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+title: Migrating from ink! 4.x to 5.0
+slug: /faq/migrating-from-ink-4-to-5
+We've made a couple of breaking changes from ink! 4.x to ink! 5.0.
+On this page we outline how you can migrate existing clients and
+contracts from 4.x to 5.0.
+This release addresses the majority of issues raised in [the OpenZeppelin
+security review](https://blog.openzeppelin.com/security-review-ink-cargo-contract).
+In particular, we addressed the proxy selector clashing attack.
+You can find the full changelog of the 5.0 release [here](https://github.com/paritytech/ink/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md).
+This migration guide only considers your code base! Not your storage data!
+If you have an existing contract on-chain you might not be able to just
+upgrade the code on-chain, you possibly also have to migrate your storage data.
+The relevant change that you have to take into consideration is
+A data migration may be required when your contract reads data from storage and truncates
+the data when decoding it.
+We've described this in more detail below, in the section
+["Fail when decoding from storage and not all bytes consumed"](#fail-when-decoding-from-storage-and-not-all-bytes-consumed).
+## How to upgrade
+* Change the dependency versions of `ink` and `ink_e2e` in your contracts `Cargo.toml` to `5`.
+* Update your local `cargo-contract` installation to 4.0.
+* Read through this page.
+## Compatibility
+The following chains are in production and support ink! 5.0:
+### `cargo-contract` 4.0
+Together with ink! 5.0 we've released `cargo-contract` 4.0.
+You have to use `cargo-contract` >= 4.0 for ink! 5.0 contracts!
+You can upgrade via:
+cargo install cargo-contract --version ^4
+Make sure that e.g. your CI also uses at least `cargo-contract` 4.0 with ink! v5.0.
+If you have wrapper scripts around `cargo-contract`, you should
+ensure that this version is enforced, otherwise users will get an error.
+### Substrate
+The same requirements as for ink! 4.0 hold.
+* `pallet-contracts` >= `polkadot-v0.9.37`.
+* `substrate-contracts-node` >= `v0.24.0`
+#### How do I find out which Polkadot version a chain is running on?
+You can query the `contracts::palletVersion()` via the chain state RPCs. It has to
+be `>= 9` for ink! 5.0 to be compatible.
+You can use e.g. the [polakdot.js app](https://polkadot.js.org/apps/) to do this:
+Developer » Chain State » `contracts` » `palletVersion()` » Click on the `+` on the right.
+### Tooling
+* `cargo-contract` >= v4.0
+* Stable Rust >= 1.75
+### Dependencies
+Same as for ink! 4.0.
+* `scale` >= 3
+* `scale-info` >= 2.6
+### Frontend Libraries
+Same as for ink! 4.0: `polkadot-js/api` and `polkadot-js/api-contract` >= 9.10.2.
+## Important Changes
+### `scale` dependencies were moved to `ink` entrance crate
+This change was done to ensure that you always use the correct scale dependency versions
+with an ink! version. The relevant PR is [#1890](https://github.com/paritytech/ink/pull/1890).
+We removed the requirement for contracts to have direct dependencies on `parity-scale-codec`
+and `scale-info` in their `Cargo.toml`.
+You can now remove those dependencies from your contracts `Cargo.toml`:
+ink = { version = "4.3", default-features = false }
+-scale = { package = "parity-scale-codec", version = "3", default-features = false, features = ["derive"] }
+-scale-info = { version = "2.6", default-features = false, features = ["derive"], optional = true }
+Both crates have been re-exported from the `ink` umbrella crate: `ink::scale_info` and `ink::scale`.
+We created a convenience macro to derive the re-exported traits `ink::scale::Encode`,
+`ink::scale::Decode` and `ink::scale_info::TypeInfo`.
+// Previously
+#[scale::Encode, scale::Decode)]
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(::scale_info::TypeInfo))]
+pub enum Error {}
+// Now
+#[ink::scale_derive(Encode, Decode, TypeInfo)]
+pub enum Error {}
+The documentation of the macro can be found [here](https://docs.rs/ink/5.0.0-rc/ink/attr.scale_derive.html).
+### Wildcard selectors: only one other message is allowed in the contract besides the wildcard selector
+Following [our security review by OpenZeppelin](https://blog.openzeppelin.com/security-review-ink-cargo-contract),
+we've tightened the usage of wildcard selectors.
+With ink! 5.0 we allow only exactly one other contract message with a well-known reserved
+selector to be defined. In ink! 4.x, more than one other message was allowed.
+Read more in [the PR](https://github.com/paritytech/ink/pull/1708) and [IIP-2: Limit contracts with a wildcard selector to one other message](https://github.com/paritytech/ink/issues/1676).
