- BugFix: use of declared variable throws error.
- Drop support for async inside ulka
- Typescript to javascript
- Array with async members returns a string with waited value.
- Require files other than javascript.
- Destructuring support.
- Array joined with empty string by default
Prev: {% [1, 2, 3] %} => 1,2,3 Now: {% [1, 2, 3] %} => 123
- Require local files using absolute path.
- Support for Async/Await
- ulka-parser now returns promise.
- Bug fixes
sign after {% now returns empty string only{% const name = "Roshan Acharya" %} {%- name %} (returns empty string)
- Require syntax support.
sign after {% now allows to return value even after variable assignment.{%= const name = "Roshan Acharya" %} // Roshan Acharya
ulka-parser is able to convert .ulka files to .html files from command line.
ulka-parser --template /path/to/template/folder/or/file --output /path/to/output/folder
ulka-parser --t /path/to/template/folder/or/file --o /path/to/output/folder
- First release
npm install ulka-parser