WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:02.200 Tobie Langel: Enough that I actually run the thing. 2 00:00:03.880 --> 00:00:13.779 Tobie Langel: Hello, everyone and welcome to this. June 11, th 2024. Edition of the Cross Project Council of the Openjs Foundation. 3 00:00:14.804 --> 00:00:24.110 Tobie Langel: I'm going to try to run this meeting unless my Wi-fi runs really bad, in which case I think Joe is gonna 4 00:00:24.730 --> 00:00:34.420 Tobie Langel: be able to step in Benjamin? Graciously put them meeting notes in. 5 00:00:34.960 --> 00:00:44.420 Tobie Langel: The chat here, if you haven't already make sure your name, isn't it? And please help take the minutes as 6 00:00:45.050 --> 00:00:48.540 Tobie Langel: we move forward. We're gonna take 7 00:00:48.670 --> 00:00:50.090 Tobie Langel: about. 8 00:00:50.590 --> 00:00:51.290 Tobie Langel: Nope. 9 00:00:51.490 --> 00:00:52.210 Tobie Langel: We're 10 00:00:52.610 --> 00:00:53.350 Tobie Langel: clean 11 00:00:53.790 --> 00:00:54.490 Tobie Langel: and 12 00:00:55.010 --> 00:00:55.670 Tobie Langel: s-. 13 00:00:55.980 --> 00:00:56.690 Chris de Almeida (IBM): Oh, no! 14 00:00:56.990 --> 00:00:57.780 Chris de Almeida (IBM): That. 15 00:00:59.860 --> 00:01:04.310 Tobie Langel: Also, we're actually like in 22 min. So 16 00:01:06.880 --> 00:01:09.635 Tobie Langel: okay, so it's not gonna work, is it? 17 00:01:09.980 --> 00:01:11.269 Cody Zuschlag (NearForm Ltd): Cutting your camera. 18 00:01:12.060 --> 00:01:13.180 Joe Sepi (IBM, he/him): I'd maybe try cutting your account. 19 00:01:13.180 --> 00:01:14.769 Cody Zuschlag (NearForm Ltd): Camera. Maybe you know. 20 00:01:16.370 --> 00:01:18.155 Tobie Langel: Okay, I'm gonna try that. 21 00:01:19.080 --> 00:01:21.010 Tobie Langel: So I'm waving to you all now. 22 00:01:22.715 --> 00:01:23.600 Tobie Langel: So 23 00:01:24.430 --> 00:01:33.430 Tobie Langel: I'm sorry. I'm in an area with bad wi-fi and bad 5G network, too. So anyway. 24 00:01:33.881 --> 00:01:53.229 Tobie Langel: we're gonna do a private session at the end of well, at the bottom of the hour. To manage the nomination for the code of conduct team. And we're gonna sort of like rush through the agenda in the meantime, and so I think we should start with any announcements. 25 00:01:57.967 --> 00:02:13.230 Robin Ginn (OpenJS): Tomorrow we have a program committee meeting. It's not on the public calendar, but you are welcome to attend. So if you are interested in helping us plan our event participation for this year and next. You're welcome to join us. Give me a shout. 26 00:02:13.270 --> 00:02:15.769 Robin Ginn (OpenJS): and I'll send you the information. 27 00:02:17.190 --> 00:02:24.969 Joe Sepi (IBM, he/him): Yeah, just a heads up to the security meeting. Moved a little bit earlier on Mondays, but I can't remember what time, but it's in the calendar. 28 00:02:28.360 --> 00:02:29.070 Joe Sepi (IBM, he/him): cool. 29 00:02:30.610 --> 00:02:43.130 Tobie Langel: Love it. Awesome. Do we have a board updates that we need to share with the Cpc. I'm I'm confused as to whether we did share them or didn't. 30 00:02:45.120 --> 00:02:47.830 Robin Ginn (OpenJS): We did share a couple of weeks ago, I believe. 31 00:02:47.990 --> 00:03:00.126 Tobie Langel: Alright cause like the timings change, and then I'm I'm all mixed up. So so nothing new on the board side. Staff updates. We did 32 00:03:00.580 --> 00:03:04.410 Tobie Langel: briefly talk about one of them before the call. Ready? 33 00:03:06.440 --> 00:03:10.219 Tobie Langel: on the legal front like anything 34 00:03:10.769 --> 00:03:13.109 Tobie Langel: of. So I'm just gonna share the the label. 