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File metadata and controls

130 lines (101 loc) · 4.07 KB

Waiflike is a simple content management system based on Wagtail, the Django CMS from Torchbox. Waiflike takes Wagtail's easy-to-use backend content management interface, and extends it with a functional theme (based on Bootstrap) and Markdown text editing. The result is a lightweight but flexible complete CMS. (Or, at least, it will be; Waiflike is still in the very early stages and there are some rough edges.)

Waiflike is designed for creating simple, mostly static sites. While you could extend it to support more complicated features, you may be better off using Wagtail directly for that.


  • Markdown syntax.
  • Hierarchial page management, including a navigation menu; choose which pages appear in the menu.
  • Uploading images and documents; display images or link to documents inline in pages.
  • Wiki-style quick page editing.

Markdown syntax

Waiflike adds some useful extensions to the standard Markdown syntax:

  • Link to a page: <:The page name> or <:The page name|link title>
  • Link to a document: <:doc:The document title>
  • After uploading an image, to display it in a page: <:image:The image name>
  • Specify the image width in pixels: <:image:The image name|width=150>
  • Align an image: <:image:The image name|width=500|right> (valid alignments are left, right, and fullwidth)
  • Syntax highlighting:
    int main() {
        printf("hello, world\n");
        return 0;
    First Header  | Second Header
    ------------- | -------------
    Content Cell  | Content Cell
    Content Cell  | Content Cell


NB: Sadly, installation is more complicated than it should be for a lightweight CMS right now (especially since Wagtail requires node.js). Suggestions (or pull requests!) to simplify installation would be appreciated.

Install Waiflike

  • Install node.js
  • Install NPM: curl | sh
  • Install less and coffeescript: npm install -g less coffee-script
  • Install virtualenv, virtualenvwrapper and pip
  • Create a new user to run Waiflike as. This is not required, but strongly recommended.
  • As the waiflike user:
# Fetch Waiflike from git:
$ git clone

# Install dependencies
$ cd waiflike
$ mkvirtualenv waiflike
$ workon waiflike
$ pip install -r etc/requirements.txt

# Set up the database
$ ./ syncdb
$ ./ migrate

# Create static files:
$ ./ collectstatic
  • Copy waiflikeapp/settings/local.py_example to waiflikeapp/settings/ and edit it as needed. You will want to configure the database settings at least.
  • You should now be able to run ./ runserver, visit http://localhost:8080, and see "Welcome to your new Wagtail site!".

Next, you'll want to run it under a web server.

Set up for nginx

  • Install supervisord
  • Copy etc/supervisor.conf to /etc/supervisor/conf.d/waiflike.conf
  • supervisorctl update
  • Create /etc/nginx/conf.d/waiflike.conf:
server {
	listen   80;
	listen   [::]:80 ipv6only=on;

	server_name waiflike.local;

	location /static/ {
		alias /home/vagrant/waiflike/static/;

	location / {
		include uwsgi_params;
		uwsgi_pass unix:/home/waiflike/waiflike/waiflike.sock;
  • nginx -s reload

Note: Currently, Waiflike cannot be run in a subdirectory of the website; it must be installed in the root. This is due to a Wagtail bug.

Add initial content

  • Visit http:///admin, and log in with the superuser account you created earlier.
  • Select the welcome page from the sidebar and delete it.
  • Create a new page; when prompted for a type, select 'Site Page'. This will be your main page.
  • Visit http:///django-admin. Create a new Site, and select the page you just created as the default page.