W (23492) wifi:(itwt)itwt_stop_process! I (23492) wifi:flush txq I (23492) wifi:stop sw txq I (23502) wifi:lmac stop hw txq W (23512) wifi:(bf)761:0x600a7cac:0x01b4b4b0 W (23512) wifi:(agc)0x600a7128:0xd216b9dc, min.avgNF:0xce->0xd2(dB), RCalCount:0x16b, min.RRssi:0x9dc(-98.25) W (23522) wifi:(TB)WDEV_PWR_TB_MCS0:19 W (23522) wifi:(TB)WDEV_PWR_TB_MCS1:19 W (23522) wifi:(TB)WDEV_PWR_TB_MCS2:19 W (23522) wifi:(TB)WDEV_PWR_TB_MCS3:19 W (23532) wifi:(TB)WDEV_PWR_TB_MCS4:19 W (23532) wifi:(TB)WDEV_PWR_TB_MCS5:19 W (23532) wifi:(TB)WDEV_PWR_TB_MCS6:18 W (23542) wifi:(TB)WDEV_PWR_TB_MCS7:18 W (23542) wifi:(TB)WDEV_PWR_TB_MCS8:17 W (23552) wifi:(TB)WDEV_PWR_TB_MCS9:15 W (23562) wifi:(TB)WDEV_PWR_TB_MCS10:15 W (23562) wifi:(TB)WDEV_PWR_TB_MCS11:15 I (23562) wifi:11ax coex: WDEVAX_PTI0(0x55777555), WDEVAX_PTI1(0x00003377). I (23572) wifi:mode : sta (f0:f5:bd:02:b3:b0) I (23572) wifi:enable tsf Done I (23572) chip[DL]: WIFI_EVENT_STA_STOP W (23572) wifi:Haven't to connect to a suitable AP now! I (23582) chip[DL]: Attempting to connect WiFi station interface E (23582) wifi:sta is connecting, return error E (23602) chip[DL]: esp_wifi_connect() failed: ESP_ERR_WIFI_CONN I (23602) chip[DL]: WIFI_EVENT_STA_START W (23612) wifi:Haven't to connect to a suitable AP now! I (23612) chip[DL]: Attempting to connect WiFi station interface E (23622) wifi:sta is connecting, return error E (23622) chip[DL]: esp_wifi_connect() failed: ESP_ERR_WIFI_CONN > I (25502) wifi:(mac)omc_ul_mu_data_disable_rx:1 I (25502) wifi:(phy)ppe_thresholds_present:1, nominal_packet_padding:0 I (25502) wifi:(phy)dcm tx(constellation:2, nss:0), dcm rx(constellation:2, nss:0) I (25512) wifi:(phy)rx_mcs_map:0xfffa(for_1_ss:2), tx_mcs_map:0xfffa, stbc_tx:1, bfmer(su:0, mu:1), ldpc:1 I (25522) wifi:(phy)nsts:1, ru_index_bitmap:0x3(242:1, 484:1, 996:0, 2*996:0) I (25532) wifi:(phy)threshold_bits:24, nsts_num:2, ru_num:2, he_cap->len:26, ppe_threshold_len:4(6,11,4) I (25542) wifi:(ppe)RU242, NSTS0, PPE16:0, PPE8:7, nominal_packet_padding:2 I (25552) wifi:(opr)len:7, TWT Required:0, VHT Operation Present:0, 6GHz Info Present:0, Co-Hosted BSS:0, Basic MCS and NSS:0xfffc I (25562) wifi:(opr)len:7, Default PE Duration:4, TXOP RTS Threshold:1023(0 us), ER-SU-Disable:0 I (25562) wifi:(opr)len:7, BSS Color:35, disabled:0, Partial BSS Color:0 I (25572) wifi:(spr)len:2, ctrl:0x3, PSR Disallowed:1, Non-SRG OBSS PD SR Disallowed:1 I (25582) wifi:(spr)len:2, ctrl:0x3, Non-SRG Offset Present:0, SRG Info Present:0 I (25592) wifi:new:<9,0>, old:<1,0>, ap:<255,255>, sta:<9,0>, prof:1 I (25602) wifi:(connect)dot11_authmode:0x3, pairwise_cipher:0x3, group_cipher:0x3 I (25932) wifi:state: init -> auth (b0) I (25952) wifi:state: auth -> assoc (0) I (25992) wifi:state: assoc -> run (10) I (25992) wifi:(he)ppe_thresholds_present:1, nominal_packet_padding(rx:0, cfg:2) I (25992) wifi:(trc)phytype:CBW20-SGI, snr:61, maxRate:86, highestRateIdx:0 I (26002) wifi:(trc)rate(S-MCS7, schedIdx:0), ampdu(rate:S-MCS7, schedIdx(0, stop:8)), snr:61, ampduState:wait operational I (26012) wifi:ifidx:0, rssi:-36, nf:-97, phytype(0x3, CBW20-SGI), phymode(0x5, 11ax), max_rate:860, he:1 I (26022) wifi:max ampdu length exponent:3(65535 bytes), mmss:5(4 us) I (26122) wifi:(extcap)mbssid:0, enhanced_mbssid_advertise:0, complete_nontxbssid_profiles:0, twt_responder: 0 I (26122) wifi:connected with RoyalPalaceGuest, aid = 34, channel 9, BW20, bssid = 7c:10:c9:dc:bd:93 I (26132) wifi:cipher(pairwise:0x3, group:0x3), pmf:1, security:WPA2-PSK, phy:11ax, rssi:-36 I (26152) wifi:pm start, type: 1, itwt_start:0 I (26152) wifi:pm start, type:1, aid:0x22, trans-BSSID:7c:10:c9:dc:bd:93, BSSID[5]:0x93, mbssid(max-indicator:0, index:0), he:1 I (26162) wifi:dp: 1, bi: 102400, li: 3, scale listen interval from 307200 us to 307200 us I (26162) wifi:set rx beacon pti, rx_bcn_pti: 10, bcn_timeout: 25000, mt_pti: 10, mt_time: 10000 I (26172) wifi:[ADDBA]TX addba request, tid:0, dialogtoken:1, bufsize:32, A-MSDU:0(not supported), policy:1(IMR), ssn:0(0x0) I (26182) wifi:[ADDBA]TX addba request, tid:7, dialogtoken:2, bufsize:32, A-MSDU:0(not supported), policy:1(IMR), ssn:0(0x20) I (26202) wifi:[ADDBA]TX addba request, tid:5, dialogtoken:3, bufsize:32, A-MSDU:0(not supported), policy:1(IMR), ssn:0(0x0) I (26212) wifi:AP's beacon interval = 102400 us, DTIM period = 1 I (26212) wifi:[ADDBA]RX addba response, status:0, tid:0/tb:1(0xa1), bufsize:32, batimeout:0, txa_wnd:32 I (26222) wifi:[ADDBA]RX addba response, status:0, tid:7/tb:1(0xa1), bufsize:32, batimeout:0, txa_wnd:32 I (26232) wifi:[ADDBA]RX addba response, status:0, tid:5/tb:1(0xa1), bufsize:32, batimeout:0, txa_wnd:32 I (26212) chip[DL]: WIFI_EVENT_STA_CONNECTED I (26252) chip[DL]: WiFi station state change: NotConnected -> Connected I (26262) chip[DL]: WiFi station interface connected I (26262) chip[ZCL]: WiFiDiagnosticsDelegate: OnConnectionStatusChanged I (26272) chip[DL]: Done driving station state, nothing else to do... I (26272) chip[DL]: Updating advertising data W (26262) wifi:idx:0, ifx:0, tid:6, TAHI:0x10093bd, TALO:0xdcc9107c, (ssn:1, win:64, cur_ssn:1), CONF:0xc0006005 I (26282) chip[DL]: Configuring CHIPoBLE advertising (interval 25 ms, connectable) I (26292) chip[DL]: Device already advertising, stop active advertisement and restart I (26312) NimBLE: GAP procedure initiated: stop advertising. I (26322) NimBLE: GAP procedure initiated: advertise; I (26322) NimBLE: disc_mode=2 I (26322) NimBLE: adv_channel_map=0 own_addr_type=1 adv_filter_policy=0 adv_itvl_min=40 adv_itvl_max=40 I (26332) NimBLE: I (27212) esp_netif_handlers: sta ip:, mask:, gw: I (27212) chip[DL]: IP_EVENT_STA_GOT_IP I (27222) chip[DL]: IPv4 address changed on WiFi station interface: gateway I (27232) chip[DL]: IPv4 Internet connectivity ESTABLISHED I (27232) app_main: Interface IP Address changed I (27232) chip[DIS]: Updating services using commissioning mode 1 I (27242) chip[DIS]: CHIP minimal mDNS started advertising. I (27252) chip[DIS]: Advertise commission parameter vendorID=65521 productID=32768 discriminator=3840/15 cm=1 cp=0 I (27262) chip[DIS]: CHIP minimal mDNS configured as 'Commissionable node device'; instance name: 28892E427194B7E6. I (27272) chip[DIS]: mDNS service published: _matterc._udp I (27712) chip[DL]: IP_EVENT_GOT_IP6 I (27712) chip[DL]: IPv6 addr available. Ready on WIFI_STA_DEF interface: fe80:0000:0000:0000:f2f5:bdff:fe02:b3b0 I (27722) app_main: Interface IP Address changed I (27722) chip[DIS]: Updating services using commissioning mode 1 I (27732) chip[DIS]: CHIP minimal mDNS started advertising. I (27742) chip[DIS]: Advertise commission parameter vendorID=65521 productID=32768 discriminator=3840/15 cm=1 cp=0 I (27742) chip[DIS]: CHIP minimal mDNS configured as 'Commissionable node device'; instance name: 28892E427194B7E6. I (27762) chip[DIS]: mDNS service published: _matterc._udp I (27762) chip[SVR]: Server initialization complete I (27772) chip[DIS]: Updating services using commissioning mode 1 I (27782) chip[DIS]: CHIP minimal mDNS started advertising. I (27792) chip[DIS]: Advertise commission parameter vendorID=65521 productID=32768 discriminator=3840/15 cm=1 cp=0 I (27792) chip[DIS]: CHIP minimal mDNS configured as 'Commissionable node device'; instance name: 28892E427194B7E6. I (27812) chip[DIS]: mDNS service published: _matterc._udp I (27812) chip[SWU]: Stopping the watchdog timer I (27822) chip[SWU]: Starting the periodic query timer, timeout: 86400 seconds I (27822) chip[IM]: No subscriptions to resume I (27832) esp_matter_attribute: ********** R : Endpoint 0x0000's Cluster 0x0000002A's Attribute 0x00000002 is 0 ********** I (27842) esp_matter_attribute: ********** W : Endpoint 0x0000's Cluster 0x0000002A's Attribute 0x00000002 is 1 ********** I (27862) esp_matter_attribute: ********** R : Endpoint 0x0000's Cluster 0x0000002A's Attribute 0x00000003 is null ********** I (31882) chip[DL]: bleAdv Timeout : Start slow advertisement I (31882) chip[DL]: Configuring CHIPoBLE advertising (interval 500 ms, connectable) I (31892) chip[DL]: Device already advertising, stop active advertisement and restart I (31892) NimBLE: GAP procedure initiated: stop advertising. I (31902) NimBLE: GAP procedure initiated: advertise; I (31902) NimBLE: disc_mode=2 I (31912) NimBLE: adv_channel_map=0 own_addr_type=1 adv_filter_policy=0 adv_itvl_min=800 adv_itvl_max=800 I (31922) NimBLE: I (52982) ROUTE_HOOK: Ignore invalid ICMP packet I (69302) chip[DL]: BLE GAP connection established (con 1) I (69302) chip[DL]: CHIPoBLE advertising stopped I (70142) CHIP[DL]: Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic con 1 16 I (70142) chip[BLE]: local and remote recv window sizes = 5 I (70152) chip[BLE]: selected BTP version 4 I (70152) chip[BLE]: using BTP fragment sizes rx 244 / tx 244. I (70322) chip[DL]: Write request/command received for CHIPoBLE TX CCCD characteristic (con 1 ) indicate = 1 I (70322) chip[DL]: CHIPoBLE subscribe received I (70322) NimBLE: GATT procedure initiated: indicate; I (70332) NimBLE: att_handle=18 I (70432) chip[DL]: Confirm received for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic indication (con 1) status= 14 I (70442) CHIP[DL]: Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic con 1 16 I (70452) chip[EM]: >>> [E:64988r S:0 M:32069752] (U) Msg RX from 0:6244847E2B37A430 [0000] --- Type 0000:20 (SecureChannel:PBKDFParamRequest) I (70462) chip[EM]: <<< [E:64988r S:0 M:63439629] (U) Msg TX to 0:0000000000000000 [0000] [BLE] --- Type 0000:21 (SecureChannel:PBKDFParamResponse) I (70472) NimBLE: GATT procedure initiated: indicate; I (70472) NimBLE: att_handle=18 I (70492) chip[SVR]: Commissioning session establishment step started I (70572) chip[DL]: Confirm received for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic indication (con 1) status= 14 I (70642) CHIP[DL]: Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic con 1 16 I (70642) chip[EM]: >>> [E:64988r S:0 M:32069753] (U) Msg RX from 0:6244847E2B37A430 [0000] --- Type 0000:22 (SecureChannel:PASE_Pake1) I (70712) chip[EM]: <<< [E:64988r S:0 M:63439630] (U) Msg TX to 0:0000000000000000 [0000] [BLE] --- Type 0000:23 (SecureChannel:PASE_Pake2) I (70722) NimBLE: GATT procedure initiated: indicate; I (70722) NimBLE: att_handle=18 I (70752) chip[DL]: Confirm received for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic indication (con 1) status= 14 I (70752) CHIP[DL]: Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic con 1 16 I (70762) chip[EM]: >>> [E:64988r S:0 M:32069754] (U) Msg RX from 0:6244847E2B37A430 [0000] --- Type 0000:24 (SecureChannel:PASE_Pake3) I (70772) chip[EM]: <<< [E:64988r S:0 M:63439631] (U) Msg TX to 0:0000000000000000 [0000] [BLE] --- Type 0000:40 (SecureChannel:StatusReport) I (70792) NimBLE: GATT procedure initiated: indicate; I (70792) NimBLE: att_handle=18 I (70802) chip[SC]: SecureSession[0x40822d28, LSID:23145]: State change 'kEstablishing' --> 'kActive' I (70802) chip[SVR]: Commissioning completed session establishment step I (70812) chip[DIS]: Updating services using commissioning mode 0 I (70832) chip[DIS]: CHIP minimal mDNS started advertising. I (70832) chip[DIS]: Advertise commission parameter vendorID=65521 productID=32768 discriminator=3840/15 cm=0 cp=0 I (70842) chip[DIS]: CHIP minimal mDNS configured as 'Commissionable node device'; instance name: 28892E427194B7E6. I (70852) chip[DIS]: mDNS service published: _matterc._udp I (70852) chip[SVR]: Device completed Rendezvous process I (70862) app_main: Commissioning session started I (70862) app_main: Commissioning window closed I (70862) chip[DL]: Confirm received for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic indication (con 1) status= 14 I (70892) CHIP[DL]: Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic con 1 16 I (70892) chip[EM]: >>> [E:64989r S:23145 M:34498050] (S) Msg RX from 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) I (70912) chip[EM]: <<< [E:64989r S:23145 M:211646848] (S) Msg TX to 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] [BLE] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) I (70922) NimBLE: GATT procedure initiated: indicate; I (70922) NimBLE: att_handle=18 I (71002) chip[DL]: Confirm received for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic indication (con 1) status= 14 I (71002) CHIP[DL]: Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic con 1 16 I (71012) chip[EM]: >>> [E:64990r S:23145 M:34498051] (S) Msg RX from 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) I (71032) chip[EM]: <<< [E:64990r S:23145 M:211646849] (S) Msg TX to 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] [BLE] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) I (71042) NimBLE: GATT procedure initiated: indicate; I (71042) NimBLE: att_handle=18 I (71092) chip[DL]: Confirm received for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic indication (con 1) status= 14 I (71092) CHIP[DL]: Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic con 1 16 I (71102) chip[EM]: >>> [E:64991r S:23145 M:34498052] (S) Msg RX from 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) I (71122) chip[EM]: <<< [E:64991r S:23145 M:211646850] (S) Msg TX to 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] [BLE] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) I (71132) NimBLE: GATT procedure initiated: indicate; I (71132) NimBLE: att_handle=18 I (71152) chip[DL]: Confirm received for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic indication (con 1) status= 14 I (71182) CHIP[DL]: Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic con 1 16 I (71182) chip[EM]: >>> [E:64992r S:23145 M:34498053] (S) Msg RX from 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) I (71192) chip[EM]: <<< [E:64992r S:23145 M:211646851] (S) Msg TX to 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] [BLE] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) I (71202) NimBLE: GATT procedure initiated: indicate; I (71212) NimBLE: att_handle=18 I (71272) chip[DL]: Confirm received for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic indication (con 1) status= 14 I (71272) CHIP[DL]: Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic con 1 16 I (71282) chip[EM]: >>> [E:64993r S:23145 M:34498054] (S) Msg RX from 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] --- Type 0001:08 (IM:InvokeCommandRequest) I (73782) NimBLE: GATT procedure initiated: indicate; I (73782) NimBLE: att_handle=18 I (73852) chip[DL]: Confirm received for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic indication (con 1) status= 14 I (74662) chip[DL]: WIFI_EVENT_SCAN_DONE I (74672) chip[EM]: <<< [E:64993r S:23145 M:211646852] (S) Msg TX to 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] [BLE] --- Type 0001:09 (IM:InvokeCommandResponse) I (74682) NimBLE: GATT procedure initiated: indicate; I (74682) NimBLE: att_handle=18 I (74752) chip[DL]: Confirm received for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic indication (con 1) status= 14 I (74752) NimBLE: GATT procedure initiated: indicate; I (74772) NimBLE: att_handle=18 I (74822) chip[DL]: Confirm received for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic indication (con 1) status= 14 I (75452) CHIP[DL]: Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic con 1 16 I (75452) chip[EM]: >>> [E:64994r S:23145 