[root@master-1-90cifA29Om2e7 e2e]# ./run-e2e-test.sh --minimal --pflex --auth /root/e2e/csm-operator/tests/e2e W1010 11:55:50.288695 1058500 test_context.go:538] Unable to find in-cluster config, using default host : I1010 11:55:50.288814 1058500 test_context.go:561] The --provider flag is not set. Continuing as if --provider=skeleton had been used. Running Suite: CSM Operator End-to-End Tests - /root/e2e/csm-operator/tests/e2e =============================================================================== Random Seed: 1728579311 Will run 1 of 1 specs ------------------------------ [BeforeSuite] /root/e2e/csm-operator/tests/e2e/e2e_test.go:99 STEP: Getting test environment variables @ 10/10/24 11:55:50.289 STEP: [authorization powerflex] @ 10/10/24 11:55:50.289 STEP: Reading values file @ 10/10/24 11:55:50.289 STEP: Getting a k8s client @ 10/10/24 11:55:50.291 [BeforeSuite] PASSED [0.005 seconds] ------------------------------ [run-e2e-test] E2E Testing Running all test Given Test Scenarios /root/e2e/csm-operator/tests/e2e/e2e_test.go:140 STEP: Starting: Install PowerFlex Driver (With Authorization V2) @ 10/10/24 11:55:50.294 STEP: Returning false here @ 10/10/24 11:55:50.294 STEP: Executing Given an environment with k8s or openshift, and CSM operator installed @ 10/10/24 11:55:50.294 STEP: Executing Install Authorization CRDs [3] @ 10/10/24 11:55:50.318 STEP: Executing Create [authorization-proxy-server] prerequisites from CR [1] @ 10/10/24 11:55:50.552 === Creating Authorization Proxy Server Prerequisites === STEP: Executing Apply custom resource [1] @ 10/10/24 11:55:52.755 I1010 11:55:52.755595 1058500 builder.go:121] Running '/usr/bin/kubectl --namespace=authorization apply --validate=true -f -' I1010 11:55:52.980155 1058500 builder.go:146] stderr: "" I1010 11:55:52.980223 1058500 builder.go:147] stdout: "containerstoragemodule.storage.dell.com/authorization created\nconfigmap/csm-config-params created\n" STEP: Executing Validate [authorization-proxy-server] module from CR [1] is installed @ 10/10/24 11:55:52.98 STEP: Executing Configure authorization-proxy-server for [powerflex] for CR [1] @ 10/10/24 11:56:23.004 === Configuring Authorization Proxy Server === err: failed to get authorization-ingress-nginx-controller port in namespace: authorization: Error from server (NotFound): services "authorization-ingress-nginx-controller" not found === Configuring Authorization Proxy Server === err: failed to get authorization-ingress-nginx-controller port in namespace: authorization: Error from server (NotFound): services "authorization-ingress-nginx-controller" not found === Configuring Authorization Proxy Server === err: failed to get authorization-ingress-nginx-controller port in namespace: authorization: Error from server (NotFound): services "authorization-ingress-nginx-controller" not found === Configuring Authorization Proxy Server === err: failed to get authorization-ingress-nginx-controller port in namespace: authorization: Error from server (NotFound): services "authorization-ingress-nginx-controller" not found === Configuring Authorization Proxy Server === err: failed to get authorization-ingress-nginx-controller port in namespace: authorization: Error from server (NotFound): services "authorization-ingress-nginx-controller" not found === Configuring Authorization Proxy Server === err: failed to get authorization-ingress-nginx-controller port in namespace: authorization: Error from server (NotFound): services "authorization-ingress-nginx-controller" not