35 00:03:13.110 --> 00:03:27.233 Robin Ginn (OpenJS): I had a huge, a huge, I had a pretty extensive list I had in front of our legal team. They said. There's some of them that the Lf. Has sort of solved. We're we are independent and have to use our own legal. But I'm working through the different 36 00:03:28.010 --> 00:03:32.129 Robin Ginn (OpenJS): leadership teams at the Linux Foundation to get their best practice. So we don't 37 00:03:32.170 --> 00:03:36.709 Robin Ginn (OpenJS): run up huge legal fees on our side, reinventing the wheel. So 38 00:03:36.750 --> 00:03:41.929 Robin Ginn (OpenJS): I should have an update soon. Our attorneys been on vacation, but working with his team. 39 00:03:43.440 --> 00:03:45.190 Tobie Langel: Alright cool. Well, that's great to hear. 40 00:03:45.440 --> 00:04:09.410 Benjamin Sternthal: Just in addition to that, I I'm also looking into some Dco best practices. So there's a couple 2 issues. I know of that need to be updated once I get those. So there, there's an outstanding issue and node, and then this the vis gl project as part of their onboarding was like, hey, what are the what are the best practices for implementing this? So soon as I get some clarity there, I'll I'll Update everything. 41 00:04:12.100 --> 00:04:13.580 Tobie Langel: Wonderful. Thank you. 42 00:04:14.560 --> 00:04:27.330 Tobie Langel: Then we have the non violent communication strategic workplace conflict that we discussed. Briefly in the pre meeting. Robin, if you can share, like any updates you have there, I think that would be super useful. 43 00:04:27.500 --> 00:04:42.239 Robin Ginn (OpenJS): Yeah, I think I mentioned earlier, we had a proposal from someone who did Lf training early on. It was just something we couldn't afford. So I have another outreach to someone that Wes recommended. So, waiting to hear back and coordinate with her. 44 00:04:46.600 --> 00:05:07.200 Tobie Langel: Wonderful, and I think and we also wanted to add that if the Node project wanted to look into a solution directly, for on the project itself they also absolutely could. Set up a proposal for this. And you know that that's another way of of moving that conversation forward if needed. 45 00:05:11.850 --> 00:05:18.729 Tobie Langel: I think I think that's it on the yes, that's it on the staff updates. Alright, awesome. 46 00:05:19.153 --> 00:05:33.620 Tobie Langel: Let's get started on the actual agenda. I'm I'm rushing us through a bit because we're ending at the bottom of the hour. So issue 1313 2024 Foundation Project, Health Survey. 47 00:05:34.730 --> 00:05:44.479 Benjamin Sternthal: Yeah, so this is our our heartbeat survey, and it was sent out about 2 weeks ago via the private mailing list, as well as slack, and a Github issue. 48 00:05:44.480 --> 00:06:04.970 Benjamin Sternthal: And we don't have a ton of responses. I would say the most active projects have already responded, which is great but we might need to chase a couple of other folks, so I I would. Maybe, Paul, I'll work with you on on some additional reach out here. But yeah, if if you are the lead on one of the projects, and you haven't 49 00:06:05.190 --> 00:06:11.479 Benjamin Sternthal: fill out the survey, there's like 4 questions. It's super quick. I would ask that you do so, and you can always reach out to me if you have questions. 50 00:06:14.290 --> 00:06:17.735 Tobie Langel: Okay, awesome. Thank you so much for the additional context. 