M:34498055] (S) Msg RX from 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) I (75472) chip[EM]: <<< [E:64994r S:23145 M:211646853] (S) Msg TX to 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] [BLE] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) I (75482) NimBLE: GATT procedure initiated: indicate; I (75482) NimBLE: att_handle=18 I (75542) chip[DL]: Confirm received for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic indication (con 1) status= 14 I (75542) CHIP[DL]: Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic con 1 16 I (75562) chip[EM]: >>> [E:64995r S:23145 M:34498056] (S) Msg RX from 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) I (75572) chip[EM]: <<< [E:64995r S:23145 M:211646854] (S) Msg TX to 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] [BLE] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) I (75582) NimBLE: GATT procedure initiated: indicate; I (75582) NimBLE: att_handle=18 I (75652) chip[DL]: Confirm received for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic indication (con 1) status= 14 I (75662) CHIP[DL]: Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic con 1 16 I (75672) chip[EM]: >>> [E:64996r S:23145 M:34498057] (S) Msg RX from 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) I (75682) chip[DL]: NVS set: chip-config/reg-location = 0 (0x0) I (75692) esp_matter_attribute: ********** R : Endpoint 0x0000's Cluster 0x00000030's Attribute 0x00000000 is 0 ********** I (75702) chip[EM]: <<< [E:64996r S:23145 M:211646855] (S) Msg TX to 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] [BLE] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) I (75712) NimBLE: GATT procedure initiated: indicate; I (75712) NimBLE: att_handle=18 I (75772) chip[DL]: Confirm received for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic indication (con 1) status= 14 I (75772) NimBLE: GATT procedure initiated: indicate; I (75782) NimBLE: att_handle=18 I (75812) chip[DL]: Confirm received for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic indication (con 1) status= 14 I (75862) CHIP[DL]: Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic con 1 16 I (75862) chip[EM]: >>> [E:64997r S:23145 M:34498058] (S) Msg RX from 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) I (75872) chip[EM]: <<< [E:64997r S:23145 M:211646856] (S) Msg TX to 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] [BLE] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) I (75892) NimBLE: GATT procedure initiated: indicate; I (75892) NimBLE: att_handle=18 I (75972) chip[DL]: Confirm received for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic indication (con 1) status= 14 I (75972) CHIP[DL]: Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic con 1 16 I (75982) chip[EM]: >>> [E:64998r S:23145 M:34498059] (S) Msg RX from 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] --- Type 0001:08 (IM:InvokeCommandRequest) I (76002) esp_matter_command: Received command 0x00000000 for endpoint 0x0000's cluster 0x00000030 I (76012) chip[FS]: GeneralCommissioning: Received ArmFailSafe (60s) I (76012) esp_matter_attribute: ********** W : Endpoint 0x0000's Cluster 0x00000030's Attribute 0x00000000 is 4 ********** I (76022) chip[EM]: <<< [E:64998r S:23145 M:211646857] (S) Msg TX to 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] [BLE] --- Type 0001:09 (IM:InvokeCommandResponse) I (76042) NimBLE: GATT procedure initiated: indicate; I (76042) NimBLE: att_handle=18 I (76082) chip[DL]: Confirm received for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic indication (con 1) status= 14 I (76082) CHIP[DL]: Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic con 1 16 I (76102) chip[EM]: >>> [E:64999r S:23145 M:34498060] (S) Msg RX from 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] --- Type 0001:08 (IM:InvokeCommandRequest) I (76112) esp_matter_command: Received command 0x00000002 for endpoint 0x0000's cluster 0x00000030 I (76122) chip[DL]: NVS set: chip-config/reg-location = 0 (0x0) I (76132) chip[DL]: NVS set: chip-config/country-code = "US" I (76132) esp_matter_attribute: ********** W : Endpoint 0x0000's Cluster 0x00000030's Attribute 0x00000000 is 5 ********** I (76142) chip[EM]: <<< [E:64999r S:23145 M:211646858] (S) Msg TX to 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] [BLE] --- Type 0001:09 (IM:InvokeCommandResponse) I (76152) NimBLE: GATT procedure initiated: indicate; I (76162) NimBLE: att_handle=18 I (76192) chip[DL]: Confirm received for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic indication (con 1) status= 14 I (76192) CHIP[DL]: Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic con 1 16 I (76212) chip[EM]: >>> [E:65000r S:23145 M:34498061] (S) Msg RX from 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] --- Type 0001:08 (IM:InvokeCommandRequest) I (76222) esp_matter_command: Received command 0x00000002 for endpoint 0x0000's cluster 0x0000003E I (76232) chip[ZCL]: OpCreds: Certificate Chain request received for PAI I (76242) chip[EM]: <<< [E:65000r S:23145 M:211646859] (S) Msg TX to 