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247 lines (188 loc) · 8.17 KB

File metadata and controls

247 lines (188 loc) · 8.17 KB

Input data setup

Unicode 15+ workflow

Starting with Unicode 15, we are developing most of the Unicode data files in this Unicode Tools project, and publish them to the Public folder only for alpha/beta/final releases. That is, we are reversing the flow of files.

See data workflow. (Based on issue #144.)

We are also no longer generating and posting files with version suffixes.

Except: Some files, such as Unihan and ucdxml data files, are developed elsewhere, and we continue to ingest them as before.

Source Files

Starting with Unicode 15.1, the “source of truth” for most data files is in the repo, and most of this section is obsolete. See data workflow. The biggest exception is, which we don't track in the repo; see the Unihan section below. Also, it's still useful to delete the BIN files/folders after changing data files.


You may need to manually change the "Unihan-8.0.0d2 Folder" to "Unihan".

Unzip the file into a "Unihan" subfolder.

Starting with Unicode 13, we split the Unihan data into single-property files and parse those.

Run the script that is checked in at py/ with one argument, the path to the Unihan folder.

Ignore or delete the Unihan*.txt files now. Do not check them into the tools any more.

Check for new and no-longer-present files (Unihan properties). git add and git rm as necessary.

Fetching files from Public

Only for Unicode 15.0 and earlier:

The source files that you will need for a release such as 8.0.0 are in:

  • — note version
  • — but NOT:
    • ucd.* or
    • ucd.all.*.zip

You will go to each one of these and download the contents into the appropriate local git directory, such as:

Important: if the files in a directory are not yet released, and may have changed, then you'll need to delete these cached files (the exact location may depend on your configuration):

  • {workspace}/Generated/BIN/*
  • {workspace}/Generated/BIN/UCD_Data8.0.0.bin

Below are the original instructions for how to create these data files. Note that they do not 100% reflect the files published on

Historical note about svn (Subversion): In svn, each file has version history, as much as possible. For each Unicode version, the entire previous version's file folder was copied via svn cp, then files removed (svn rm) that are no longer part of the release, files renamed (svn mv) that had their name changed, files moved into other folders (svn mkdir + svn mv) as the organization changed.

In git, this is optional: git tries to figure out file moves on its own. This works well if the file contents has not changed much. However, once files are checked into git, it is still convenient to use git add for new files, git rm for ones that are going away, and git mv for ones that are renamed or move to a different folder.

In the unicodetools repo, we only use filenames without version suffixes, to support the version history without git mv renaming for each file each time. Exception: In some UCD versions there were both CamelCase ReadMe.txt and uppercase README.TXT which does not work on case-insensitive file systems (Mac & Windows). The uppercase files have the version suffix.

Removing Suffixes

Only for Unicode 14 and earlier:

For the ucd and uca files, you will have to remove the suffixes.

Tip: On Linux, you can remove version suffixes on the command line like this:

data/ucd/6.3.0-Update$ rename "s/-\d(\.\d\.\d)?//" *.txt *.html

On other platforms, you can use a script like this Python script:

# 2013-05-02 Carved out of ICU's
# Markus Scherer

"""Takes a tree of files and renames each file if necessary,
removing Unicode-data-file-style version number suffixes."""

import os
import os.path
import re
import shutil
import sys

# Get the standard basename from a versioned filename.
# For example, match "UnicodeData-6.1.0d8.txt"
# so we can turn it into "UnicodeData.txt".
_file_version_re = re.compile("([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)" +
                              "-[0-9]+(?:\\.[0-9]+)*(?:d[0-9]+)?" +

def main():
  if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    print("Usage: %s  path/to/UCD/root" % sys.argv[0])
  ucd_root = sys.argv[1]
  source_files = []
  for root, dirs, files in os.walk(ucd_root):
    for file in files:
      source_files.append(os.path.join(root, file))
  for source_file in source_files:
    (folder, basename) = os.path.split(source_file)
    match = _file_version_re.match(basename)
    if match:
      new_basename = +
      if new_basename != basename:
        print("Removing version suffix from " + source_file)
        # ... so that we can easily compare UCD files.
        new_source_file = os.path.join(folder, new_basename)
        shutil.move(source_file, new_source_file)

if __name__ == "__main__":

This is checked into /data, so you can clean a target directory (such as "staging") with:

$ cd {workspace}/unicodetools/data/ucd/staging
$ ../../ .

Original data file setup instructions

2. Download all of the UnicodeData files for each version into UCD_DIR.

TODO(Markus): Adjust notes about data files when they are in svn.

The folder names must be of the form: "3.2.0-Update", so rename the folders on the Unicode site to this format. If the folder contains /ucd/, then make the contents of that directory be the contents of the x.x.x-Update directory. That is, each directory will directly contain files like PropList....txt

2a Ensure Complete Release

If you are downloading any "incomplete" release (one that does not contain a complete set of data files for that release, you need to also download the previous complete release). Most of the N.M-Update directories are complete, except:

  • 4.0-Update, which does not contain a copy of Unihan.txt and some other files
  • 3.1-Update, which does not contain a copy of BidiMirroring.txt

Also, make the following changes to UnicodeData for 1.1.5:


3400;HANGUL SYLLABLE KIYEOK A;Lo;0;L;1100 1161;;;;N;;;;;



And from a later version of Unicode, add:


2b. UCA data

If you are building any of the UCA tools, you need to get a copy of the UCA data file from The default location for this is:

BASE_DIR + "Collation\allkeys" + VERSION + ".txt".

If you have it in a different location, change that value for KEYS in, and the value for BASE_DIR

2c. Here is an example of the default directory structure with files.

  • workspace/DATA/
    • uca/
      • 4.0.0/
        • allkeys-4.0.0.txt
      • ...
      • 6.0.0
        • allkeys-6.0.0d1.txt
    • UCD
      • 1.1.0-Update
        • UnicodeData-1.1.5.txt
      • ...
      • 6.0.0-Update/
        • auxiliary/
        • extracted/
        • Unihan/ (see Unihan section above)
        • ArabicShaping-6.0.0d2.txt
        • ...
        • UnicodeData-6.0.0d6.txt