51 00:06:18.300 --> 00:06:23.520 The Node.js Project: Just as a quick question, so like, for example, in the Node project that went to all the Tsc members or. 52 00:06:25.870 --> 00:06:30.189 Benjamin Sternthal: Did I send? I didn't send it to. I send it to the Cpc. Private list. 53 00:06:30.981 --> 00:06:33.810 Benjamin Sternthal: I didn't send it to each 54 00:06:34.350 --> 00:06:35.700 Benjamin Sternthal: projects. 55 00:06:36.190 --> 00:06:38.510 Benjamin Sternthal: you know various mailing lists. 56 00:06:38.510 --> 00:06:42.670 Robin Ginn (OpenJS): We have a Maintainer lead list as well, you added. I believe. 57 00:06:42.670 --> 00:06:45.819 Benjamin Sternthal: I think I may mail it to that, too. Yeah, I can. I can double check. 58 00:06:46.120 --> 00:06:49.179 Robin Ginn (OpenJS): Which did not include the full Tsc. Michael. So, for example. 59 00:06:49.180 --> 00:06:50.620 The Node.js Project: Yeah, okay, no. I was just like. 60 00:06:50.620 --> 00:06:53.459 Robin Ginn (OpenJS): Yeah, we would hit chairs, not the full. Tsc's. 61 00:06:53.460 --> 00:06:55.339 The Node.js Project: Yeah, I was more asking cause like 62 00:06:55.490 --> 00:07:03.200 The Node.js Project: I could. Certainly I I didn't know whether went to to all the Tc. Members or like to our Cpc. Reps, or whatever but like 63 00:07:03.380 --> 00:07:09.140 The Node.js Project: that was just my question. So I make sense that it would go to like the Cpc. Reps from the project. 64 00:07:11.640 --> 00:07:25.783 Tobie Langel: Yeah, th, just very briefly, I think this is an interesting question, because I'm just realizing as we having this, that I don't know whether the people that should have been filling this on the Amp side, for example, are aware of it, and I also don't have means to directly check right. 65 00:07:26.050 --> 00:07:26.380 Robin Ginn (OpenJS): Right now. 66 00:07:26.380 --> 00:07:27.370 Tobie Langel: Good, saw. 67 00:07:27.650 --> 00:07:38.400 Robin Ginn (OpenJS): I have the leads like it. You at least one or 2, sometimes 3, but mostly 2 leads for every project that are not necessarily. Cpc, rep. Yeah. 68 00:07:39.819 --> 00:07:52.789 Tobie Langel: So maybe I think what could be useful is sort of like midway through. If you're not seeing anything from some of the folks to do some outreach to the folks who are in the Cpc. Who can then go talk to the folks who are in the project. 69 00:07:52.960 --> 00:07:54.180 Tobie Langel: If that makes sense. 70 00:07:56.040 --> 00:08:04.286 Robin Ginn (OpenJS): Yeah, we've also been hitting them for sovereign tech fund infrastructure and for the Esp program. So we do sort of touch base regularly. 71 00:08:04.630 --> 00:08:05.689 Tobie Langel: I saw this. Yep. 72 00:08:05.900 --> 00:08:09.780 Robin Ginn (OpenJS): Yeah, so it does require a little bit of, you know. 73 00:08:10.150 --> 00:08:16.220 Robin Ginn (OpenJS): chafing down their preferred communication channel, whether it's discord or slack or email. So 74 00:08:16.440 --> 00:08:17.220 Robin Ginn (OpenJS): get home. 75 00:08:17.220 --> 00:08:17.880 Tobie Langel: Oh, it! 76 00:08:18.270 --> 00:08:18.780 Robin Ginn (OpenJS): Hmm. 77 00:08:18.780 --> 00:08:23.893 Tobie Langel: Awesome. Well, looking forward to get more answers into that survey. 78 00:08:24.460 --> 00:08:28.869 Tobie Langel: issue. 13 salmon archiving the hospital run project. 79 00:08:31.000 --> 00:08:35.939 Robin Ginn (OpenJS): That was moved to Meredith. Claudia pointed out. It's still on our 80 00:08:35.960 --> 00:08:42.150 Robin Ginn (OpenJS): on the homepage, I think, with the scrolling Logos, but I think that's been pretty well 81 00:08:42.799 --> 00:08:46.719 Robin Ginn (OpenJS): closed. I think we could close that issue. I guess that's what I'm saying. 