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] [BLE] --- Type 0001:09 (IM:InvokeCommandResponse) I (76252) NimBLE: GATT procedure initiated: indicate; I (76252) NimBLE: att_handle=18 I (76312) chip[DL]: Confirm received for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic indication (con 1) status= 14 I (76312) NimBLE: GATT procedure initiated: indicate; I (76322) NimBLE: att_handle=18 I (76402) chip[DL]: Confirm received for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic indication (con 1) status= 14 I (76402) NimBLE: GATT procedure initiated: indicate; I (76412) NimBLE: att_handle=18 I (76462) chip[DL]: Confirm received for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic indication (con 1) status= 14 I (76492) CHIP[DL]: Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic con 1 16 I (76492) chip[EM]: >>> [E:65001r S:23145 M:34498062] (S) Msg RX from 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] --- Type 0001:08 (IM:InvokeCommandRequest) I (76502) esp_matter_command: Received command 0x00000002 for endpoint 0x0000's cluster 0x0000003E I (76512) chip[ZCL]: OpCreds: Certificate Chain request received for DAC I (76522) chip[EM]: <<< [E:65001r S:23145 M:211646860] (S) Msg TX to 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] [BLE] --- Type 0001:09 (IM:InvokeCommandResponse) I (76532) NimBLE: GATT procedure initiated: indicate; I (76542) NimBLE: att_handle=18 I (76602) chip[DL]: Confirm received for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic indication (con 1) status= 14 I (76602) NimBLE: GATT procedure initiated: indicate; I (76612) NimBLE: att_handle=18 I (76672) chip[DL]: Confirm received for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic indication (con 1) status= 14 I (76672) NimBLE: GATT procedure initiated: indicate; I (76682) NimBLE: att_handle=18 I (76712) chip[DL]: Confirm received for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic indication (con 1) status= 14 I (76712) CHIP[DL]: Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic con 1 16 I (76732) chip[EM]: >>> [E:65002r S:23145 M:34498063] (S) Msg RX from 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] --- Type 0001:08 (IM:InvokeCommandRequest) I (76742) esp_matter_command: Received command 0x00000000 for endpoint 0x0000's cluster 0x0000003E I (76752) chip[ZCL]: OpCreds: Received an AttestationRequest command I (76772) chip[ZCL]: OpCreds: AttestationRequest successful. I (76772) chip[EM]: <<< [E:65002r S:23145 M:211646861] (S) Msg TX to 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] [BLE] --- Type 0001:09 (IM:InvokeCommandResponse) I (76792) NimBLE: GATT procedure initiated: indicate; I (76792) NimBLE: att_handle=18 I (76872) chip[DL]: Confirm received for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic indication (con 1) status= 14 I (76872) NimBLE: GATT procedure initiated: indicate; I (76882) NimBLE: att_handle=18 I (76912) chip[DL]: Confirm received for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic indication (con 1) status= 14 I (76912) NimBLE: GATT procedure initiated: indicate; I (76922) NimBLE: att_handle=18 I (76982) chip[DL]: Confirm received for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic indication (con 1) status= 14 I (76982) CHIP[DL]: Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic con 1 16 I (77002) chip[EM]: >>> [E:65003r S:23145 M:34498064] (S) Msg RX from 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] --- Type 0001:08 (IM:InvokeCommandRequest) I (77012) esp_matter_command: Received command 0x00000000 for endpoint 0x0000's cluster 0x00000030 I (77022) chip[FS]: GeneralCommissioning: Received ArmFailSafe (60s) I (77022) esp_matter_attribute: ********** W : Endpoint 0x0000's Cluster 0x00000030's Attribute 0x00000000 is 13 ********** I (77032) chip[EM]: <<< [E:65003r S:23145 M:211646862] (S) Msg TX to 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] [BLE] --- Type 0001:09 (IM:InvokeCommandResponse) I (77052) NimBLE: GATT procedure initiated: indicate; I (77062) NimBLE: att_handle=18 I (77092) chip[DL]: Confirm received for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic indication (con 1) status= 14 I (78622) CHIP[DL]: Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic con 1 16 I (78632) chip[EM]: >>> [E:65004r S:23145 M:34498065] (S) Msg RX from 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] --- Type 0001:08 (IM:InvokeCommandRequest) I (78642) esp_matter_command: Received command 0x00000004 for endpoint 0x0000's cluster 0x0000003E I (78652) chip[ZCL]: OpCreds: Received a CSRRequest command I (78682) chip[ZCL]: OpCreds: AllocatePendingOperationalKey succeeded I (78702) chip[ZCL]: OpCreds: CSRRequest successful. I (78702) chip[EM]: <<< [E:65004r S:23145 M:211646863] (S) Msg TX to 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] [BLE] --- Type 0001:09 (IM:InvokeCommandResponse) I (78722) NimBLE: GATT procedure initiated: indicate; I (78722) NimBLE: att_handle=18 I (78762) chip[DL]: Confirm received for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic indication (con 1) status= 14 I (78762) NimBLE: GATT procedure initiated: indicate; I (78772) NimBLE: att_handle=18 I (78852) chip[DL]: Confirm received for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic indication (con 1) status= 14 I (78852) CHIP[DL]: Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic con 1 16 I (78922) CHIP[DL]: Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic con 1 16 I (78922) chip[EM]: >>> [E:65005r S:23145 M:34498066] (S) Msg RX from 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] --- Type 0001:08 (IM:InvokeCommandRequest) I (78932) esp_matter_command: Received command 0x0000000B for endpoint 0x0000's cluster 0x0000003E I (78942) chip[ZCL]: OpCreds: Received an AddTrustedRootCertificate command I (78982) chip[ZCL]: OpCreds: AddTrustedRootCertificate successful. I (78982) chip[EM]: <<< [E:65005r S:23145 M:211646864] (S) Msg TX to 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] [BLE] --- Type 0001:09 (IM:InvokeCommandResponse) I (78992) NimBLE: GATT procedure initiated: indicate; I (78992) NimBLE: att_handle=18 I (79052) chip[DL]: Confirm received for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic indication (con 1) status= 14 I (79052) CHIP[DL]: Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic con 1 16 I (79122) CHIP[DL]: Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic con 1 16 I (79122) chip[EM]: >>> [E:65006r S:23145 M:34498067] (S) Msg RX from 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] --- Type 0001:08 (IM:InvokeCommandRequest) I (79142) esp_matter_command: Received command 0x00000006 for endpoint 0x0000's cluster 0x0000003E I (79152) chip[ZCL]: OpCreds: Received an AddNOC command I (79152) chip[FP]: Validating NOC chain I (79182) chip[FP]: NOC chain validation successful I (79182) chip[FP]: Added new fabric at index: 0x1 I (79182) chip[FP]: Assigned compressed fabric ID: 0x0AD012DEAD6C72AB, node ID: 0x000000005D1D5DE8 I (79192) chip[TS]: Last Known Good Time: 2023-10-14T01:16:48 I (79202) chip[TS]: New proposed Last Known Good Time: 2024-06-28T15:11:15 I (79212) chip[TS]: Updating pending Last Known Good Time to 2024-06-28T15:11:15 I (79222) chip[ZCL]: OpCreds: ACL entry created for Fabric index 0x1 CASE Admin Subject 0x00000000C03F1501 I (79222) chip[DIS]: Advertise operational node 0AD012DEAD6C72AB-000000005D1D5DE8 I (79242) chip[DIS]: CHIP minimal mDNS configured as 'Operational device'; instance name: 0AD012DEAD6C72AB-000000005D1D5DE8. I (79252) chip[DIS]: mDNS service published: _matter._tcp I (79262) chip[ZCL]: OpCreds: successfully created fabric index 0x1 via AddNOC I (79272) chip[EM]: <<< [E:65006r S:23145 M:211646865] (S) Msg TX to 1:FFFFFFFB00000000 [72AB] [BLE] --- Type 0001:09 (IM:InvokeCommandResponse) I (79282) NimBLE: GATT procedure initiated: indicate; I (79282) NimBLE: att_handle=18 I (79282) app_main: Fabric is updated I (79372) chip[DL]: Confirm received for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic indication (con 1) status= 14 I (79372) CHIP[DL]: Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic con 1 16 I (79382) chip[EM]: >>> [E:65007r S:23145 M:34498068] (S) Msg RX from 1:FFFFFFFB00000000 [72AB] --- Type 0001:08 (IM:InvokeCommandRequest) I (79392) esp_matter_attribute: ********** W : Endpoint 0x0000's Cluster 0x00000030's Attribute 0x00000000 is 22 ********** I (79412) chip[EM]: <<< [E:65007r S:23145 M:211646866] (S) Msg TX to 1:FFFFFFFB00000000 [72AB] [BLE] --- Type 0001:09 (IM:InvokeCommandResponse) I (79422) NimBLE: GATT procedure initiated: indicate; I (79422) NimBLE: att_handle=18 I (79482) chip[DL]: Confirm received for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic indication (con 1) status= 14 I (79482) CHIP[DL]: Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic con 1 16 I (79492) chip[EM]: >>> [E:65008r S:23145 M:34498069] (S) Msg RX from 1:FFFFFFFB00000000 [72AB] --- Type 0001:08 (IM:InvokeCommandRequest) I (79512) esp_matter_command: Received command 0x00000000 for endpoint 0x0000's cluster 0x00000030 I (79522) chip[FS]: GeneralCommissioning: Received ArmFailSafe (69s) I (79522) esp_matter_attribute: ********** W : Endpoint 0x0000's Cluster 0x00000030's Attribute 0x00000000 is 24 ********** I (79532) chip[EM]: <<< [E:65008r S:23145 M:211646867] (S) Msg TX to 1:FFFFFFFB00000000 [72AB] [BLE] --- Type 0001:09 (IM:InvokeCommandResponse) I (79552) NimBLE: GATT procedure initiated: indicate; I (79552) NimBLE: att_handle=18 I (79592) chip[DL]: Confirm received for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic indication (con 1) status= 14 I (79592) CHIP[DL]: Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic con 1 16 I (79612) chip[EM]: >>> [E:65009r S:23145 M:34498070] (S) Msg RX from 1:FFFFFFFB00000000 [72AB] --- Type 0001:08 (IM:InvokeCommandRequest) I (79622) chip[NP]: ESP NetworkCommissioningDelegate: SSID: RoyalPalaceGuest I (79622) esp_matter_attribute: ********** W : Endpoint 0x0000's Cluster 0x00000030's Attribute 0x00000000 is 26 ********** I (79632) chip[EM]: <<< [E:65009r S:23145 M:211646868] (S) Msg TX to 1:FFFFFFFB00000000 [72AB] [BLE] --- Type 0001:09 (IM:InvokeCommandResponse) I (79652) NimBLE: GATT procedure initiated: indicate; I (79662) NimBLE: att_handle=18 I (79662) chip[DIS]: Advertise operational node 0AD012DEAD6C72AB-000000005D1D5DE8 I (79672) chip[DIS]: CHIP minimal mDNS configured as 'Operational device'; instance name: 0AD012DEAD6C72AB-000000005D1D5DE8. I (79692) chip[DIS]: mDNS service published: _matter._tcp I (79692) chip[SVR]: Operational advertising enabled I (79752) chip[DL]: Confirm received for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic indication (con 1) status= 14 I (82202) CHIP[DL]: Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic con 1 16 I (84702) NimBLE: GATT procedure initiated: indicate; I (84702) NimBLE: att_handle=18 I (84772) chip[DL]: Confirm received for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic indication (con 1) status= 14 I (87262) CHIP[DL]: Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic con 1 16 I (89762) NimBLE: GATT procedure initiated: indicate; I (89762) NimBLE: att_handle=18 I (89812) chip[DL]: Confirm received for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic indication (con 1) status= 14 I (92302) CHIP[DL]: Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic con 1 16 I (94802) NimBLE: GATT procedure initiated: indicate; I (94802) NimBLE: att_handle=18 I (94852) chip[DL]: Confirm received for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic indication (con 1) status= 14 I (97342) CHIP[DL]: Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic con 1 16 I (99852) NimBLE: GATT procedure initiated: indicate; I (99852) NimBLE: att_handle=18 I (99912) chip[DL]: Confirm received for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic indication (con 1) status= 14 I (102382) CHIP[DL]: Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic con 1 16 I (104892) NimBLE: GATT procedure initiated: indicate; I (104892) NimBLE: att_handle=18 I (104952) chip[DL]: Confirm received for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic indication (con 1) status= 14 I (107452) CHIP[DL]: Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic con 1 16 I (109952) NimBLE: GATT procedure initiated: indicate; I (109952) NimBLE: att_handle=18 I (109992) chip[DL]: Confirm received for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic indication (con 1) status= 14 I (112512) CHIP[DL]: Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic con 1 16 I (115012) NimBLE: GATT procedure initiated: indicate; I (115012) NimBLE: att_handle=18 I (115052) chip[DL]: Confirm received for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic indication (con 1) status= 14 I (117552) CHIP[DL]: Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic con 1 16 I (120052) NimBLE: GATT procedure initiated: indicate; I (120052) NimBLE: att_handle=18 I (120112) chip[DL]: Confirm received for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic indication (con 1) status= 14 I (122662) CHIP[DL]: Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic con 1 16 I (124702) CHIP[DL]: Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic con 1 16 I (124712) chip[EM]: >>> [E:65010r S:23145 M:34498071] (S) Msg RX from 1:FFFFFFFB00000000 [72AB] --- Type 0001:08 (IM:InvokeCommandRequest) I (124722) esp_matter_command: Received command 0x00000000 for endpoint 0x0000's cluster 0x00000030 I (124732) chip[FS]: GeneralCommissioning: Received ArmFailSafe (120s) I (124732) esp_matter_attribute: ********** W : Endpoint 0x0000's Cluster 0x00000030's Attribute 0x00000000 is 29 ********** I (124752) chip[EM]: <<< [E:65010r S:23145 M:211646869] (S) Msg TX to 1:FFFFFFFB00000000 [72AB] [BLE] --- Type 0001:09 (IM:InvokeCommandResponse) I (124762) NimBLE: GATT procedure initiated: indicate; I (124772) NimBLE: att_handle=18 I (124822) chip[DL]: Confirm received for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic indication (con 1) status= 14 I (127312) CHIP[DL]: Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic con 1 16 I (129812) NimBLE: GATT procedure initiated: indicate; I (129812) NimBLE: att_handle=18 I (129862) chip[DL]: Confirm received for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic indication (con 1) status= 14 I (132382) CHIP[DL]: Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic con 1 16 I (134882) NimBLE: GATT procedure initiated: indicate; I (134882) NimBLE: att_handle=18 I (134942) chip[DL]: Confirm received for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic indication (con 1) status= 14 I (137422) CHIP[DL]: Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic con 1 16 I (139922) NimBLE: GATT procedure initiated: indicate; I (139922) NimBLE: att_handle=18 I (139982) chip[DL]: Confirm received for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic indication (con 1) status= 14 I (142522) CHIP[DL]: Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic con 1 16 I (145032) NimBLE: GATT procedure initiated: indicate; I (145032) NimBLE: att_handle=18 I (145092) chip[DL]: Confirm received for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic indication (con 1) status= 14 I (147592) CHIP[DL]: Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic con 1 16 I (150092) NimBLE: GATT procedure initiated: indicate; I (150092) NimBLE: att_handle=18 I (150132) chip[DL]: Confirm received for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic indication (con 1) status= 14 I (152652) CHIP[DL]: Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic con 1 16 I (155152) NimBLE: GATT procedure initiated: indicate; I (155152) NimBLE: att_handle=18 I (155212) chip[DL]: Confirm received for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic indication (con 1) status= 14 I (157692) CHIP[DL]: Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic con 1 16 I (160192) NimBLE: GATT procedure initiated: indicate; I (160192) NimBLE: att_handle=18 I (160252) chip[DL]: Confirm received for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic indication (con 1) status= 14 I (162802) CHIP[DL]: Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic con 1 16 I (165302) NimBLE: GATT procedure initiated: indicate; I (165302) NimBLE: att_handle=18 I (165362) chip[DL]: Confirm received for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic indication (con 1) status= 14 I (167862) CHIP[DL]: Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic con 1 16 I (169702) CHIP[DL]: Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic con 1 16 I (169712) chip[EM]: >>> [E:65011r S:23145 M:34498072] (S) Msg RX from 1:FFFFFFFB00000000 [72AB] --- Type 0001:08 (IM:InvokeCommandRequest) I (169722) esp_matter_command: Received command 0x00000000 for endpoint 0x0000's cluster 0x00000030 I (169732) chip[FS]: GeneralCommissioning: Received ArmFailSafe (120s) I (169732) esp_matter_attribute: ********** W : Endpoint 0x0000's Cluster 0x00000030's Attribute 0x00000000 is 29 ********** I (169752) chip[EM]: <<< [E:65011r S:23145 M:211646870] (S) Msg TX to 1:FFFFFFFB00000000 [72AB] [BLE] --- Type 0001:09 (IM:InvokeCommandResponse) I (169762) NimBLE: GATT procedure initiated: indicate; I (169772) NimBLE: att_handle=18 I (169862) chip[DL]: Confirm received for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic indication (con 1) status= 14 I (172312) CHIP[DL]: Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic con 1 16 I (174822) NimBLE: GATT procedure initiated: indicate; I (174822) NimBLE: att_handle=18 I (174902) chip[DL]: Confirm received for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic indication (con 1) status= 14 I (177422) CHIP[DL]: Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic con 1 16 I (179922) NimBLE: GATT procedure initiated: indicate; I (179922) NimBLE: att_handle=18 I (179992) chip[DL]: Confirm received for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic indication (con 1) status= 14 I (182462) CHIP[DL]: Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic con 1 16 I (184962) NimBLE: GATT procedure initiated: indicate; I (184962) NimBLE: att_handle=18 I (185052) chip[DL]: Confirm received for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic indication (con 1) status= 14 I (187572) CHIP[DL]: Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic con 1 16 I (190072) NimBLE: GATT procedure initiated: indicate; I (190072) NimBLE: att_handle=18 I (190132) chip[DL]: Confirm received for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic indication (con 1) status= 14 I (192612) CHIP[DL]: Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic con 1 16 I (195112) NimBLE: GATT procedure initiated: indicate; I (195112) NimBLE: att_handle=18 I (195172) chip[DL]: Confirm received for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic indication (con 1) status= 14 I (197722) CHIP[DL]: Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic con 1 16 I (200222) NimBLE: GATT procedure initiated: indicate; I (200222) NimBLE: att_handle=18 I (200282) chip[DL]: Confirm received for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic indication (con 1) status= 14 I (202782) CHIP[DL]: Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic con 1 16 I (205282) NimBLE: GATT procedure initiated: indicate; I (205282) NimBLE: att_handle=18 I (205322) chip[DL]: Confirm received for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic indication (con 1) status= 14 I (207842) CHIP[DL]: Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic con 1 16 I (210342) NimBLE: GATT procedure initiated: indicate; I (210342) NimBLE: att_handle=18 I (210412) chip[DL]: Confirm received for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic indication (con 1) status= 14 I (212882) CHIP[DL]: Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic con 1 16 I (215382) NimBLE: GATT procedure initiated: indicate; I (215382) NimBLE: att_handle=18 I (215452) chip[DL]: Confirm received for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic indication (con 1) status= 14 I (217992) CHIP[DL]: Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic con 1 16 I (220492) NimBLE: GATT procedure initiated: indicate; I (220492) NimBLE: att_handle=18 I (220552) chip[DL]: Confirm received for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic indication (con 1) status= 14