found === Configuring Authorization Proxy Server === err: failed to get authorization-ingress-nginx-controller port in namespace: authorization: Error from server (NotFound): services "authorization-ingress-nginx-controller" not found === Configuring Authorization Proxy Server === err: failed to get authorization-ingress-nginx-controller port in namespace: authorization: Error from server (NotFound): services "authorization-ingress-nginx-controller" not found === Configuring Authorization Proxy Server === Address: csm-authorization.com === Generating Admin Token === === Writing Admin Token to Tmp File === === Creating Storage, Role, and Tenant === === Storage, Role, and Tenant === /usr/bin/kubectl apply -f testfiles/authorization-templates/storage_csm_authorization_crs_powerflex.yaml Waiting 5 seconds before generating token. === Generating token === === Token === /usr/local/bin/dellctl generate token --admin-token /tmp/adminToken.yaml --access-token-expiration 10m0s --refresh-token-expiration 48h --tenant csmtenant-powerflex --insecure --addr csm-authorization.com:31932 err: failed to generate token for csmtenant-powerflex: exit status 1 ErrMessage: { "ErrorMsg": "\u003chtml\u003e\r\n\u003chead\u003e\u003ctitle\u003e404 Not Found\u003c/title\u003e\u003c/head\u003e\r\n\u003cbody\u003e\r\n\u003ccenter\u003e\u003ch1\u003e404 Not Found\u003c/h1\u003e\u003c/center\u003e\r\n\u003chr\u003e\u003ccenter\u003enginx\u003c/center\u003e\r\n\u003c/body\u003e\r\n\u003c/html\u003e\r\n" } === Configuring Authorization Proxy Server === Address: csm-authorization.com === Generating Admin Token === === Writing Admin Token to Tmp File === === Creating Storage, Role, and Tenant === === Storage, Role, and Tenant === /usr/bin/kubectl apply -f testfiles/authorization-templates/storage_csm_authorization_crs_powerflex.yaml Waiting 5 seconds before generating token. === Generating token === === Token === /usr/local/bin/dellctl generate token --admin-token /tmp/adminToken.yaml --access-token-expiration 10m0s --refresh-token-expiration 48h --tenant csmtenant-powerflex --insecure --addr csm-authorization.com:31932 err: failed to generate token for csmtenant-powerflex: exit status 1 ErrMessage: { "ErrorMsg": "\u003chtml\u003e\r\n\u003chead\u003e\u003ctitle\u003e404 Not Found\u003c/title\u003e\u003c/head\u003e\r\n\u003cbody\u003e\r\n\u003ccenter\u003e\u003ch1\u003e404 Not Found\u003c/h1\u003e\u003c/center\u003e\r\n\u003chr\u003e\u003ccenter\u003enginx\u003c/center\u003e\r\n\u003c/body\u003e\r\n\u003c/html\u003e\r\n" } === Configuring Authorization Proxy Server === Address: csm-authorization.com === Generating Admin Token === === Writing Admin Token to Tmp File === === Creating Storage, Role, and Tenant === === Storage, Role, and Tenant === /usr/bin/kubectl apply -f testfiles/authorization-templates/storage_csm_authorization_crs_powerflex.yaml Waiting 5 seconds before generating token. === Generating token === === Token === /usr/local/bin/dellctl generate token --admin-token /tmp/adminToken.yaml --access-token-expiration 10m0s --refresh-token-expiration 48h --tenant csmtenant-powerflex --insecure --addr csm-authorization.com:31932 err: failed to generate token for csmtenant-powerflex: exit status 1 ErrMessage: { "ErrorMsg": "\u003chtml\u003e\r\n\u003chead\u003e\u003ctitle\u003e404 Not Found\u003c/title\u003e\u003c/head\u003e\r\n\u003cbody\u003e\r\n\u003ccenter\u003e\u003ch1\u003e404 Not Found\u003c/h1\u003e\u003c/center\u003e\r\n\u003chr\u003e\u003ccenter\u003enginx\u003c/center\u003e\r\n\u003c/body\u003e\r\n\u003c/html\u003e\r\n" } === Configuring