Running Atropos for 3-dimensional images. Progress: Iteration 0 (of 5): posterior probability = 0 (annealing temperature = 1) Iteration 1 (of 5): posterior probability = 0.596973 (annealing temperature = 1) Writing output: Writing posterior image (class 1) Writing posterior image (class 2) Writing posterior image (class 3) Writing posterior image (class 4) Writing posterior image (class 5) Writing posterior image (class 6) AtroposSegmentationImageFilter (0x14edbc0) RTTI typeinfo: itk::ants::AtroposSegmentationImageFilter, itk::Image, itk::Image > Reference Count: 1 Modified Time: 4933 Debug: Off Object Name: Observers: IterationEvent(Command) Inputs: Primary: (0x14fb330) * _1: (0x14f5620) Indexed Inputs: 0: Primary (0x14fb330) 1: _1 (0x14f5620) Required Input Names: Primary NumberOfRequiredInputs: 1 Outputs: Primary: (0xa996bf00) Indexed Outputs: 0: Primary (0xa996bf00) NumberOfRequiredOutputs: 1 Number Of Work Units: 80 ReleaseDataFlag: Off ReleaseDataBeforeUpdateFlag: Off AbortGenerateData: Off Progress: 0 Multithreader: RTTI typeinfo: itk::PoolMultiThreader Reference Count: 1 Modified Time: 203 Debug: Off Object Name: Observers: none Number of Work Units: 80 Number of Threads: 20 Global Maximum Number Of Threads: 128 Global Default Number Of Threads: 20 Global Default Threader Type: itk::MultiThreaderBaseEnums::Threader::Pool SingleMethod: 0 SingleData: 0 DynamicMultiThreading: On CoordinateTolerance: 1e-06 DirectionTolerance: 1e-06 Maximum number of iterations: 5 Convergence threshold: 0.0001 Number of tissue classes: 6 Number of partial volume classes: 0 Minimize memory usage: false Initialization strategy: Random Posterior probability formulation: Socrates initial annealing temperature = 1 annealing rate = 1 minimum annealing temperature = 0.1 MRF parameters MRF smoothing factor = 1 MRF radius = [1, 1, 1] Use asynchronous updating of the labels. ICM parameters maximum ICM code = 14 maximum number of ICM iterations = 1 No outlier handling. Tissue class 1: proportion = 0.166628 HistogramParzenWindowsListSampleFunction (0x1500000) Sigma: 1 Number of histogram bins: 32 Tissue class 2: proportion = 0.166864 HistogramParzenWindowsListSampleFunction (0x14fe490) Sigma: 1 Number of histogram bins: 32 Tissue class 3: proportion = 0.167286 HistogramParzenWindowsListSampleFunction (0x14fe550) Sigma: 1 Number of histogram bins: 32 Tissue class 4: proportion = 0.166422 HistogramParzenWindowsListSampleFunction (0x14fe610) Sigma: 1 Number of histogram bins: 32 Tissue class 5: proportion = 0.166279 HistogramParzenWindowsListSampleFunction (0x14fe6d0) Sigma: 1 Number of histogram bins: 32 Tissue class 6: proportion = 0.166034 HistogramParzenWindowsListSampleFunction (0x14fe790) Sigma: 1 Number of histogram bins: 32 Elapsed time: 287.229 Running Atropos for 3-dimensional images. Progress: Iteration 0 (of 5): posterior probability = 0 (annealing temperature = 1) Iteration 1 (of 5): posterior probability = 0.596973 (annealing temperature = 1) Writing output: Writing posterior image (class 1) Writing posterior image (class 2) Writing posterior image (class 3) AtroposSegmentationImageFilter (0x2988bc0) RTTI typeinfo: itk::ants::AtroposSegmentationImageFilter, itk::Image, itk::Image > Reference Count: 1 Modified Time: 2952 Debug: Off Object Name: Observers: IterationEvent(Command) Inputs: Primary: (0x2996330) * _1: (0x2990620) Indexed Inputs: 0: Primary (0x2996330) 1: _1 (0x2990620) Required Input Names: Primary NumberOfRequiredInputs: 1 Outputs: Primary: (0x15f9a4e60) Indexed Outputs: 0: Primary (0x15f9a4e60) NumberOfRequiredOutputs: 1 Number Of Work Units: 80 ReleaseDataFlag: Off ReleaseDataBeforeUpdateFlag: Off AbortGenerateData: Off Progress: 0 Multithreader: RTTI typeinfo: itk::PoolMultiThreader Reference Count: 1 Modified Time: 203 Debug: Off Object Name: Observers: none Number of Work Units: 80 Number of Threads: 20 Global Maximum Number Of Threads: 128 Global Default Number Of Threads: 20 Global Default Threader Type: itk::MultiThreaderBaseEnums::Threader::Pool SingleMethod: 0 SingleData: 0 DynamicMultiThreading: On CoordinateTolerance: 1e-06 DirectionTolerance: 1e-06 Maximum number of iterations: 5 Convergence threshold: 0.0001 Number of tissue classes: 3 Number of partial volume classes: 0 Minimize memory usage: false Initialization strategy: Random Posterior probability formulation: Socrates initial