ERROR ~ Error executing process > 'vcf:annotate (15)' Caused by: Process `vcf:annotate (15)` terminated with an error exit status (140) Command executed [/mnt/shared/tools/vip-8.0.0/./modules/vcf/templates/]: #!/bin/bash set -euo pipefail capiceOutputPath="GIAB_HG002_chunk_0_capice_output.tsv.gz" vcfCapiceAnnotatedPath="GIAB_HG002_chunk_0_capice_annotated.vcf.gz" capiceInputPath="GIAB_HG002_chunk_0_capice_input.tsv" capiceOutputPath="GIAB_HG002_chunk_0_capice_output.tsv.gz" annot_sv() { local args=() args+=("-SVinputFile" "GIAB_HG002_chunk_0_normalized.vcf.gz") args+=("-outputDir" ".") args+=("-outputFile" "GIAB_HG002_chunk_0_normalized.vcf.gz.tsv") args+=("-genomeBuild" "GRCh38") args+=("-annotationMode" "full") args+=("-annotationsDir" "/mnt/shared/tools/vip-8.0.0/resources/annotsv/v3.3.6") if [ -n "" ]; then args+=("-hpo" "") fi ${CMD_ANNOTSV} "${args[@]}" # AnnotSV potentially exists with the following message without creating a .tsv file # ############################################################################ # No SV to annotate in the SVinputFile - Exit without error. # ############################################################################ # write an empty file so that the AnnotSV VEP plugin is always used to ensure an equal number of VEP fields accross chunks if [[ ! -f "GIAB_HG002_chunk_0_normalized.vcf.gz.tsv" ]]; then echo -e "AnnotSV_ranking_score\tAnnotSV_ranking_criteria\tACMG_class\n" > "GIAB_HG002_chunk_0_normalized.vcf.gz.tsv" elif [[ "GRCh38" == "GRCh38" ]]; then # workaround for that might fail for some chromosomes e.g. GRCh37 MT maps to GRCh38 chrM) mv "GIAB_HG002_chunk_0_normalized.vcf.gz.tsv" "GIAB_HG002_chunk_0_normalized.vcf.gz.tsv.tmp" awk -v FS='\t' -v OFS='\t' 'NR>1 {$2 = "chr"$2} 1' "GIAB_HG002_chunk_0_normalized.vcf.gz.tsv.tmp" > "GIAB_HG002_chunk_0_normalized.vcf.gz.tsv" fi } capice() { capice_vep capice_bcftools #only run capice if there a variants with annotations, e.g. only VCF files do not yield any annotated lines if [ "$(wc -l < "${capiceInputPath}")" -gt 1 ]; then capice_predict fi } capice_vep() { local args=() args+=("--input_file" "GIAB_HG002_chunk_0_normalized.vcf.gz") args+=("--format" "vcf") args+=("--output_file" "${vcfCapiceAnnotatedPath}") args+=("--vcf") args+=("--compress_output" "bgzip") args+=("--no_stats") args+=("--fasta" "/mnt/shared/tools/vip-8.0.0/resources/GRCh38/GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set.fna.gz") args+=("--offline") args+=("--cache") args+=("--dir_cache" "/mnt/shared/tools/vip-8.0.0/resources/vep/cache") args+=("--species" "homo_sapiens") args+=("--assembly" "GRCh38") args+=("--refseq") args+=("--exclude_predicted") args+=("--use_given_ref") args+=("--symbol") args+=("--flag_pick_allele") args+=("--sift" "s") args+=("--polyphen" "s") args+=("--total_length") args+=("--shift_3prime" "1") args+=("--allele_number") args+=("--numbers") args+=("--dont_skip") args+=("--allow_non_variant") args+=("--buffer_size" "1000") args+=("--fork" "4") args+=("--dir_plugins" "/mnt/shared/tools/vip-8.0.0/resources/vep/plugins") args+=("--plugin" "SpliceAI,snv=/mnt/shared/tools/vip-8.0.0/resources/GRCh38/spliceai_scores.masked.snv.hg38.vcf.gz,indel=/mnt/shared/tools/vip-8.0.0/resources/GRCh38/spliceai_scores.masked.indel.hg38.vcf.gz") args+=("--plugin" "Grantham") args+=("--custom" "/mnt/shared/tools/vip-8.0.0/resources/GRCh38/,phyloP,bigwig,exact,0") args+=("--plugin" "gnomAD,/mnt/shared/tools/vip-8.0.0/resources/GRCh38/") ${CMD_VEP} "${args[@]}" } capice_bcftools() { local -r format="%CHROM\t%POS\t%REF\t%ALT\t%CSQ\n" local -r header="CHROM\tPOS\tREF\tALT\t" local -r capiceInputPathHeaderless="${capiceInputPath}.headerless" local args=() args+=("+split-vep") args+=("-d") args+=("-f" "${format}\n") args+=("-A" "tab") args+=("-o" "${capiceInputPathHeaderless}") args+=("${vcfCapiceAnnotatedPath}") ${CMD_BCFTOOLS} "${args[@]}" echo -e "${header}$(${CMD_BCFTOOLS} +split-vep -l "${vcfCapiceAnnotatedPath}" | cut -f 2 | tr '\n' '\t' | sed 's/\t$//')" | cat - "${capiceInputPathHeaderless}" > "${capiceInputPath}" } capice_predict() { local args=() args+=("predict") args+=("--input" "${capiceInputPath}") args+=("--output" "${capiceOutputPath}") args+=("--model" "/mnt/shared/tools/vip-8.0.0/resources/GRCh38/capice_model_v5.1.2-v3.ubj") ${CMD_CAPICE} "${args[@]}" if [ ! -f "${capiceOutputPath}" ]; then echo -e "CAPICE error: failed to produce output" 1>&2 exit 1 fi } stranger() { local -r vcf="${1}" local -r vcfOut="${2}" local args=() args+=("--repeats-file" "/mnt/shared/tools/vip-8.0.0/resources/GRCh38/variant_catalog_grch38_fixed.json") args+=("--loglevel" "ERROR") args+=("${vcf}") ${CMD_STRANGER} "${args[@]}" | ${CMD_BCFTOOLS} view --no-version --threads "4" --output-type "z" --output-file "${vcfOut}" } vep_preprocess() { local -r vcf="${1}" local -r vcfOut="${2}" # use symbolic alleles instead of to align with VCF v4.4 section 5.6 and enable VEP annotation # 1. add CNV:TR ALT header # 2. remove STR[number] ALT headers # 3. rename symbolic alleles to echo -e '##ALT=' > vcf_header_cnv-tr.txt ${CMD_BCFTOOLS} annotate --header-lines vcf_header_cnv-tr.txt --no-version --threads "4" "${vcf}" | \ sed '/^##ALT=//g' | \ ${CMD_BCFTOOLS} view --no-version --threads "4" --output-type "z" --output-file "${vcfOut}" } vep() { local -r vcf="${1}" local -r vcfPreprocessed="preprocessed_${vcf}" vep_preprocess "${vcf}" "${vcfPreprocessed}" local args=() args+=("--input_file" "${vcfPreprocessed}") args+=("--format" "vcf") args+=("--output_file" "GIAB_HG002_chunk_0_annotated.vcf.gz") args+=("--vcf") args+=("--compress_output" "bgzip") args+=("--no_stats") args+=("--fasta" "/mnt/shared/tools/vip-8.0.0/resources/GRCh38/GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set.fna.gz") args+=("--offline") args+=("--cache") args+=("--dir_cache" "/mnt/shared/tools/vip-8.0.0/resources/vep/cache") args+=("--species" "homo_sapiens") args+=("--assembly" "GRCh38") args+=("--refseq") args+=("--exclude_predicted") args+=("--use_given_ref") args+=("--symbol") args+=("--flag_pick_allele") args+=("--sift" "s") args+=("--polyphen" "s") args+=("--total_length") args+=("--pubmed") args+=("--shift_3prime" "1") args+=("--allele_number") args+=("--numbers") args+=("--dont_skip") args+=("--allow_non_variant") args+=("--buffer_size" "1000") args+=("--fork" "4") args+=("--hgvs") args+=("--pubmed") args+=("--dir_plugins" "/mnt/shared/tools/vip-8.0.0/resources/vep/plugins") args+=("--plugin" "Grantham") args+=("--plugin" "SpliceAI,snv=/mnt/shared/tools/vip-8.0.0/resources/GRCh38/spliceai_scores.masked.snv.hg38.vcf.gz,indel=/mnt/shared/tools/vip-8.0.0/resources/GRCh38/spliceai_scores.masked.indel.hg38.vcf.gz") args+=("--plugin" "Capice,${capiceOutputPath}") args+=("--plugin" "UTRannotator,/mnt/shared/tools/vip-8.0.0/resources/GRCh38/uORF_5UTR_PUBLIC.txt") args+=("--custom" "/mnt/shared/tools/vip-8.0.0/resources/GRCh38/,phyloP,bigwig,exact,0") args+=("--safe") if [ -n "" ]; then args+=("--plugin" "Hpo,/mnt/shared/tools/vip-8.0.0/resources/hpo_20240404.tsv,") fi if [ -n "" ]; then args+=("--plugin" "GADO,,/mnt/shared/tools/vip-8.0.0/resources/biomart_ensembl_entrez_mapping.txt") fi args+=("--plugin" "Inheritance,/mnt/shared/tools/vip-8.0.0/resources/inheritance_20240115.tsv") if [ -n "/mnt/shared/tools/vip-8.0.0/resources/GRCh38/vkgl_consensus_20240701.tsv" ] && [ -n "1" ]; then args+=("--plugin" "VKGL,/mnt/shared/tools/vip-8.0.0/resources/GRCh38/vkgl_consensus_20240701.tsv,1") fi if [ -n "/mnt/shared/tools/vip-8.0.0/resources/GRCh38/" ]; then args+=("--plugin" "gnomAD,/mnt/shared/tools/vip-8.0.0/resources/GRCh38/") fi if [ -n "/mnt/shared/tools/vip-8.0.0/resources/GRCh38/clinvar_20241126-stripped.tsv.gz" ]; then args+=("--plugin" "ClinVar,/mnt/shared/tools/vip-8.0.0/resources/GRCh38/clinvar_20241126-stripped.tsv.gz") fi if [ -n "/mnt/shared/tools/vip-8.0.0/resources/annotsv/v3.3.6" ]; then # when you change the field also update the empty file header in this file args+=("--plugin" "AnnotSV,GIAB_HG002_chunk_0_normalized.vcf.gz.tsv,AnnotSV_ranking_score;AnnotSV_ranking_criteria;ACMG_class") fi if [ -n "/mnt/shared/tools/vip-8.0.0/resources/GRCh38/AlphScore_final_20230825_stripped_GRCh38.tsv.gz" ]; then args+=("--plugin" "AlphScore,/mnt/shared/tools/vip-8.0.0/resources/GRCh38/AlphScore_final_20230825_stripped_GRCh38.tsv.gz") fi if [ -n "/mnt/shared/tools/vip-8.0.0/resources/GRCh38/GRCh38_ncER_perc.bed.gz" ]; then args+=("--plugin" "ncER,/mnt/shared/tools/vip-8.0.0/resources/GRCh38/GRCh38_ncER_perc.bed.gz") fi if [ -n "/mnt/shared/tools/vip-8.0.0/resources/GRCh38/GRCh38_FATHMM-MKL_NC.tsv.gz" ]; then args+=("--plugin" "FATHMM_MKL_NC,/mnt/shared/tools/vip-8.0.0/resources/GRCh38/GRCh38_FATHMM-MKL_NC.tsv.gz") fi if [ -n "/mnt/shared/tools/vip-8.0.0/resources/GRCh38/GRCh38_ReMM.tsv.gz" ]; then args+=("--plugin" "ReMM,/mnt/shared/tools/vip-8.0.0/resources/GRCh38/GRCh38_ReMM.tsv.gz") fi if [ -n "/mnt/shared/tools/vip-8.0.0/resources/GRCh38/GRCh38_GREEN-DB.bed.gz" ] && [ "false" = true ]; then args+=("--plugin" "GREEN_DB,/mnt/shared/tools/vip-8.0.0/resources/GRCh38/GRCh38_GREEN-DB.bed.gz") fi ${CMD_VEP} "${args[@]}" } index () { ${CMD_BCFTOOLS} index --csi --output "GIAB_HG002_chunk_0_annotated.vcf.gz.csi" --threads "4" "GIAB_HG002_chunk_0_annotated.vcf.gz" ${CMD_BCFTOOLS} index --stats "GIAB_HG002_chunk_0_annotated.vcf.gz" > "GIAB_HG002_chunk_0_annotated.vcf.gz.stats" } main () { if [ -n "/mnt/shared/tools/vip-8.0.0/resources/annotsv/v3.3.6" ]; then annot_sv fi capice local vepInputPath="" if [ -n "/mnt/shared/tools/vip-8.0.0/resources/GRCh38/variant_catalog_grch38_fixed.json" ]; then stranger "GIAB_HG002_chunk_0_normalized.vcf.gz" "stranger_GIAB_HG002_chunk_0_normalized.vcf.gz" vepInputPath="stranger_GIAB_HG002_chunk_0_normalized.vcf.gz" else vepInputPath="GIAB_HG002_chunk_0_normalized.vcf.gz" fi vep "${vepInputPath}" index } main "$@" Command exit status: 140 Command output: ...Breakpoints annotations ...GC content annotation ...Repeat annotation ...Gap annotation ...Segmental duplication annotation ...ENCODE blacklist annotation ...Gene-based annotations ...20220617_ACMG.tsv (78 gene identifiers and 1 annotations columns: ACMG) ...20220906_ClinGenAnnotations.tsv (1480 gene identifiers and 2 annotations columns: HI, TS) ...20200713_HI.tsv.gz (19124 gene identifiers and 1 annotations columns: DDD_HI_percent) ...20191219_ExAC.CNV-Zscore.annotations.tsv.gz (15673 gene identifiers and 3 annotations columns: ExAC_delZ, ExAC_dupZ, ExAC_cnvZ) ...20201023_GeneIntolerance-Zscore.annotations.tsv.gz (18241 gene identifiers and 2 annotations columns: ExAC_synZ, ExAC_misZ) ...20220902_GenCC.tsv (4615 gene identifiers and 4 annotations columns: GenCC_disease, GenCC_moi, GenCC_classification, GenCC_pmid) ...20220905_OMIM-1-annotations.tsv.gz (16250 gene identifiers and 1 annotations columns: OMIM_ID) ...20220905_OMIM-2-annotations.tsv.gz (16250 gene identifiers and 2 annotations columns: OMIM_phenotype, OMIM_inheritance) ...20220905_morbid.tsv.gz (12998 gene identifiers and 1 annotations columns: OMIM_morbid) ...20220905_morbidCandidate.tsv.gz (3467 gene identifiers and 1 annotations columns: OMIM_morbid_candidate) ...20201106_gnomAD.LOEUF.pLI.annotations.tsv.gz (19451 gene identifiers and 3 annotations columns: LOEUF_bin, GnomAD_pLI, ExAC_pLI) ...annotation in progress (December 06 2024 - 10:15) ...writing of ./GIAB_HG002_chunk_0_normalized.vcf.gz.tsv (December 06 2024 - 10:15) ...output columns annotation (December 06 2024 - 10:15): AnnotSV_ID;SV_chrom;SV_start;SV_end;SV_length;SV_type;Samples_ID;ID;REF;ALT;QUAL;FILTER;INFO;FORMAT;SAMPLE;Annotation_mode;CytoBand;Gene_name;Gene_count;Tx;Tx_start;Tx_end;Overlapped_tx_length;Overlapped_CDS_length;Overlapped_CDS_percent;Frameshift;Exon_count;Location;Location2;Dist_nearest_SS;Nearest_SS_type;Intersect_start;Intersect_end;RE_gene;P_gain_phen;P_gain_hpo;P_gain_source;P_gain_coord;P_loss_phen;P_loss_hpo;P_loss_source;P_loss_coord;P_ins_phen;P_ins_hpo;P_ins_source;P_ins_coord;po_P_gain_phen;po_P_gain_hpo;po_P_gain_source;po_P_gain_coord;po_P_gain_percent;po_P_loss_phen;po_P_loss_hpo;po_P_loss_source;po_P_loss_coord;po_P_loss_percent;P_snvindel_nb;P_snvindel_phen;B_gain_source;B_gain_coord;B_gain_AFmax;B_loss_source;B_loss_coord;B_loss_AFmax;B_ins_source;B_ins_coord;B_ins_AFmax;B_inv_source;B_inv_coord;B_inv_AFmax;po_B_gain_allG_source;po_B_gain_allG_coord;po_