+The proposal is to restrict contracts with a wildcard selector to only have one other message
+with a reserved/well-known selector. This guarantees that there are no selector clashes,
+either by chance or malicious intent, and that the Proxy will only handle messages intended for it.
+If a contract uses a wildcard selector `#[ink(message, payable, selector = _)]` it _MAY_ define one
+other message. This message _MUST_ use the reserved selector `@`.
+This selector _MUST_ only be used in conjunction with a wildcard selector.
+/// Handles any message with no matching selector in this proxy contract
+#[ink(message, selector = _)]
+pub fn fallback(&self) {
+ // forward call to the "logic" contract which actually executes the call
+pub enum ProxyMessage {
+ UpgradeContract(Hash),
+/// One other message allowed to handle messages.
+/// Fails to compile unless `@` is used as the selector.
+#[ink(message, selector = @)]
+pub fn handler(&self, msg: ProxyMessage) {
+ match msg {
+ ProxyMessage(hash) => { }
+ }
+/// An additional message. Fails to compile when uncommented.
+// #[ink(message)]
+// pub fn additional_message(&self, msg: ProxyMessage) {
+// match msg {
+// ProxyMessage(hash) => ...
+// }
+// }
+### Events 2.0
+In prior ink! versions, events were defined inside the `#[ink::contract]` macro.
+With ink! 5.0 we decouple events from the `#[ink::contract]` macro,
+allowing events to be shared between contracts.
+We've updated [the Events documentation page](/5.x/basics/events) accordingly.
+The syntax of defining events within the main `#[ink::contract]` macro will continue to work,
+no code changes in existing contracts are required to update to the new syntax.
+The topic calculation changed in general, so also for events that are declared inside the
+`#[ink::contract]` macro!
+This is a breaking change for any client code which uses topics to filter events.
+Please see [#1827](https://github.com/paritytech/ink/pull/1827) for details.
+#### Custom signature topics
+In [#2031](https://github.com/paritytech/ink/pull/2031) we introduced an
+optional attribute `signature_topic` to the `#[ink::event]` and `#[ink(event)]` macros.
+It can be used to specify the signature topic for a specific event manually, instead of the
+automatic topic calculation.
+### No more unchecked arithmetic
+Unchecked arithmetic operations in a contract are no longer supported for arithmetic
+safety reasons. Compiling a contract that contains those will fail gracefully.
+If you haven't already done, you now need to handle overflows that could occur.
+Rust supports different possibilities of doing so (saturating, "wrap around",
+and unchecked arithmetic operations) .
+See [this](https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/ch03-02-data-types.html#scalar-types) section
+of the Rust Programming Language for a thorough explanation on how to do safe arithmetic
+operations in Rust.
+This change was introduced in [#1831](https://github.com/paritytech/ink/pull/1831).
+### Fail when decoding from storage and not all bytes consumed
+If a contract previously relied on successful decoding which does not consume all bytes,
+then recompiling with a version of ink! which includes this change will cause that contract
+to trap at runtime when attempting to decode.
+A simple example would be if a storage cell contains some bytes which were in the first place
+an encoded `u32`. If the contract attempts to decode those into a `u8`
+this would previously have succeeded, now the contract would trap.
+Here's a code example of behavior that previously worked for ink! 4.x, but
+would error now:
+let key = 0u32;
+let value = [0x42; 32];
+ink::env::set_contract_storage(&key, &value);
+// Only attempt to read the first byte (the `u8`) of the storage value data
+let _loaded_value: Option = ink::env::get_contract_storage(&key)
+ .map_err(|e| format!("get_contract_storage failed: {:?}", e))?;
+We introduced this change in [#1897](https://github.com/paritytech/ink/pull/1897).
+### [ink_e2e] API Changes
+#### Builder API
+In [#1917](https://github.com/paritytech/ink/pull/1917) we reworked the E2E API with
+a builder API.
+`instantiate`, `call` and `upload` will now return a builder instance. You can
+specify optional arguments with builder methods, and submit the call for on-chain
+execution with the `.submit()` method, or dry-run it with `dry_run()`.
+let contract = client
+ .instantiate("flipper", &ink_e2e::alice(), &mut constructor)
+ .submit()
+ .await
+ .expect("instantiate failed");
+let mut call = contract.call::();
+let get = call.get();
+let get_res = client.call(&ink_e2e::bob(), &get).dry_run().await;
+assert!(matches!(get_res.return_value(), false));
+#### Extra gas margin
+As part of [#1917](https://github.com/paritytech/ink/pull/1917) we added the possibility
+to specify a gas margin (in percentage) as part of the on-chain call.
