Donkey is DSL for defining RESTful services and code generation tool. If you are familiar with Apache Thrift, Donkey provides similar toolset, but for RESTful services.
This project demonstrates usage of Donkey for designing and creating services and clients built on top of Java's popular Spring framework and PHP's Symfony 4.
You can use this project with any IDL to design your entire topology of RESTful microservices architecture. We have included a sample IDL file that defines a service for managing a Zoo. There are two groups of resources: for managing animals in the zoo and work with staff records:
serviceName zoo
namespace java
namespace php Services.Zoo
import namespace java
import namespace php Services.Zoo.Thrift
exception InvalidAnimalTypeException 1
exception AlreadyVaccinatedException 2
resource Animals "/animals" {
## Retrieves all animals in the zoo;
GET AnimalList getAll();
POST "/{type}" void addAnimal(pathParam string type, requestBody Animal animal);
GET "/{type}" AnimalList findAnimalsByType(pathParam string type) throws InvalidAnimalTypeException;
## Marks all animals as vaccinated
POST "/{type}/vaccinate" void markAsVaccinated(pathParam string type, queryParam list<string> names) throws AlreadyVaccinatedException;
resource Staff "/staff" {
POST "/janitors" void hireJanitor(requestBody Person janitor);
POST "/guards" void hireGuard(requestBody Person guard);
## Find employees by their first name or last name
GET PersonList getAllEmployees(queryParam string firstName, queryParam string lastName);
## Fire an employee by their ID number
DELETE "/{id}" void terminateEmployee(pathParam string id);
Since Donkey does not include a DSL for data types, we used Apache Thrift to define a couple of structures:
namespace java
namespace php Services.Zoo.Thrift
struct Animal {
1: string name;
2: string type;
3: bool vaccinated;
struct Person {
1: string firstName;
2: string lastName;
3: string governmentId;
4: i32 yearsOfExperience;
struct PersonList {
1: list<Person> persons;
struct AnimalList {
1: list<Animal> animals;
Thrift is what we use at Upwork and it makes the definition of contract complete and language-agnostic. You can use anything else for your data, such as a custom JSON hydrator.
To build donkey-example project, use:
mvn clean install
alias donkey="java -jar target/donkey-example-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar "
- Create a new Maven project as per
- Generate REST resources and service interfaces with Donkey as follows:
donkey -i zoo.donkey.idl -o spring-service -g com.upwork.donkey.example.spring.ServiceGenerator
- Provide implementation for the services.
Spring auto-wires available resources using "@RestController" annotation so there's nothing else to do. Run the app with mvn clean spring-boot:run
Alternatively, you can use provided fully functional implementation of the zoo service as a starting point. Go to spring-service and execute:
mvn clean spring-boot:run
in spring-service directory. It will install the dependencies and start the server.
- Create a new Symfony project as per It will generate entire project structure.
- Generate REST resources and service interfaces with Donkey as follows:
donkey -i zoo.donkey.idl -o symfony4-service -g com.upwork.donkey.example.php.Symfony4Generator
- Provide implementation for the services.
Symfony 4 uses auto-wiring, however depending on the PHP namespace you use in Donkey IDL, you may have to update services.yaml
and annotations.yaml
. This only needs to be done once.
Alternatively, you can use provided fully functional implementation of the zoo service as a starting point. Go to symfony4-service directory and execute:
composer install
php bin/console server:run
Donkey generates the interfaces that ensure the contract as defined in the IDL is implemented. If it's not, the project will not compile (or, in case with PHP, composer install
will fail).
Implementer of a service does not have to deal with HTTP semantics, controllers, handlers, REST terminology. You only need to provide the business logic, by implementing the interface generated by Donkey.
See examples of generated classes:
AnimalsResource Spring's RestController, fully generated by Donkey.
AnimalsService - the business service interface that must be implemented.
StaffController is a regular Symfony controller fully generated by Donkey.
StaffService - the business service interface that must be implemented.
Donkey also helps to standardize and enforce correct exception handling by generating exception classes
The generators in this project create fully functional clients that can be used in any PHP or JVM program. To showcase usage, we included two command line applications:
Run the Java command line application with
mvn clean spring-boot:run
Run the PHP command line application with
composer install
php src/zoo-client-console.php
Copyright 2018 Upwork Global Inc
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.