annealing temperature = 1 annealing rate = 1 minimum annealing temperature = 0.1 MRF parameters MRF smoothing factor = 1 MRF radius = [1, 1, 1] Use asynchronous updating of the labels. ICM parameters maximum ICM code = 14 maximum number of ICM iterations = 1 No outlier handling. Tissue class 1: proportion = 0.332749 HistogramParzenWindowsListSampleFunction (0x299b000) Sigma: 1 Number of histogram bins: 32 Tissue class 2: proportion = 0.331848 HistogramParzenWindowsListSampleFunction (0x2999490) Sigma: 1 Number of histogram bins: 32 Tissue class 3: proportion = 0.335199 HistogramParzenWindowsListSampleFunction (0x2999550) Sigma: 1 Number of histogram bins: 32 Elapsed time: 190.734 Running Atropos for 3-dimensional images. Progress: Iteration 0 (of 5): posterior probability = 0 (annealing temperature = 1) Iteration 1 (of 5): posterior probability = 0.596973 (annealing temperature = 1) Writing output: Writing posterior image (class 1) Writing posterior image (class 2) Writing posterior image (class 3) AtroposSegmentationImageFilter (0x13d8bc0) RTTI typeinfo: itk::ants::AtroposSegmentationImageFilter, itk::Image, itk::Image > Reference Count: 1 Modified Time: 407268300 Debug: Off Object Name: Observers: IterationEvent(Command) Inputs: Primary: (0x13e6330) * _1: (0x13e0620) Indexed Inputs: 0: Primary (0x13e6330) 1: _1 (0x13e0620) Required Input Names: Primary NumberOfRequiredInputs: 1 Outputs: Primary: (0x66f2c9b0) Indexed Outputs: 0: Primary (0x66f2c9b0) NumberOfRequiredOutputs: 1 Number Of Work Units: 80 ReleaseDataFlag: Off ReleaseDataBeforeUpdateFlag: Off AbortGenerateData: Off Progress: 0 Multithreader: RTTI typeinfo: itk::PoolMultiThreader Reference Count: 1 Modified Time: 203 Debug: Off Object Name: Observers: none Number of Work Units: 80 Number of Threads: 20 Global Maximum Number Of Threads: 128 Global Default Number Of Threads: 20 Global Default Threader Type: itk::MultiThreaderBaseEnums::Threader::Pool SingleMethod: 0 SingleData: 0 DynamicMultiThreading: On CoordinateTolerance: 1e-06 DirectionTolerance: 1e-06 Maximum number of iterations: 5 Convergence threshold: 0.0001 Number of tissue classes: 3 Number of partial volume classes: 0 Minimize memory usage: false Initialization strategy: K means clustering Posterior probability formulation: Socrates initial annealing temperature = 1 annealing rate = 1 minimum annealing temperature = 0.1 MRF parameters MRF smoothing factor = 1 MRF radius = [1, 1, 1] Use asynchronous updating of the labels. ICM parameters maximum ICM code = 14 maximum number of ICM iterations = 1 No outlier handling. Tissue class 1: proportion = 0.596973 HistogramParzenWindowsListSampleFunction (0x13eb080) Sigma: 1 Number of histogram bins: 32 Tissue class 2: proportion = 0.0364827 HistogramParzenWindowsListSampleFunction (0x13e9490) Sigma: 1 Number of histogram bins: 32 Tissue class 3: proportion = 0.0153199 HistogramParzenWindowsListSampleFunction (0x13e9550) Sigma: 1 Number of histogram bins: 32 Elapsed time: 176.519 Running Atropos for 3-dimensional images. Progress: Iteration 0 (of 5): posterior probability = 0 (annealing temperature = 1) Iteration 1 (of 5): posterior probability = 0.999974 (annealing temperature = 1) Writing output: Writing posterior image (class 1) Writing posterior image (class 2) Writing posterior image (class 3) AtroposSegmentationImageFilter (0x15baac0) RTTI typeinfo: itk::ants::AtroposSegmentationImageFilter, itk::Image, itk::Image > Reference Count: 1 Modified Time: 49900104 Debug: Off Object Name: Observers: IterationEvent(Command) Inputs: Primary: (0x15c8310) * _1: (0x15c2530) Indexed Inputs: 0: Primary (0x15c8310) 1: _1 (0x15c2530) Required Input Names: Primary NumberOfRequiredInputs: 1 Outputs: Primary: (0xef8bcb0) Indexed Outputs: 0: Primary (0xef8bcb0) NumberOfRequiredOutputs: 1 Number Of Work Units: 80 ReleaseDataFlag: Off ReleaseDataBeforeUpdateFlag: Off AbortGenerateData: Off Progress: 0 Multithreader: RTTI typeinfo: itk::PoolMultiThreader Reference Count: 1 Modified Time: 203 Debug: Off Object Name: Observers: none Number of Work Units: 80 Number of Threads: 20 Global Maximum Number Of Threads: 128 Global Default Number Of Threads: 20 Global Default Threader Type: itk::MultiThreaderBaseEnums::Threader::Pool SingleMethod: 0 SingleData: 0 DynamicMultiThreading: On CoordinateTolerance: 1e-06 DirectionTolerance: 1e-06 Maximum number of