+There are cases when gas estimates may not necessarily be accurate enough due to the complexity
+of the smart contract logic that adds additional overhead and gas consumption.
+Therefore, it is helpful to allow to specify an extra portion of the gas to be added to the
+limit (i.e. 5%, 10%).
+The method `.extra_gas_portion(margin: u64)` method is part of the builder API:
+* [`ink_e2e::InstantiateBuilder::extra_gas_portion`](https://docs.rs/ink_e2e/5.0.0-rc/ink_e2e/struct.InstantiateBuilder.html#method.extra_gas_portion)
+* [`ink_e2e::CallBuilder::extra_gas_portion`](https://docs.rs/ink_e2e/5.0.0-rc/ink_e2e/struct.CallBuilder.html#method.extra_gas_portion)
+#### Improved `call()` API
+We removed the `build_message()` function with its unhandy callback.
+// Previously
+let first_insert = ink_e2e::build_message::(contract_id)
+ .call(|contract| contract.insert_balance(1_000));
+// Now
+let first_insert = ink_e2e::build_message::(contract_id)
+ .call().insert_balance(1_000));
+See [#1782](https://github.com/paritytech/ink/pull/1782) for more details.
+### New Data Structure: `StorageVec`
+We've added a `Vec`-like data structure, built on top of Mapping.
+This allows to retrieve elements from a vector and grow it without
+having to load and push all elements.
+For `Vec`, the cost of reading or writing a single element grows linearly corresponding
+to the number of elements in the vector (its length). Additionally, the maximum capacity
+of the whole vector is limited by the size of [ink!'s static buffer](https://github.com/paritytech/ink/blob/master/ARCHITECTURE.md#communication-with-the-pallet)
+used during ABI encoding and decoding (default 16 KiB).
+`StorageVec` on the other hand allows to access each element individually.
+With a `Vec` it's possible to e.g. introduce a security issue in your contract
+where an attacker can fill the `Vec`, making it very costly for other users to
+access it or write to it.
+You can find verbatim documentation on `StorageVec` [here](/5.x/datastructures/storagevec).
+The page explains when to use `StorageVec` and when not.
+The Rust docs can be found [here](https://docs.rs/ink/5.0.0-rc/ink/storage/struct.StorageVec.html).
+### Fallible methods for `Lazy`, `Mapping`, `StorageVec`
+In [#1910](https://github.com/paritytech/ink/pull/1910) we added `try_*` methods for
+reading and writing `Lazy` and `Mapping` values to and from storage.
+The try methods correspond to `Mapping::{insert, get, take}`, `Lazy::{set, get}`.
+For `StorageVec::{peek, get, set, pop, push}` we added `try_*` methods in
+Please see the individual Rust docs for these new methods:
+* [`StorageVec`](https://docs.rs/ink/5.0.0-rc/ink/storage/struct.StorageVec.html)
+* [`Lazy`](https://docs.rs/ink/5.0.0-rc/ink/storage/struct.Lazy.html)
+* [`Mapping`](https://docs.rs/ink/5.0.0-rc/ink/storage/struct.Mapping.html). For `Mapping`, the encoded size of the key is also accounted for.
+You should use the `try_*` methods for dynamically sized values, unless you made sure
+otherwise they will fit into the static buffer. The [static buffer in ink!](https://github.com/paritytech/ink/blob/master/ARCHITECTURE.md#communication-with-the-pallet)
+is 16 kB by default.
+We added a lint to `cargo-contract` 4.0 that will detect
+potentially unsafe uses of methods for which there are safer alternatives:
+### Chain Extension API changed + Support for multiple chain extensions
+With [#1958](https://github.com/paritytech/ink/pull/1958) we added support for interacting with
+multiple chain extensions from ink!. This is a breaking change.
+You can now e.g. have a contract that utilizes a PSP22 chain extension together with one
+for random numbers.
+The syntax for chain extensions changed slightly:
+-#[ink(extension = 0xfecb)]
++#[ink(function = 0xfecb)]
+fn foo() {}
+The argument type changed from `u32` to `u16`:
+-/// `#[ink(extension = N: u32)]`
++/// `#[ink(function = N: u16)]`
+A migration in most cases should just be to rename `#[ink(extension = …)]` to
+`#[ink(function = …)]`.
+We added an example contract that illustrates the usage of multiple chain extensions
+in one contract:
+## Interesting New Features
+### End-To-End testing with a chain snapshot
+With ink! 5.0 we introduce the possibility of running your tests against the
+fork (i.e. snapshot) of a live chain.
+See [this page](/5.x/basics/contract-testing/chain-snapshot) in our documentation for details.