B_gain_someG_source;po_B_gain_someG_coord;po_B_loss_allG_source;po_B_loss_allG_coord;po_B_loss_someG_source;po_B_loss_someG_coord;TAD_coordinate;ENCODE_experiment;GC_content_left;GC_content_right;Repeat_coord_left;Repeat_type_left;Repeat_coord_right;Repeat_type_right;Gap_left;Gap_right;SegDup_left;SegDup_right;ENCODE_blacklist_left;ENCODE_blacklist_characteristics_left;ENCODE_blacklist_right;ENCODE_blacklist_characteristics_right;ACMG;HI;TS;DDD_HI_percent;ExAC_delZ;ExAC_dupZ;ExAC_cnvZ;ExAC_synZ;ExAC_misZ;GenCC_disease;GenCC_moi;GenCC_classification;GenCC_pmid;OMIM_ID;OMIM_phenotype;OMIM_inheritance;OMIM_morbid;OMIM_morbid_candidate;LOEUF_bin;GnomAD_pLI;ExAC_pLI;AnnotSV_ranking_score;AnnotSV_ranking_criteria;ACMG_class ...AnnotSV is done with the analysis (December 06 2024 - 10:15) 2024-12-06 10:15:45 - Fetching regulatory features for plugin: gnomAD Successfully exported CAPICE datafile to: %s GIAB_HG002_chunk_0_capice_output.tsv.gz 2024-12-06 11:16:18 - Fetching regulatory features for plugin: Capice 2024-12-06 11:16:18 - Fetching regulatory features for plugin: Inheritance 2024-12-06 11:16:20 - Fetching regulatory features for plugin: VKGL 2024-12-06 11:16:20 - Fetching regulatory features for plugin: gnomAD 2024-12-06 11:16:20 - Fetching regulatory features for plugin: ClinVar 2024-12-06 11:16:20 - Fetching regulatory features for plugin: AnnotSV 2024-12-06 11:16:20 - Fetching regulatory features for plugin: ncER 2024-12-06 11:16:20 - Fetching regulatory features for plugin: FATHMM_MKL_NC 2024-12-06 11:16:20 - Fetching regulatory features for plugin: ReMM Command error: WARNING: Plugin 'ncER' went wrong: ERROR: Expecting no more than one score for a position. WARNING: Plugin 'ncER' went wrong: ERROR: Expecting no more than one score for a position. WARNING: 3870261 : WARNING: Plugin 'ncER' went wrong: ERROR: Expecting no more than one score for a position. WARNING: Plugin 'ncER' went wrong: ERROR: Expecting no more than one score for a position. WARNING: Plugin 'ReMM' went wrong: ERROR: Expecting no more than one score for a position. WARNING: Plugin 'ReMM' went wrong: ERROR: Expecting no more than one score for a position. WARNING: 3870271 : WARNING: Plugin 'ncER' went wrong: ERROR: Expecting no more than one score for a position. WARNING: Plugin 'ncER' went wrong: ERROR: Expecting no more than one score for a position. WARNING: 3870272 : WARNING: Plugin 'ncER' went wrong: ERROR: Expecting no more than one score for a position. WARNING: Plugin 'ncER' went wrong: ERROR: Expecting no more than one score for a position. WARNING: 3870278 : WARNING: Plugin 'ncER' went wrong: ERROR: Expecting no more than one score for a position. WARNING: Plugin 'ncER' went wrong: ERROR: Expecting no more than one score for a position. WARNING: Plugin 'ReMM' went wrong: ERROR: Expecting no more than one score for a position. WARNING: Plugin 'ReMM' went wrong: ERROR: Expecting no more than one score for a position. WARNING: 3870277 : WARNING: Plugin 'ncER' went wrong: ERROR: Expecting no more than one score for a position. WARNING: Plugin 'ncER' went