# aqualinkd.conf # # The directory where the web files are stored web_directory=/var/www/aqualinkd/ # Log to file, comment out if you do not want to log to file #log_file=/var/log/aqualinkd.log # The log level. [DEBUG_DERIAL, DEBUG, INFO, NOTICE, WARNING, ERROR] # Pick the highest level, and all levels below will be sent to syslog. # your syslog settings may be set to only display messages above a certian level # in which case make sure you use the log_file settings to capture everything # you want when debugging # so, NOTICE also prints WARNING & ERROR # DEBUG_SERIAL would print everything possible #log_level=DEBUG #log_level=INFO log_level=NOTICE #log_level=WARNING # Display any ERROR & Warning messages in web interface. display_warnings_in_web=true # The socket port that the daemon listens to # If you change this from 80, remember to update aqualink.service.avahi socket_port=80 # The serial port the daemon access to read the Aqualink RS8 serial_port=/dev/ttyUSB0 # Your RS panel size. ie 4, 6, 8, 12 or 16 relates to RS4, RS6, RS8, RS12 or RS16. # VERY important that you select 12 or 16, if you have either of those size panels. # Also don't think setting a 12 when you have a 8 will give you 4 more accessories to control, it won't the # panel information is needed as different panels use different bits within the RS protocol for status and key # presses. # serial_logger will get the panel type string if you don't know it, below are examples. # Must be in format `XX-N ????` (XX=RS or PD, N=Circuits, ????=Combo or Only or Dual) panel_type = RS-8 Combo #panel_type = PD-8 Combo #panel_type = RS-16 Combo #panel_type = RS-2/14 Dual #panel_type = RS-4 Combo #panel_type = RS-8 Only # # If serial_logger doesn't give you a type string in the format above, you can use the next options to set the specifics. # # panel_type_size = (6, 8, 10, 12, 14 or 16) (Number of supported accessories / buttons) # panel_type_combo = (yes or no) (combo panels support BOTH pool & spa) # panel_type_dual = (yes or no) (dual circuit panel) # panel_type_pda = (yes or no) (PDA panel. only set this if you have to. Panel ONLY supports the PDA protocol) # panel_type_rs = (yes or no) (RS panel. Panel Supports all protocols) # The ID of the Aqualink terminal device. Devices probed by RS8 master are: # 08-0b, 10-13, 18-1b, 20-23, 28-2b, 30-33, 38-3b, 40-43 # Working RS ID's are 0x0a 0x0b 0x09 0x08 <- 0x08 is usually taken # If your panel is a PDA only model, then PDA device ID's are 0x60, 0x61, 0x62, 0x63. # (These are NOT recomended to use unless you absolutly have no other option) device_id=0x0a #device_id=0x00 # The ID of Jandy SerialInterface device. These is only one usable ID, if serial_logger # picks up your panel supports this, uncomment, as it will speed up heater setpoints & RS16 panels. rssa_device_id=0x48 # The ID for extended settings to allow for faster programming # VARIABLE SPEED PUMP are only supported with this option. # Do not enable this if you don't use either, you'll just waste memory and cpu cycles # Valid ID's are 0x40, 0x41, 0x42 & 0x43. for ONE Touch # Valid ID's are 0x30, 0x31, 0x32 & 0x33. for Aqualink Touch extended_device_id=0x30 # If you have extended_device_id set, then you can also use that ID for programming some features. # This means that you can turn things on/off while AqualinkD is programming certian features. # If you are using Aqualink Touch protocol for extended_device_id then this is highly recomended # as it will speed up programming substantially. if One Touch it's 50/50. #extended_device_id_programming = yes # Read information from these devices directly from the RS485 bus as well as control panel. # swg = Salt Water Generator # ePump = Jandy ePump or ePump AC # vsfPump = Pentair VS,VF,VSF pump # JXi = Jandy JXi heater (might also be LXi heaters) # LX = Jandy LX & LT heaters # Chem = Jandy Chemical Feeder #read_RS485_swg = yes #read_RS485_ePump = yes read_RS485_vsfPump = yes read_RS485_JXi = yes #read_RS485_LX = yes #read_RS485_Chem = yes # Keep the panel time synced with systemtime. Make sure to set systemtime / NTP correctly. keep_paneltime_synced = yes # If equiptment is in freeze protect mode some commands like pump_off / spa_on are # ignored. You can force these to work by setting the below. override_freeze_protect = no # Convert Deg F to Deg C when posting to Domoticz or MQTT. # If using homebridge-aqualinkd convert_mqtt_temp_to_c must be set to yes. convert_mqtt_temp_to_c = yes convert_dz_temp_to_c = yes # default is to use pool water temp as spa water temp when spa is off (and there for not able to report water temp) # enable below to report 0 as the spa temp when spa is off. # This is for MQTT