82 00:08:47.125 --> 00:08:48.339 Benjamin Sternthal: This is like. 83 00:08:49.150 --> 00:08:49.470 Robin Ginn (OpenJS): No. 84 00:08:49.470 --> 00:09:09.058 Benjamin Sternthal: So this is a really good 1st test of our new project life cycle, Doc, right that has archived in it. So I copied over, like all the entire checklist, into this issue, I just need to go through and see. I I assume most of these are done, but I just want to check off all the things and ensure that. So 85 00:09:09.500 --> 00:09:11.677 Benjamin Sternthal: I'm I'm I'm just sort of 86 00:09:12.530 --> 00:09:14.160 Benjamin Sternthal: checking the boxes. There. 87 00:09:14.160 --> 00:09:14.730 Robin Ginn (OpenJS): Okay. 88 00:09:15.860 --> 00:09:19.940 Tobie Langel: Does archiving a project actually require the Cpc. To prove it at some point. 89 00:09:21.488 --> 00:09:24.480 Benjamin Sternthal: Yes, it does. I think 90 00:09:25.350 --> 00:09:26.259 Benjamin Sternthal: if if memory. 91 00:09:26.260 --> 00:09:27.230 Tobie Langel: Let up snow. 92 00:09:27.230 --> 00:09:28.190 Robin Ginn (OpenJS): Historically 93 00:09:28.730 --> 00:09:39.300 Robin Ginn (OpenJS): in practice. Again, what's documented in what's in practice has not been the case. So look at Jquery Ui and Jquery Mobile. We did not have Cpc approval. So. 94 00:09:40.290 --> 00:09:43.329 Jordan Harband (herodevs): It seems like they're different categories of a project is 95 00:09:43.470 --> 00:09:46.160 Jordan Harband (herodevs): itself itself deciding to 96 00:09:46.390 --> 00:09:48.429 Jordan Harband (herodevs): sunset itself. Then 97 00:09:48.610 --> 00:09:52.920 Jordan Harband (herodevs): the Cpc shouldn't be able to block that, however, if 98 00:09:53.020 --> 00:09:55.860 Jordan Harband (herodevs): not, the project is deciding to sunset it. 99 00:09:55.950 --> 00:09:59.489 Jordan Harband (herodevs): then the Cpc. Absolutely should be involved in that. 100 00:10:01.170 --> 00:10:01.950 Robin Ginn (OpenJS): I agree. 101 00:10:03.430 --> 00:10:17.120 Benjamin Sternthal: Yeah, the exact wording here is, decide in collaboration with the Cpc. If the project needs to be archived, or whether a call for maintenance is warranted right? So like the project is just said that. So I think, Jordan, this just reinforces what you decide. 102 00:10:18.590 --> 00:10:25.580 Tobie Langel: So. So if we're doing the process, let's do the process, and let's, you know, tune it as we go. I like your approach, Benjamin, I think we should do that 103 00:10:29.470 --> 00:10:35.870 Tobie Langel: alright cool moving on to 1,300 improving the security poster of the Cpc. 104 00:10:40.550 --> 00:10:46.626 Tobie Langel: I have literally no memory of what the last steps of this were concerned. As I'm as I'm fully 105 00:10:47.190 --> 00:10:48.342 Chris de Almeida (IBM): We were at the 106 00:10:49.200 --> 00:10:57.799 Chris de Almeida (IBM): There was a working session, and we have some fields up. And Ben kindly created the Google Forms document. 107 00:10:58.885 --> 00:10:59.590 Chris de Almeida (IBM): And 108 00:10:59.780 --> 00:11:02.630 Chris de Almeida (IBM): some folks had some comments 109 00:11:03.770 --> 00:11:10.019 Chris de Almeida (IBM): on some things to patch in there. I have not looked at it since, probably in good shape. 110 00:11:10.480 --> 00:11:17.809 Benjamin Sternthal: Yeah, I was. That's a that's a really accurate summary. I was just waiting letting that issue marinate a little bit before I went through and and just 111 00:11:17.890 --> 00:11:21.309 Benjamin Sternthal: made all the form changes. But yeah, I think we're we're 112 00:11:21.830 --> 00:11:27.310 Benjamin Sternthal: Yeah, I'll do that next week. I think that's probably enough time, and then then the intake form is complete. 