Authorization Proxy Server === Address: csm-authorization.com === Generating Admin Token === === Writing Admin Token to Tmp File === === Creating Storage, Role, and Tenant === === Storage, Role, and Tenant === /usr/bin/kubectl apply -f testfiles/authorization-templates/storage_csm_authorization_crs_powerflex.yaml Waiting 5 seconds before generating token. === Generating token === === Token === /usr/local/bin/dellctl generate token --admin-token /tmp/adminToken.yaml --access-token-expiration 10m0s --refresh-token-expiration 48h --tenant csmtenant-powerflex --insecure --addr csm-authorization.com:31932 err: failed to generate token for csmtenant-powerflex: exit status 1 ErrMessage: { "ErrorMsg": "\u003chtml\u003e\r\n\u003chead\u003e\u003ctitle\u003e404 Not Found\u003c/title\u003e\u003c/head\u003e\r\n\u003cbody\u003e\r\n\u003ccenter\u003e\u003ch1\u003e404 Not Found\u003c/h1\u003e\u003c/center\u003e\r\n\u003chr\u003e\u003ccenter\u003enginx\u003c/center\u003e\r\n\u003c/body\u003e\r\n\u003c/html\u003e\r\n" } === Configuring Authorization Proxy Server === Address: csm-authorization.com === Generating Admin Token === === Writing Admin Token to Tmp File === === Creating Storage, Role, and Tenant === === Storage, Role, and Tenant === /usr/bin/kubectl apply -f testfiles/authorization-templates/storage_csm_authorization_crs_powerflex.yaml Waiting 5 seconds before generating token. === Generating token === === Token === /usr/local/bin/dellctl generate token --admin-token /tmp/adminToken.yaml --access-token-expiration 10m0s --refresh-token-expiration 48h --tenant csmtenant-powerflex --insecure --addr csm-authorization.com:31932 err: failed to generate token for csmtenant-powerflex: exit status 1 ErrMessage: { "ErrorMsg": "\u003chtml\u003e\r\n\u003chead\u003e\u003ctitle\u003e404 Not Found\u003c/title\u003e\u003c/head\u003e\r\n\u003cbody\u003e\r\n\u003ccenter\u003e\u003ch1\u003e404 Not Found\u003c/h1\u003e\u003c/center\u003e\r\n\u003chr\u003e\u003ccenter\u003enginx\u003c/center\u003e\r\n\u003c/body\u003e\r\n\u003c/html\u003e\r\n" } === Configuring Authorization Proxy Server === Address: csm-authorization.com === Generating Admin Token === === Writing Admin Token to Tmp File === === Creating Storage, Role, and Tenant === === Storage, Role, and Tenant === /usr/bin/kubectl apply -f testfiles/authorization-templates/storage_csm_authorization_crs_powerflex.yaml Waiting 5 seconds before generating token. === Generating token === === Token === /usr/local/bin/dellctl generate token --admin-token /tmp/adminToken.yaml --access-token-expiration 10m0s --refresh-token-expiration 48h --tenant csmtenant-powerflex --insecure --addr csm-authorization.com:31932 err: failed to generate token for csmtenant-powerflex: exit status 1 ErrMessage: { "ErrorMsg": "\u003chtml\u003e\r\n\u003chead\u003e\u003ctitle\u003e404 Not Found\u003c/title\u003e\u003c/head\u003e\r\n\u003cbody\u003e\r\n\u003ccenter\u003e\u003ch1\u003e404 Not Found\u003c/h1\u003e\u003c/center\u003e\r\n\u003chr\u003e\u003ccenter\u003enginx\u003c/center\u003e\r\n\u003c/body\u003e\r\n\u003c/html\u003e\r\n" } === Configuring Authorization Proxy Server === Address: csm-authorization.com === Generating Admin Token === === Writing Admin Token to Tmp File === === Creating Storage, Role, and Tenant === === Storage, Role, and Tenant === /usr/bin/kubectl apply -f testfiles/authorization-templates/storage_csm_authorization_crs_powerflex.yaml Waiting 5 seconds