+### New lints
+The new lints are:
+* [`no_main`](/5.x/linter/rules/no_main): enforces `no_main` for contracts.
+* [`primitive_topic`](/5.x/linter/rules/primitive_topic): no number types are allowed as event topics.
+* [`storage_never_freed`](/5.x/linter/rules/storage_never_freed): what is written into storage can be removed again.
+* [`strict_balance_equality`](/5.x/linter/rules/strict_balance_equality): detects usage of strict balance equality checks, a common smart contract vulnerability.
+* [`non_fallible_api`](/5.x/linter/rules/non_fallible_api): detects the usage of potentially unsafe methods for which there are safer alternatives.
+With `cargo-contract` 4.0 we added a couple new lints for common smart contract issues
+and best practices.
+You can run the linter via `cargo contract build --lint`.
+Details on each lint can be found [here](/5.x/linter/overview).
+### New `cargo-contract` commands
+We added a bunch of helpful new commands to `cargo-contract` 4.0.
+For all these commands you can also supply the `--help` cli flag to get more
+info (e.g. `cargo contract storage --help`).
+* `cargo contract verify`: contract verification ([#1404](https://github.com/paritytech/cargo-contract/pull/1404), [#1306](https://github.com/paritytech/cargo-contract/pull/1306))
+* `cargo contract info` now outputs the language of the deployed contract, using a heuristic ([#1329](https://github.com/paritytech/cargo-contract/pull/1329))
+* `cargo contract info --binary`: outputs the on-chain Wasm of the contract ([#1311](https://github.com/paritytech/cargo-contract/pull/1311/))
+* `cargo contract info --all`: displays all addresses of deployed contracts on a particular chain ([#1319](https://github.com/paritytech/cargo-contract/pull/1319))
+* `cargo contract storage`: displays the storage of an on-chain contract ([#1395](https://github.com/paritytech/cargo-contract/pull/1395), [#1414](https://github.com/paritytech/cargo-contract/pull/1414))
+### Alternative off-chain E2E testing backend support: DRink!
+DRink! is a toolbox for ink! developers that allows for testing your contracts
+without any running node.
+It has a number of features that are pretty great:
+- deploy and call your contracts synchronously, _without any delays_ related to block production or networking.
+- enhanced debugging and call tracing.
+- supports _arbitrary runtime_ configurations, including custom chain extensions and runtime calls.
+- full control over runtime state, including block number, timestamp, etc.
+See the [DRink!](https://github.com/inkdevhub/drink) page for more details.
+### Contract Verification
+We added a bunch of helpful documentation and `cargo-contract` commands for
+contract verification. [Read more here](/5.x/basics/verification/contract-verification).
+### We improved the contract example illustrating upgradeable contracts via `delegate_call`
+See [here](https://github.com/paritytech/ink/tree/master/integration-tests/upgradeable-contracts)
+for the contract example.
+### We made `set_code_hash` generic
+The `self.env().set_code_hash()` method now accepts the `Hash` environment type instead
+of a concrete `[u8; 32]`.
+// Previously
+pub fn set_code(&mut self, code_hash: [u8; 32]) {
+ ink::env::set_code_hash(&code_hash).unwrap_or_else(|err| {});
+// Now
+pub fn set_code(&mut self, code_hash: Hash) {
+ self.env().set_code_hash(&code_hash).unwrap_or_else(|err| {});
+More details in [#1906](https://github.com/paritytech/ink/pull/1906).
+### Buffer size can be customized
+With [#1869](https://github.com/paritytech/ink/pull/1869) we added a possibility
+of setting a custom static buffer size for ink! to use.
+ink! uses a static buffer for interacting with pallet-contracts, i.e. to move data
+between `pallet-contracts` and a smart contract. The advantage of a static buffer
+is that no gas-expensive heap allocations are necessary, all allocations are done
+using simple pointer arithmetic.
+The default static buffer size is 16 kB, which is enough for on-chain smart
+contracts. However, the [Phala Network](https://phala.network/) parachain on Polkadot
+allows the deployment of ink! contracts off-chain. Hence, for their chain certain high
+computation contracts might require a larger buffer size.
+### Stabilized `call_runtime`
+We stabilized `call_runtime` in [#1749](https://github.com/paritytech/ink/pull/1749).
+It can be used to call a runtime dispatchable from an ink! contract.
+You can find a contract example and a comparison with chain extensions
+We've added an example of how to end-to-end test
+`call_runtime` [here](https://github.com/paritytech/ink/tree/master/integration-tests/e2e-call-runtime).
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"FAQ": [
+ "faq/migrating-from-ink-4-to-5",
"Brand Assets": [