iterations: 5 Convergence threshold: 0.0001 Number of tissue classes: 3 Number of partial volume classes: 0 Minimize memory usage: false Initialization strategy: K means clustering Posterior probability formulation: Socrates initial annealing temperature = 1 annealing rate = 1 minimum annealing temperature = 0.1 MRF parameters MRF smoothing factor = 1 MRF radius = [1, 1, 1] Use asynchronous updating of the labels. ICM parameters maximum ICM code = 14 maximum number of ICM iterations = 1 No outlier handling. Tissue class 1: proportion = 0.00121519 HistogramParzenWindowsListSampleFunction (0x15ccf10) Sigma: 1 Number of histogram bins: 32 Tissue class 2: proportion = 0.998583 HistogramParzenWindowsListSampleFunction (0x15cb400) Sigma: 1 Number of histogram bins: 32 Tissue class 3: proportion = 0.000202552 HistogramParzenWindowsListSampleFunction (0x15cb4c0) Sigma: 1 Number of histogram bins: 32 Elapsed time: 20.4935 Running Atropos for 3-dimensional images. Progress: Iteration 0 (of 5): posterior probability = 0 (annealing temperature = 1) Iteration 1 (of 5): posterior probability = 0.910161 (annealing temperature = 1) Iteration 2 (of 5): posterior probability = 0.965199 (annealing temperature = 1) Iteration 3 (of 5): posterior probability = 0.971929 (annealing temperature = 1) Iteration 4 (of 5): posterior probability = 0.975874 (annealing temperature = 1) Writing output: Writing posterior image (class 1) Writing posterior image (class 2) Writing posterior image (class 3) AtroposSegmentationImageFilter (0x27e2ac0) RTTI typeinfo: itk::ants::AtroposSegmentationImageFilter, itk::Image, itk::Image > Reference Count: 1 Modified Time: 5219 Debug: Off Object Name: Observers: IterationEvent(Command) Inputs: Primary: (0x27f0310) * _1: (0x27ea530) Indexed Inputs: 0: Primary (0x27f0310) 1: _1 (0x27ea530) Required Input Names: Primary NumberOfRequiredInputs: 1 Outputs: Primary: (0x11d53fe0) Indexed Outputs: 0: Primary (0x11d53fe0) NumberOfRequiredOutputs: 1 Number Of Work Units: 80 ReleaseDataFlag: Off ReleaseDataBeforeUpdateFlag: Off AbortGenerateData: Off Progress: 0 Multithreader: RTTI typeinfo: itk::PoolMultiThreader Reference Count: 1 Modified Time: 203 Debug: Off Object Name: Observers: none Number of Work Units: 80 Number of Threads: 20 Global Maximum Number Of Threads: 128 Global Default Number Of Threads: 20 Global Default Threader Type: itk::MultiThreaderBaseEnums::Threader::Pool SingleMethod: 0 SingleData: 0 DynamicMultiThreading: On CoordinateTolerance: 1e-06 DirectionTolerance: 1e-06 Maximum number of iterations: 5 Convergence threshold: 0.0001 Number of tissue classes: 3 Number of partial volume classes: 0 Minimize memory usage: false Initialization strategy: Random Posterior probability formulation: Socrates initial annealing temperature = 1 annealing rate = 1 minimum annealing temperature = 0.1 MRF parameters MRF smoothing factor = 1 MRF radius = [1, 1, 1] Use asynchronous updating of the labels. ICM parameters maximum ICM code = 14 maximum number of ICM iterations = 1 No outlier handling. Tissue class 1: proportion = 0.290977 HistogramParzenWindowsListSampleFunction (0x27f4f10) Sigma: 1 Number of histogram bins: 32 Tissue class 2: proportion = 0.358764 HistogramParzenWindowsListSampleFunction (0x27f3400) Sigma: 1 Number of histogram bins: 32 Tissue class 3: proportion = 0.350217 HistogramParzenWindowsListSampleFunction (0x27f34c0) Sigma: 1 Number of histogram bins: 32 Elapsed time: 40.8808 mean maximum posterior for 6 classes at out-random-6class with mask redacted-brainmask-map.nii.gz = 0.9782532804268764 raw mean maximum posterior (disregarding mask) = 0.15025240482942107 mean maximum posterior for 3 classes at out-random-3class with mask redacted-brainmask-map.nii.gz = 0.9855073267560869 raw mean maximum posterior (disregarding mask) = 0.15136657222095007 mean maximum posterior for 3 classes at out-kmeans-3class with mask redacted-brainmask-map.nii.gz = 0.9995354349536029 raw mean maximum posterior (disregarding mask) = 0.15352118497212258 mean maximum posterior for 3 classes at out-nobug-kmeans-3class with mask brainmask.nii.gz = 0.9999531303537921 raw mean maximum posterior (disregarding mask) = 0.1554687011973653 mean maximum posterior for 3 classes at out-nobug-random-3class with mask brainmask.nii.gz = 0.9785478443309583 raw mean maximum posterior (disregarding mask) = 0.15214069319807974