113 00:11:30.220 --> 00:11:31.859 Tobie Langel: Amazing perfect. 114 00:11:32.100 --> 00:11:33.772 Tobie Langel: Alright. So let's 115 00:11:34.480 --> 00:11:37.349 Tobie Langel: Hopefully, we can close this in a couple like in the next call. 116 00:11:43.520 --> 00:11:49.609 Tobie Langel: well, 1290. We're not gonna look at. Now we're gonna look at in the private session. So we can just skip that 117 00:11:49.980 --> 00:11:55.769 Tobie Langel: 1,297 is documenting the Coc. 118 00:11:58.213 --> 00:12:00.580 Tobie Langel: Team selection. 119 00:12:01.380 --> 00:12:02.340 Tobie Langel: The Provost. 120 00:12:02.930 --> 00:12:03.590 Tobie Langel: So. 121 00:12:04.570 --> 00:12:05.700 Chris de Almeida (IBM): Toby, your robotic. 122 00:12:08.890 --> 00:12:09.739 Chris de Almeida (IBM): You move them? 123 00:12:11.040 --> 00:12:12.799 Chris de Almeida (IBM): Yeah, you're you're cutting out. 124 00:12:13.710 --> 00:12:14.400 Chris de Almeida (IBM): Thank you. 125 00:12:15.640 --> 00:12:17.570 Tobie Langel: What is? 126 00:12:17.830 --> 00:12:19.489 Tobie Langel: Oh, okay, I'm 127 00:12:20.764 --> 00:12:22.606 Tobie Langel: well, that's unfortunate. 128 00:12:23.220 --> 00:12:24.819 Chris de Almeida (IBM): Now, now you're back. 129 00:12:25.220 --> 00:12:27.160 Tobie Langel: Like now it's better. 130 00:12:27.500 --> 00:12:33.399 Chris de Almeida (IBM): It's better now. Real quick interjection. There are still some unresolved comments from 131 00:12:34.002 --> 00:12:43.570 Chris de Almeida (IBM): the security posture form feedback like your Co. You had some suggested wording changes, Toby. And it's still the old. Those have not been 132 00:12:44.450 --> 00:12:45.120 Chris de Almeida (IBM): updated 133 00:12:45.730 --> 00:12:46.560 Chris de Almeida (IBM): or 134 00:12:47.050 --> 00:12:56.290 Chris de Almeida (IBM): disagreed with such that they should not be updated or anything like that. So just fyi on, that there might be some still some proof reading to do on that item. 135 00:12:57.070 --> 00:13:15.142 Tobie Langel: Thank Chris. My understanding from Benjamin's comment was that he was letting the issue marinate. It was essentially gonna pull those changes in at some point. Yeah, okay, I see him not nod. So that was my understanding. Okay, cool. But thank you for asking for clarification for this. 136 00:13:17.000 --> 00:13:17.890 Tobie Langel: So 137 00:13:18.770 --> 00:13:30.810 Tobie Langel: going back to 1,298, if I'm no longer cutting off right now in 1297, so 1298 is actually selecting the code of conduct team members. 138 00:13:30.810 --> 00:13:52.170 Tobie Langel: And 1297 is documenting the selection process as we do that because the idea was we had the basic stuff down and one to to, instead of just like inventing a process and policy just actually run through it and do it as we go. So so that's the idea of those 2 issues. I don't think we needed 139 00:13:52.350 --> 00:13:57.130 Tobie Langel: getting to them now, because we gonna spend a half an hour in the private session talking about the 140 00:13:57.774 --> 00:14:08.669 Tobie Langel: community. A member selection process. So let's move into 1,277, which is the new ecosystem sustainability program. 