This guide describes the 4 steps that are necessary to connect your application to a wallet using the RPC API.
- Install Superhero Wallet extension for simplicity of example. You can build your own wallet in the next example
import { AeSdkAepp, walletDetector, BrowserWindowMessageConnection, Node } from '@aeternity/aepp-sdk'
const COMPILER_URL = '';
export default {
data: () => ({
aeSdk: null,
address: '',
balance: 0,
nodeInfo: null,
connectedAccounts: null
async created () {
this.aeSdk = new AeSdkAepp({
name: 'Simple Aepp',
nodes: [
{ name: 'ae_uat', instance: new Node(TESTNET_NODE_URL) },
{ name: 'ae_mainnet', instance: new Node(MAINNET_NODE_URL) }
compilerUrl: COMPILER_URL,
onNetworkChange: async ({ networkId }) => {
this.nodeInfo = await this.aeSdk.getNodeInfo()
onAddressChange: async () => {
this.address = await this.aeSdk.address()
this.balance = await this.aeSdk.getBalance(this.address)
onDisconnect: () => {
// you may want to reset state here
await this.scanForWallets()
methods: {
async scanForWallets() {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
const handleWallets = async function ({ wallets, newWallet }) {
newWallet = newWallet || Object.values(wallets)[0]
if (confirm(`Do you want to connect to wallet ${}`)) {
// connect to the wallet, see step 4.
await this.connect(newWallet)
const scannerConnection = new BrowserWindowMessageConnection()
const stopScan = walletDetector(scannerConnection, handleWallets.bind(this))
Append method for wallet connection
async connect(wallet) {
await this.aeSdk.connectToWallet(wallet.getConnection())
this.connectedAccounts = await this.aeSdk.subscribeAddress('subscribe', 'connected')
this.address = await this.aeSdk.address()
this.balance = await this.aeSdk.getBalance(this.address).catch(() => '0')
this.nodeInfo = await this.aeSdk.getNodeInfo()
Aepps can ask the wallet to share node, if wallet supports node sharing then the Aepp can communicate with the chain using the same SDK instance.
async connect (wallet) {
await this.aeSdk.connectToWallet(wallet.getConnection(), { connectNode: true, name: 'wallet-node', select: true })
- The steps above are snippets taken from the full implementation of the Simple æpp