Construcción de Interfaces de Usuario, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes.
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class MercadoLibreService {
private val idGenerator = IdGenerator()
val products: MutableList<Product> = mutableListOf()
val users: MutableList<User> = mutableListOf()
val categories: MutableList<Category> = mutableListOf()
val carts: MutableList<Cart> = mutableListOf()
* Registers a new user.
* @param draftNewUser The draft user data.
* @return The registered user.
* @throws UserException if the email is already registered.
fun registerNewUser(draftNewUser: DraftNewUser): User
* Retrieves a user by email and password.
* @param email The user's email.
* @param password The user's password.
* @return The user.
* @throws UserException if the user is not found.
fun getUser(email: String, password: String): User
* Retrieves a user by id.
* @param id The user's id.
* @return The user.
* @throws UserException if the user is not found.
fun getUser(id: String): User
* Toggles the like status of a product for a user.
* @param idUser The user's ID.
* @param idProduct The product's ID.
* @return The updated user.
* @throws UserException if the user is not found.
* @throws ProductException if the product is not found.
fun toggleLike(idUser: String, idProduct: String): User
* Adds a new category.
* @param name The category name.
* @return The added category.
* @throws CategoryException if the category already exists.
fun addCategory(name: String): Category
* Retrieves all categories.
* @return The list of categories.
fun getAllCategories(): List<Category>
* Retrieves a category by ID.
* @param id The category's ID.
* @return The category.
* @throws CategoryException if the category is not found.
fun getCategory(id: String): Category
* Adds a new product.
* @param userId The user's ID.
* @param draftProduct The draft product data.
* @return The added product.
* @throws UserException if the user is not found.
fun addProduct(userId: String, draftProduct: DraftProduct): Product
* Edits an existing product.
* @param userId The user's ID.
* @param productId The product's ID.
* @param draftProduct The draft product data.
* @return The edited product.
* @throws UserException if the user is not found.
* @throws ProductException if the product is not found.
* @throws ProductException if the user is not the owner of the product.
fun editProduct(userId: String, productId: String, draftProduct: DraftProduct): Product
* Retrieves a product by ID.
* @param id The product's ID.
* @return The product.
* @throws ProductException if the product is not found.
fun getProduct(id: String): Product
* Retrieves all products with pagination.
* @param pageNumber The page number.
* @return A page of products.
fun getAllProducts(pageNumber: Int): Page<Product>
* Retrieves related products to a product.
* @param idProduct The product's ID.
* @return The list of related products (max 10 products).
* @throws ProductException if the product is not found.
fun getRelatedProducts(idProduct: String): List<Product>
* Retrieves products by user ID with pagination.
* @param idUser The user's ID.
* @param pageNumber The page number.
* @return A Page of products.
fun getProductsByUser(idUser: String, pageNumber: Int): Page<Product>
* Retrieves products by category ID with pagination.
* @param idCategory The category's ID.
* @param pageNumber The page number.
* @return A page of products.
fun getProductsByCategory(idCategory: String, pageNumber: Int): Page<Product>
* Searches for products by text with pagination.
* @param text The search text.
* @param pageNumber The page number.
* @return A page of products.
fun searchProducts(text: String, pageNumber: Int): Page<Product>
* Updates the quantity of a product in the user's cart.
* @param userId The user's ID.
* @param productId The product's ID.
* @param amount The quantity to update.
* @return The updated cart.
* @throws UserException if the user is not found.
* @throws ProductException if the product is not found.
fun updateItemCart(userId: String, productId: String, amount: Int): Cart
* Deletes a product from the user's cart.
* @param userId The user's ID.
* @param productId The product's ID.
* @return The updated cart.
* @throws UserException if the user is not found.
* @throws ProductException if the product is not found.
fun deleteItemFromCart(userId: String, productId: String): Cart
* Retrieves the cart for a user.
* @param id The user's ID.
* @return The cart.
* @throws UserException if the user is not found.
fun getCart(id: String): Cart
* Completes a purchase for a user.
* @param idUser The user's ID.
* @param payment The payment information.
* @throws PurchaseException if the cart is empty or items are out of stock.
* @throws UserException if the user is not found.
fun purchase(idUser: String, payment: Payment)
* Adds a question to a product.
* @param idUser The user's ID.
* @param idProduct The product's ID.
* @param question The question text.
* @return The updated product.
* @throws QuestionException if the user is the owner of the product.
* @throws UserException if the user is not found.
* @throws ProductException if the product is not found.
fun addQuestion(idUser: String, idProduct: String, question: String): Product
* Adds an answer to a question on a product.
* @param idUser The user's ID.
* @param idProduct The product's ID.
* @param idQuestion The question's ID.
* @param text The answer text.
* @return The updated product.
* @throws QuestionException if the user is not the owner of the product or the question is not found.
* @throws UserException if the user is not found.
* @throws ProductException if the product is not found.
fun addAnswer(idUser: String, idProduct: String, idQuestion: String, text: String): Product
val system = initSystem()
class Product(
val id: String,
val owner: User,
var title: String,
var description: String,
var images: MutableList<String>,
var stock: Int,
var price: Double,
var shipping: Shipping,
var characteristics: MutableList<Characteristic>,
var category: Category,
val questions: MutableList<Question>,
class User(
val id: String,
var name: String,
val email: String,
var password: String,
val image: String,
val purchaseHistory: MutableList<PurchaseHistory>,
val products: MutableList<Product>,
val likedProducts: MutableList<Product>,
val salesHistory: MutableList<SaleHistory>
class Category(val id: String, val name: String)
class Characteristic(val name: String, val value: String)
class Shipping(var price: Double)
class SaleHistory(
val product: Product,
val amount: Int,
val payment: Payment,
val date: LocalDateTime,
val user: User,
class PurchaseHistory(
val items: MutableList<Item>,
val payment: Payment,
val date: LocalDateTime,
class Question (val id: String, val product: Product, val user: User, val text: String, var response: String?)
class Item (val product: Product, var amount: Int)
class Cart(
val user: User,
val items: MutableList<Item>
class Payment (
val cardNumber: String,
val expirationDate: LocalDateTime,
val cvv: String,
val name: String,
- El MercadoLibreService es el encargado de setear los ids de cada elemento que se agrega el sistema.
- Para simplificar se utilizan objetos draft
class DraftNewUser(
val name: String,
val email: String,
val password: String,
val image: String,
class DraftProduct(
val title: String,
val description: String,
var price: Double,
val images: MutableList<String>,
val stock: Int,
val shipping: Shipping,
val characteristics: MutableList<Characteristic>,
val category: Category,
Para crear paginas facilmente se puede usar:
fun <E> getPage(list: List<E>, page: Int): Page<E>