141 00:14:08.710 --> 00:14:11.069 Tobie Langel: I can't we close this one. 142 00:14:11.440 --> 00:14:21.650 Robin Ginn (OpenJS): Yup. Probably I can just give an update. We did a town Hall meeting for our maintainers about a week and a half ago on Friday, the 31.st We have a recording of that in the deck. 143 00:14:21.760 --> 00:14:38.100 Robin Ginn (OpenJS): We sent it out if you didn't receive it, and would like to see it. There's a recording. I can forward it to you. Joe Eames, who's our partner? Lead at Hero Devs joined us. And we've been rolling out the program doing project briefings, probably 2 or 3 a week. We've been sending out 144 00:14:38.634 --> 00:14:52.339 Robin Ginn (OpenJS): so again, if you wanna jump on this sooner rather than later. Give me a shout, but you'll start to see intros to Joe. And then, as other hopefully new partners come on board. Yeah, you'll meet them, too. 145 00:14:54.110 --> 00:14:55.860 Robin Ginn (OpenJS): But yeah, I think we could close it. 146 00:15:08.330 --> 00:15:30.964 Tobie Langel: Awesome. Let's do that on. Hold if people have questions have concerns or struggling with getting the program to do what it is that they want, like the Cpc. Is the place to sort of like. I have those conversations, and make sure that everything is running smoothly for the projects so like show up was questions and concerns. If, like anything, a happens at some point where 147 00:15:31.270 --> 00:15:40.370 Tobie Langel: you're I don't know struggling or unhappy with a decision, or have, like you know, lack clarity somewhere. 148 00:15:43.830 --> 00:15:44.740 Tobie Langel: Alright. 149 00:15:45.670 --> 00:15:48.779 Tobie Langel: moving on to 150 00:15:50.550 --> 00:15:56.210 Tobie Langel: 1263 document best practices for org project organization. 151 00:16:02.980 --> 00:16:06.920 Tobie Langel: Oh, we're still waiting on express is this correct? 152 00:16:10.020 --> 00:16:18.787 Robin Ginn (OpenJS): Yeah, Wes reported in our Cpc. A couple of weeks ago that he they have some competing priorities. I know they're finishing up an audit and other things. So 153 00:16:19.160 --> 00:16:20.360 Robin Ginn (OpenJS): think it's 154 00:16:20.440 --> 00:16:22.299 Robin Ginn (OpenJS): on their list, but not 155 00:16:22.350 --> 00:16:24.169 Robin Ginn (OpenJS): top of their list this week. 156 00:16:26.650 --> 00:16:28.929 Tobie Langel: Okay, I'm just adding this to the issue. 157 00:16:30.980 --> 00:16:39.579 Tobie Langel: Should we leave it like this? Or should we put it like like, remove it from the agenda and get back to it like in a. In a few weeks. 158 00:16:39.860 --> 00:16:40.140 Robin Ginn (OpenJS): Yeah. 159 00:16:40.140 --> 00:16:40.930 Jordan Harband (herodevs): I would remove. 160 00:16:40.930 --> 00:16:41.349 Robin Ginn (OpenJS): Do you think? 161 00:16:41.350 --> 00:16:42.220 Jordan Harband (herodevs): Region. Yeah. 162 00:16:42.760 --> 00:16:57.370 Jordan Harband (herodevs): I mean the the advice that's the aggregate advice on that issue is also already what Nvm. Has always done. So it's and they're sure there's more projects that follow it. It's like the Github de facto standard. So it's fine to document that and link to Github stocks. 163 00:16:57.770 --> 00:17:00.499 Jordan Harband (herodevs): But I don't know what we discuss in the meeting about it. 164 00:17:03.981 --> 00:17:11.740 Chris de Almeida (IBM): I can't speak for Wes, but you might not want to block on progress from the express team. 165 00:17:12.400 --> 00:17:16.469 Chris de Almeida (IBM): Cause. There are a lot of other demands on its time. 166 00:17:18.180 --> 00:17:19.810 Chris de Almeida (IBM): so yeah. 167 00:17:21.970 --> 00:17:24.779 Chris de Almeida (IBM): I I don't. And I'm not sure when 168 00:17:26.410 --> 00:17:27.889 Chris de Almeida (IBM): they would have time to work on them. 169 00:17:32.190 --> 00:17:37.367 Tobie Langel: I don't have opinions. I mean, this is not a huge priority for me. I initially opened this issue. 