cnnections only, WEB socket and WEB API always report TEMP_UNKNOWN (-999) allowing the consumer to # decide how to report. report_zero_spa_temp = yes # When pool or spa is off, report 0deg for water temp. If set to no, last known value will be used. report_zero_pool_temp = yes report_zero_spa_temp = yes # mqtt stuff #mqtt_address = localhost:1883 #mqtt_user = someusername #mqtt_passwd = somepassword #mqtt_dz_pub_topic = domoticz/in #mqtt_dz_sub_topic = domoticz/out #mqtt_aq_topic = aqualinkd #mqtt_hassio_discover_topic = homeassistant # MQTT will only post updated information, this option AqualinkD will re-post all MQTT information every ~5 minutes. #mqtt_timed_update = no # Please see forum for this, only set to yes when logging information to support new devices. (or debugging protocol) # Information will be written to /tmp/RS485.log & /tmp/RS485_raw.log respectively #debug_RSProtocol_packets = no #debug_RSProtocol_bytes = no # Log any packets from this device. #serial_debug_filter = 0x00 # Will change how RS485 / Serial works, Only use if asked to for problem solving purposes. # Delay between RS485 frame (set or packets that make up a command), reply too quickly can # cause slow panels (like PDA only) issues, reply too slowly and the control panel will think we are # dead. # ~40 and we will be replying too slowley, so keep below that. # 10~20 is about what most device reply in. But 0-4 works well. rs485_frame_delay = 4 # Get rid of the startup warning message about no low latency. BETTER option is to buy a better adapter. #ftdi_low_latency = no # Enable AqualinkD scheduler. # A version of cron that supports cron.d must be installed for the scheduler to work. # If you used the install script and didn;t receive any cron warnings, you should be good to go. enable_scheduler = yes # Put AqualinkD to sleep when in PDA mode after inactivity. # Ignore if you are not using PDA mode. # If you have Jandy PDA then this MUST be set to yes as the controller can only support one PDA. # If you don't have a Jandy PDA leave this at no as AqualinkD will be a lot quicker. #pda_sleep_mode = yes # If you have a SWG connected to the control panel, set this to yes. # AqualinkD can only detect a SWG if it's on, so after a restart you will not see/access a SWG until the the next time the pump is on. force_SWG = no # AqualinkD can take sime time to find heater setpoints (if they exist), This will force the pool & spa # heaters to be listed as thermostats vs switches on startup, helps with homekit. force_PS_setpoints = no # AqualinkD can take sime time to find freeze protect (if panel supports it), This will force the freeze protect # to be listed as thermostat on startup. force_Frzprotect_setpoints = no # AqualinkD can take sime time to find chemical feeder (if panel supports it), This will force the chemical feeder # to be listed on startup. force_chem_feeder = no # Lights can be programmed by control panel or AqualinkD (if controlpanel doesn;t support specific light or light mode you want) # IF YOU WANT AQUALINKD TO PROGRAM THE LIGHT, IT MUST NOT BE CONFIGURED AS A COLOR LIGHT IN THE JANDY CONTROL PANEL. # Light probramming mode. 0=safe mode, but slow. # any number greater is seconds to wait between button presses. # 0.4 seems to be the minimum. (workd for light modes below 10 presses) # 0.6 seems to work about 95% of the time, but above 20 presses can be hit or miss. # 0 will simply wait for the controler to send the response back before sending the next, so is equivelent to about 1.2 light_programming_mode=0 # Light programming assumes light needs to be on before sending pulse (above setting) # If the light is off when request is made to change "light show", then the below value are used light_programming_initial_on=15 # Turn the light off for below time before start programmig puleses. light_programming_initial_off=12 # Everything below here, if it ends with dzidx, then that's the ID for domoticz, # so not needed if you are not suing dooticz. # Domoticz ID's for temps. # All below are Virtual Sensors #air_temp_dzidx=0 #pool_water_temp_dzidx=0 #spa_water_temp_dzidx=0 #SWG_percent_dzidx=0 #SWG_PPM_dzidx=0 # Must be Virtual Alert Sensor #SWG_Status_dzidx=0 # Use/find labels from Control Panel, these will overwrite the button_xx_label below, # it noes NOT work in PDA mode, and it also considerable slows down AqualinkD startup process. use_panel_aux_labels=no # These are all the button labels / options / pump and light configurations you want to use. # Simply change these to your setup, valid options for wach button are :- # None of these are mandatory unless you have PDA or RS16 panel, then _label is mandatory # button_??_label=Filter Pump