before generating token. === Generating token === === Token === /usr/local/bin/dellctl generate token --admin-token /tmp/adminToken.yaml --access-token-expiration 10m0s --refresh-token-expiration 48h --tenant csmtenant-powerflex --insecure --addr csm-authorization.com:31932 err: failed to generate token for csmtenant-powerflex: exit status 1 ErrMessage: { "ErrorMsg": "generating token for csmtenant-powerflex: rpc error: code = InvalidArgument desc = tenant not found" } === Configuring Authorization Proxy Server === Address: csm-authorization.com === Generating Admin Token === === Writing Admin Token to Tmp File === === Creating Storage, Role, and Tenant === === Storage, Role, and Tenant === /usr/bin/kubectl apply -f testfiles/authorization-templates/storage_csm_authorization_crs_powerflex.yaml Waiting 5 seconds before generating token. === Generating token === === Token === /usr/local/bin/dellctl generate token --admin-token /tmp/adminToken.yaml --access-token-expiration 10m0s --refresh-token-expiration 48h --tenant csmtenant-powerflex --insecure --addr csm-authorization.com:31932 err: failed to generate token for csmtenant-powerflex: exit status 1 ErrMessage: { "ErrorMsg": "generating token for csmtenant-powerflex: rpc error: code = InvalidArgument desc = tenant not found" } === Configuring Authorization Proxy Server === Address: csm-authorization.com === Generating Admin Token === === Writing Admin Token to Tmp File === === Creating Storage, Role, and Tenant === === Storage, Role, and Tenant === /usr/bin/kubectl apply -f testfiles/authorization-templates/storage_csm_authorization_crs_powerflex.yaml Waiting 5 seconds before generating token. === Generating token === === Token === /usr/local/bin/dellctl generate token --admin-token /tmp/adminToken.yaml --access-token-expiration 10m0s --refresh-token-expiration 48h --tenant csmtenant-powerflex --insecure --addr csm-authorization.com:31932 err: failed to generate token for csmtenant-powerflex: exit status 1 ErrMessage: { "ErrorMsg": "generating token for csmtenant-powerflex: rpc error: code = InvalidArgument desc = tenant not found" } === Configuring Authorization Proxy Server === Address: csm-authorization.com === Generating Admin Token === === Writing Admin Token to Tmp File === === Creating Storage, Role, and Tenant === === Storage, Role, and Tenant === /usr/bin/kubectl apply -f testfiles/authorization-templates/storage_csm_authorization_crs_powerflex.yaml Waiting 5 seconds before generating token. === Generating token === === Token === /usr/local/bin/dellctl generate token --admin-token /tmp/adminToken.yaml --access-token-expiration 10m0s --refresh-token-expiration 48h --tenant csmtenant-powerflex --insecure --addr csm-authorization.com:31932 err: failed to generate token for csmtenant-powerflex: exit status 1 ErrMessage: { "ErrorMsg": "generating token for csmtenant-powerflex: rpc error: code = InvalidArgument desc = tenant not found" } === Configuring Authorization Proxy Server === Address: csm-authorization.com === Generating Admin Token === === Writing Admin Token to Tmp File === === Creating Storage, Role, and Tenant === === Storage, Role, and Tenant === /usr/bin/kubectl apply -f testfiles/authorization-templates/storage_csm_authorization_crs_powerflex.yaml Waiting 5 seconds before generating token. === Generating token === === Token === /usr/local/bin/dellctl generate token --admin-token /tmp/adminToken.yaml --access-token-expiration 10m0s --refresh-token-expiration 48h --tenant csmtenant-powerflex --insecure --addr csm-authorization.com:31932 err: failed to generate token for csmtenant-powerflex: exit status 1 ErrMessage: { "ErrorMsg": "generating token for csmtenant-powerflex: rpc error: code = InvalidArgument desc = tenant not found" } === Configuring Authorization Proxy Server === Address: csm-authorization.com === Generating Admin Token === === Writing Admin Token to Tmp File === === Creating Storage, Role, and Tenant === === Storage, Role, and Tenant === /usr/bin/kubectl apply -f testfiles/authorization-templates/storage_csm_authorization_crs_powerflex.yaml Waiting 5 seconds before generating token. === Generating token === === Token === /usr/local/bin/dellctl generate token --admin-token /tmp/adminToken.yaml --access-token-expiration 10m0s --refresh-token-expiration 48h --tenant csmtenant-powerflex --insecure --addr csm-authorization.com:31932 === Applying token === === Token Applied === STEP: Executing Create storageclass with name [op-e2e-vxflexos] and template [testfiles/powerflex-templates/powerflex-storageclass-template.yaml] for [pflex] @ 10/10/24 12:00:42.237 STEP: Executing Set up secret with template [testfiles/powerflex-templates/csm-authorization-config.json] name [karavi-authorization-config] in namespace [vxflexos] for [pflexAuthSidecar] @ 10/10/24 12:00:42.597 STEP: Executing Set up secret with template [testfiles/powerflex-templates/powerflex-secret-template.yaml] name [vxflexos-config] in namespace [vxflexos] for [pflex] @ 10/10/24 12:00:42.887 STEP: Executing Restore template [testfiles/powerflex-templates/powerflex-secret-template.yaml] for [pflex] @ 10/10/24 12:00:43.209 STEP: Executing Set up secret with template [testfiles/powerflex-templates/powerflex-secret-template.yaml] name [vxflexos-config] in namespace [vxflexos] for [pflexAuth] @ 10/10/24 12:00:43.313 STEP: Executing Apply custom resource [2] @ 10/10/24 12:00:43.592 I1010 12:00:43.593237 1058500 builder.go:121] Running '/usr/bin/kubectl --namespace=vxflexos apply --validate=true -f -' I1010 12:00:43.698593 1058500 builder.go:146] stderr: "" I1010 12:00:43.698692 1058500 builder.go:147] stdout: "containerstoragemodule.storage.dell.com/vxflexos created\n" STEP: Executing Validate custom resource [2] @ 10/10/24 12:00:43.698 err: expected custom resource status to be Succeeded. Got: Failed STEP: Executing Validate [powerflex] driver from CR [2] is installed @ 10/10/24 12:01:33.75 STEP: Executing Validate [authorization] module from CR [2] is installed @ 10/10/24 12:01:53.775 map[com.dell.karavi-authorization-proxy:true deployment.kubernetes.io/revision:1] map[com.dell.karavi-authorization-proxy:true deprecated.daemonset.template.generation:1] STEP: Executing Run custom test @ 10/10/24 12:02:03.811 I1010 12:02:03.812042 1058500 util.go:650] Running cert-csi [test vio --sc op-e2e-vxflexos --chainNumber 2 --chainLength 2] [2024-10-10 12:02:03] INFO Starting cert-csi; ver. 1.5.0 [2024-10-10 12:02:03] INFO Using EVENT observer type [2024-10-10 12:02:03] INFO Using config from /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf [2024-10-10 12:02:03] INFO Successfully loaded config. Host: [2024-10-10 12:02:03] INFO Created new KubeClient [2024-10-10 12:02:03] INFO Running 1 iteration(s) [2024-10-10 12:02:03] INFO *** ITERATION NUMBER 1 *** [2024-10-10 12:02:03] INFO Starting VolumeIoSuite with op-e2e-vxflexos storage class [2024-10-10 12:02:03] INFO Successfully created namespace volumeio-test-ff5897fd [2024-10-10 12:02:03] INFO Using default number of volumes [2024-10-10 12:02:03] INFO Using default image: quay.io/centos/centos:latest [2024-10-10 12:02:03] INFO Creating IO pod [2024-10-10 12:02:03] INFO Waiting for pod iowriter-test-9pr9t to be READY [2024-10-10 12:02:03] INFO Waiting for pod iowriter-test-7s5x7 to be READY [2024-10-10 12:06:40] INFO Executing command: [/bin/bash -c dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1M count=128 oflag=sync > /data0/writer-1.data] [2024-10-10 12:06:40] INFO Executing command: [/bin/bash -c sha512sum /data0/writer-1.data > /data0/writer-1.sha512] [2024-10-10 12:06:49] INFO Waiting until no Volume Attachments with PV left [2024-10-10 12:06:49] INFO VolumeAttachment deleted [2024-10-10 12:06:49] INFO Waiting for pod iowriter-test-rt6r7 to be READY [2024-10-10 12:06:57] INFO Executing command: [/bin/bash -c sha512sum -c /data0/writer-1.sha512] [2024-10-10 12:06:59] INFO Hashes match [2024-10-10 12:06:59] INFO Executing command: [/bin/bash -c dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1M count=128 oflag=sync > /data0/writer-1.data] [2024-10-10 12:07:00] INFO Executing command: [/bin/bash -c sha512sum /data0/writer-1.data > /data0/writer-1.sha512] [2024-10-10 12:07:09] INFO Waiting until no Volume Attachments with PV left [2024-10-10 12:07:09] INFO VolumeAttachment deleted [2024-10-10 12:21:07] INFO Executing command: [/bin/bash -c dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1M count=128 oflag=sync > /data0/writer-0.data] [2024-10-10 12:21:08] INFO Executing command: [/bin/bash -c sha512sum /data0/writer-0.data > /data0/writer-0.sha512] [2024-10-10 12:21:13] INFO Waiting until no Volume Attachments with PV left [2024-10-10 12:21:13] INFO VolumeAttachment deleted [2024-10-10 12:21:13] INFO Waiting for pod iowriter-test-5bchd to be READY [2024-10-10 12:21:23] INFO Executing command: [/bin/bash -c sha512sum -c /data0/writer-0.sha512] [2024-10-10 12:21:25] INFO Hashes match [2024-10-10 12:21:25] INFO Executing command: [/bin/bash -c dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1M count=128 oflag=sync > /data0/writer-0.data] [2024-10-10 12:21:26] INFO Executing command: [/bin/bash -c sha512sum /data0/writer-0.data > /data0/writer-0.sha512] [2024-10-10 12:21:29] INFO Waiting until no Volume Attachments with PV left [2024-10-10 12:21:29] INFO VolumeAttachment deleted [2024-10-10 12:21:29] INFO Deleting all resources in namespace volumeio-test-ff5897fd [2024-10-10 12:21:41] INFO Namespace volumeio-test-ff5897fd was deleted in 12.013859371s [2024-10-10 12:21:45] INFO SUCCESS: VolumeIoSuite in 19m41.864816369s [2024-10-10 12:21:45] INFO Started generating reports... Collecting metrics 1 / 1 [--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] 100.00% ? p/s[2024-10-10 12:21:45] INFO Started generating reports... Collecting metrics 1 / 1 [--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] 100.00% ? p/sGenerating plots 1 / 1 [------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->] 100.00% ? p/s1 / 1 [-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] 100.00% 10 p/s[2024-10-10 12:21:46] WARN No ResourceUsageMetrics provided [2024-10-10 12:21:46] ERROR no ResourceUsageMetrics provided report-test-run-b1d32d2d: Name: test-run-b1d32d2d Host: StorageClass: op-e2e-vxflexos Minimum and Maximum EntityOverTime charts: /root/.cert-csi/reports/test-run-b1d32d2d/PodsCreatingOverTime.png /root/.cert-csi/reports/test-run-b1d32d2d/PodsReadyOverTime.png /root/.cert-csi/reports/test-run-b1d32d2d/PodsTerminatingOverTime.png /root/.cert-csi/reports/test-run-b1d32d2d/PvcsCreatingOverTime.png /root/.cert-csi/reports/test-run-b1d32d2d/PvcsBoundOverTime.png Tests: -------------------------------------------------------------- 1. TestCase: VolumeIoSuite Started: 2024-10-10 12:02:03.898009906 -0500 -0500 Ended: 2024-10-10 12:21:45.766712914 -0500 -0500 Result: SUCCESS Stage metrics: PVCAttachment: Avg: 127.784886ms Min: 122.874274ms Max: 132.695499ms Histogram: /root/.cert-csi/reports/test-run-b1d32d2d/VolumeIoSuite12/PVCAttachment.png BoxPlot: /root/.cert-csi/reports/test-run-b1d32d2d/VolumeIoSuite12/PVCAttachment_boxplot.png PVCBind: Avg: 11m35.430812872s Min: 4m21.298024228s Max: 18m49.563601516s Histogram: /root/.cert-csi/reports/test-run-b1d32d2d/VolumeIoSuite12/PVCBind.png BoxPlot: /root/.cert-csi/reports/test-run-b1d32d2d/VolumeIoSuite12/PVCBind_boxplot.png PVCCreation: Avg: 11m36.463053548s Min: 4m22.175528302s Max: 18m50.750578794s Histogram: /root/.cert-csi/reports/test-run-b1d32d2d/VolumeIoSuite12/PVCCreation.png BoxPlot: /root/.cert-csi/reports/test-run-b1d32d2d/VolumeIoSuite12/PVCCreation_boxplot.png PVCDeletion: Avg: 13.478406ms Min: 13.402025ms Max: 13.554788ms Histogram: /root/.cert-csi/reports/test-run-b1d32d2d/VolumeIoSuite12/PVCDeletion.png BoxPlot: /root/.cert-csi/reports/test-run-b1d32d2d/VolumeIoSuite12/PVCDeletion_boxplot.png PVCUnattachment: Avg: 125.681993ms Min: 123.477328ms Max: 127.886658ms Histogram: /root/.cert-csi/reports/test-run-b1d32d2d/VolumeIoSuite12/PVCUnattachment.png BoxPlot: /root/.cert-csi/reports/test-run-b1d32d2d/VolumeIoSuite12/PVCUnattachment_boxplot.png PodCreation: Avg: 5m58.448691381s Min: 6.530780323s Max: 19m2.296175227s Histogram: /root/.cert-csi/reports/test-run-b1d32d2d/VolumeIoSuite12/PodCreation.png BoxPlot: /root/.cert-csi/reports/test-run-b1d32d2d/VolumeIoSuite12/PodCreation_boxplot.png PodDeletion: Avg: 5.181056744s Min: 1.66139957s Max: 8.008285107s Histogram: /root/.cert-csi/reports/test-run-b1d32d2d/VolumeIoSuite12/PodDeletion.png BoxPlot: /root/.cert-csi/reports/test-run-b1d32d2d/VolumeIoSuite12/PodDeletion_boxplot.png EntityNumberOverTime: /root/.cert-csi/reports/test-run-b1d32d2d/VolumeIoSuite12/EntityNumberOverTime.png [2024-10-10 12:21:46] INFO Avg time of a run: 1165.12s [2024-10-10 12:21:46] INFO Avg time of a del: 12.01s [2024-10-10 12:21:46] INFO Avg time of all: 1181.86s [2024-10-10 12:21:46] INFO During this run 100.0% of suites succeeded STEP: Executing Enable forceRemoveDriver on CR [2] @ 10/10/24 12:21:46.388 STEP: Executing Delete custom resource [2] @ 10/10/24 12:21:46.404 STEP: Executing Delete Authorization CRs for [powerflex] @ 10/10/24 12:21:46.417 STEP: Executing Delete custom resource [1] @ 10/10/24 12:21:46.655 STEP: Executing Delete Authorization CRDs [3] @ 10/10/24 12:21:46.665 STEP: Executing Restore template [testfiles/powerflex-templates/csm-authorization-config.json] for [pflexAuthSidecar] @ 10/10/24 12:21:46.887 STEP: Executing Restore template [testfiles/powerflex-templates/powerflex-secret-template.yaml] for [pflexAuth] @ 10/10/24 12:21:46.965 STEP: Executing Restore template [testfiles/powerflex-templates/powerflex-storageclass-template.yaml] for [pflex] @ 10/10/24 12:21:47.019 STEP: Ending: Install PowerFlex Driver (With Authorization V2) @ 10/10/24 12:21:47.134 • [1561.843 seconds] ------------------------------ Ran 1 of 1 Specs in 1561.849 seconds SUCCESS! -- 1 Passed | 0 Failed | 0 Pending | 0 Skipped PASS Ginkgo ran 1 suite in 26m40.375385323s Test Suite Passed [root@master-1-90cifA29Om2e7 e2e]#