170 00:17:38.194 --> 00:17:41.095 Tobie Langel: Because people were having this conversation somewhere. 171 00:17:41.858 --> 00:17:44.540 Tobie Langel: and it felt like useful to write it down. 172 00:17:45.005 --> 00:17:50.860 Tobie Langel: If people believe there are faster way to get to a a better result. I'm all ears. 173 00:17:52.768 --> 00:17:57.859 Chris de Almeida (IBM): Is the so like the the title of the issue is very general. But then the 174 00:17:58.260 --> 00:18:03.070 Chris de Almeida (IBM): oh, okay, so is it. Document best practices is this meant to encomp like the 175 00:18:03.200 --> 00:18:08.239 Chris de Almeida (IBM): comprehensive like, and including, like security, best practices, and 176 00:18:08.960 --> 00:18:12.319 Chris de Almeida (IBM): all of the above and team management, and all that sort of thing. 177 00:18:14.850 --> 00:18:22.500 Tobie Langel: My understanding, looking at the title of the pick of the issue. And what's in it 178 00:18:22.570 --> 00:18:41.829 Tobie Langel: is that it has to do with organ project organization. In github, like literally and you know it isn't isn't more than this. I I think. It was more question of like, where should things like governance that Md. Belong? And things like this? 179 00:18:43.590 --> 00:18:53.389 Tobie Langel: But again, I now this has been like open for like a few months. And I know that I added this here because we're having a conversation 180 00:18:53.390 --> 00:19:16.229 Tobie Langel: somewhere about this topic maybe another issue may maybe like the slack channel. I'm not sure and people are arguing or disagreeing about what it would look like or like not having this information was spelled out as a problem. So I I think that's the context for this. Right? Yeah, like to your point, Chris, like another point here, could be, well, let's just write something up 181 00:19:16.515 --> 00:19:24.730 Tobie Langel: and and put it in the Cpc repository, and then iterate from there. I mean, that seems also reasonable. i i i don't think I agree. I don't think we should 182 00:19:24.890 --> 00:19:27.160 Tobie Langel: take a huge amount of time. 183 00:19:28.135 --> 00:19:28.870 Tobie Langel: To 184 00:19:29.522 --> 00:19:32.299 Tobie Langel: you know. Get something like this 185 00:19:32.920 --> 00:19:33.960 Tobie Langel: on paper. 186 00:19:34.640 --> 00:19:41.520 Chris de Almeida (IBM): Yeah, I mean, if if if the scope was literally just limited to the community, health files, that's perfectly fine, just Narr, you know. Just 187 00:19:41.570 --> 00:19:45.130 Chris de Almeida (IBM): be clear which would just be clear about the scope. So we're not like trying to 188 00:19:46.000 --> 00:19:48.449 Chris de Almeida (IBM): pile on to this all kinds of 189 00:19:48.790 --> 00:19:51.790 Chris de Almeida (IBM): guidelines that it was not meant to include. 190 00:20:00.670 --> 00:20:10.280 Jordan Harband (herodevs): Yeah. So I, I would suggest then that we retitle the issue to talk about organization for community health files and then take it off the agenda, and then it's just a task of somebody writing something out. 191 00:20:13.680 --> 00:20:15.264 Tobie Langel: I, I like that. 192 00:20:15.820 --> 00:20:19.579 Tobie Langel: specifically, around health files. Actually, that's a better framing than what I wrote. 193 00:20:20.696 --> 00:20:21.653 Tobie Langel: And 194 00:20:23.701 --> 00:20:27.130 Tobie Langel: yeah, just essentially waiting for pull request right at this point. 195 00:20:28.600 --> 00:20:29.280 Tobie Langel: Right? 