InvenioRDM is configured with the user guest
and comes along with a secret mq-secrets
containing the needed information to configure RabbitMQ and InvenioRDM accordingly:
$ RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_PASS=$(openssl rand -hex 8)
$ kubectl create secret generic \
--from-literal="rabbitmq-password=$RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_PASS" \
--from-literal="CELERY_BROKER_URL=amqp://guest:$RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_PASS@rabbitmq:5672/" \
mq-secrets --namespace invenio
secret "mq-secrets" created
In values.yaml
the following entries must be changed/set:
username: guest
existingPasswordSecret: mq-secrets
The helm chart then takes the RabbitMQ from the key rabbitmq-password
As the Bitnami RabbitMQ image comes already with RabbitMQ management enabled, there is nothing to add.
Persistence is automatically enabled in the RabbitMQ helm chart. We have only to set the storageClass by adding
storageClass: cindergold
in values.yaml
Finally we call
helm repo add bitnami
helm install rabbitmq -f ./RabbitMQ/values.yaml bitnami/rabbitmq -n invenio