POST services/:service_id/contacts/:contact_id/channels
Creates a new Contact Channel and returns the newly-created object.
Field | Data Type | Required | Description |
channel_type_id | string | Y | [Channel Type] to add |
value | string | Y | Channel value |
display_name | string | N | One of HOME, BUSINESS, or MOBILE |
country | string | Y (for phone numbers) | Required for phone numbers. ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. Not saved for any other channel type. |
is_default | boolean | N | If set to true, will make this channel the global default for this contact |
is_default_for_type | boolean | N | If set to true, will make this channel the default for this contact for its Channel Type |
"channel_type_id": "0e3d71ee-9518-4b9b-b95a-dea25182988",
"value": "+18585556565",
"country": "US"
"status": {
"text": "OK",
"status_code": 200,
"description": null
"result": {
"id": "d9f91fdb-bbdb-442d-bbac-99fb76263653",
"display_name": null,
"value": "+18585556565",
"formatted_value": "(858) 555-6565",
"country": "US",
"is_default": false,
"is_default_for_type": false,
"block_inbound": false,
"block_outbound": true,
"channel_type": {
"id": "0e3d71ee-9518-4b9b-b95a-dea251829887",
"type_class": "PhoneNumber",
"display_name": "Phone Number",
"inbound_notification_url": null,
"outbound_notification_url": null,
"allow_communications": true