196 00:20:32.580 --> 00:20:34.529 Tobie Langel: Perfect. I like this. 197 00:20:34.770 --> 00:20:35.820 Tobie Langel: That's good. 198 00:20:36.040 --> 00:20:38.440 Tobie Langel: Alright. We have 2 min left. 199 00:20:40.910 --> 00:20:44.669 Tobie Langel: is there one issue else that we should tackle. 200 00:20:47.510 --> 00:20:57.049 Robin Ginn (OpenJS): No, just a few of those left are ones that again, we're on my itemized list with details for our law firm now sending through. So those are the big ones, I think. 201 00:20:57.780 --> 00:21:04.650 Tobie Langel: Okay? So last thing before we go into the private session, let's discuss what we work on in the working session next week. 202 00:21:08.270 --> 00:21:10.669 Tobie Langel: Any pressing desires. 203 00:21:21.000 --> 00:21:26.220 Paula Paul (Greyshore Associates): We just knock out 1263, if it's not already closed by then, or pr and 204 00:21:28.970 --> 00:21:30.400 Paula Paul (Greyshore Associates): rescope that work. 205 00:21:33.210 --> 00:21:34.359 Tobie Langel: Which one is this. 206 00:21:34.610 --> 00:21:36.810 Paula Paul (Greyshore Associates): The one we just discussed about. 207 00:21:36.810 --> 00:21:37.230 Tobie Langel: Oh, really. 208 00:21:37.230 --> 00:21:40.580 Paula Paul (Greyshore Associates): Best practices, best best practices for org 209 00:21:41.280 --> 00:21:42.350 Paula Paul (Greyshore Associates): project. 210 00:21:43.140 --> 00:21:44.920 Paula Paul (Greyshore Associates): Maybe we can close that out if. 211 00:21:44.920 --> 00:21:45.330 Tobie Langel: Sure. 212 00:21:45.330 --> 00:21:46.140 Paula Paul (Greyshore Associates): Already. 213 00:21:46.940 --> 00:21:53.619 Tobie Langel: This or alternatively, start documenting the the Crc team selection process. 214 00:21:54.520 --> 00:21:58.749 Tobie Langel: Oh, oh, Benjamin, is there something that that you're planning to do. 215 00:22:01.800 --> 00:22:12.350 Benjamin Sternthal: not that I can think of. We've had some really productive working sessions in the past getting me to a good spot, so I don't feel like I'm blocked on anything. I also wouldn't be able to attend next week's working session. 216 00:22:12.840 --> 00:22:13.480 Tobie Langel: Sure. 217 00:22:15.000 --> 00:22:17.840 Tobie Langel: Well, let's do. 1263, 218 00:22:18.360 --> 00:22:20.930 Tobie Langel: and if something battle comes up in the meantime. 219 00:22:21.870 --> 00:22:22.749 Robin Ginn (OpenJS): Toby, you and I are. 220 00:22:22.750 --> 00:22:23.069 Tobie Langel: As a. 221 00:22:23.070 --> 00:22:25.399 Robin Ginn (OpenJS): Same conference next week. I believe 222 00:22:25.680 --> 00:22:27.650 Robin Ginn (OpenJS): so in Switzerland. 223 00:22:30.330 --> 00:22:31.449 Tobie Langel: Wait, what. 224 00:22:31.450 --> 00:22:34.410 Robin Ginn (OpenJS): Are you? I'll be at a conference next week. 225 00:22:35.020 --> 00:22:39.599 Tobie Langel: Oh, this is oh, this is incredible. Okay, great. Yes, we will be. Oh, that's awesome. I had no. 226 00:22:39.600 --> 00:22:42.650 Robin Ginn (OpenJS): I mean you and I will not be at the working session next week. 227 00:22:42.650 --> 00:22:44.440 Tobie Langel: That is a good point. Yes. 228 00:22:47.080 --> 00:22:49.740 Tobie Langel: Oh, cool. This is like entirely unexpected. 229 00:22:50.100 --> 00:22:50.790 Tobie Langel: Yep. 230 00:22:53.055 --> 00:22:58.850 Tobie Langel: all right. Well, folks, I think we're gonna move into the that said, we're gonna move into the private session. 231 00:23:02.460 --> 00:23:18.679 Tobie Langel: so yeah, thank you very much. We'll see you in 2 weeks time. And I am sorry for the very short session today, and I'm go, and also not not showing my face like most of the time. And I think we can stop recording and.