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Copy paste content in MapX

Thomas Piller edited this page Dec 15, 2022 · 9 revisions

Most forms in MapX allow their content to be easily copied and pasted from the GUI to save time when publishing data, styling views, or even creating story maps.

The icon allows you to access the JSON code of an entire form or a specific section, to copy it and then to paste it at the desired location.

Here are some examples to illustrate this manipulation.


Metadata replication

For metadata replication, the Attributes description and Alias for attributes names sections are specific to data sources. When you copy / paste metadata, only the attributes present in both sources are updated for these two sections.


Style replication

⚠ When you replicate a style, be careful that the data type is the same between the two views (categorical or continuous).

Story maps

Story map content replication

In the Story map editor, the different sections of a step can be copied to be reused later. This is particularly useful for keeping the position of the map from one step to another and for reproducing the map animations or the layout of a step.

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