in commands and Windows compatible implants starting with wx64 when executing pcileech without any parameters.

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