wrong: ERROR: Expecting no more than one score for a position. WARNING: Plugin 'ReMM' went wrong: ERROR: Expecting no more than one score for a position. WARNING: Plugin 'ReMM' went wrong: ERROR: Expecting no more than one score for a position. WARNING: 3871243 : WARNING: Plugin 'ReMM' went wrong: ERROR: Expecting no more than one score for a position. WARNING: Plugin 'ReMM' went wrong: ERROR: Expecting no more than one score for a position. WARNING: Plugin 'ncER' went wrong: ERROR: Expecting no more than one score for a position. WARNING: Plugin 'ncER' went wrong: ERROR: Expecting no more than one score for a position. WARNING: 3871241 : WARNING: Plugin 'ReMM' went wrong: ERROR: Expecting no more than one score for a position. WARNING: Plugin 'ReMM' went wrong: ERROR: Expecting no more than one score for a position. WARNING: Plugin 'ncER' went wrong: ERROR: Expecting no more than one score for a position. WARNING: Plugin 'ncER' went wrong: ERROR: Expecting no more than one score for a position. WARNING: 3871244 : WARNING: Plugin 'ncER' went wrong: ERROR: Expecting no more than one score for a position. WARNING: Plugin 'ncER' went wrong: ERROR: Expecting no more than one score for a position. WARNING: Plugin 'ReMM' went wrong: ERROR: Expecting no more than one score for a position. WARNING: Plugin 'ReMM' went wrong: ERROR: Expecting no more than one score for a position. WARNING: 3871280 : WARNING: Plugin 'ncER' went wrong: ERROR: Expecting no more than one score for a position. WARNING: Plugin 'ncER' went wrong: ERROR: Expecting no more than one score for a position. WARNING: Plugin 'ReMM' went wrong: ERROR: Expecting no more than one score for a position. WARNING: Plugin 'ReMM' went wrong: ERROR: Expecting no more than one score for a position. WARNING: 3871281 : WARNING: Plugin 'ncER' went wrong: ERROR: Expecting no more than one score for a position. WARNING: Plugin 'ncER' went wrong: ERROR: Expecting no more than one score for a position. WARNING: Plugin 'ReMM' went wrong: ERROR: Expecting no more than one score for a position. WARNING: Plugin 'ReMM' went wrong: ERROR: Expecting no more than one score for a position. WARNING: 3871268 : WARNING: Plugin 'ReMM' went wrong: ERROR: Expecting no more than one score for a position. WARNING: Plugin 'ReMM' went wrong: ERROR: Expecting no more than one score for a position. WARNING: Plugin 'ncER' went wrong: ERROR: Expecting no more than one score for a position. WARNING: Plugin 'ncER' went wrong: ERROR: Expecting no more than one score for a position. WARNING: 3871269 : WARNING: Plugin 'ReMM' went wrong: ERROR: Expecting no more than one score for a position. WARNING: Plugin 'ReMM' went wrong: ERROR: Expecting no more than one score for a position. WARNING: Plugin 'ncER' went wrong: ERROR: Expecting no more than one score for a position. WARNING: Plugin 'ncER' went wrong: ERROR: Expecting no more than one score for a position. WARNING: 3872198 : WARNING: Plugin 'ncER' went wrong: ERROR: Expecting no more than one score for a position. WARNING: Plugin 'ncER' went wrong: ERROR: Expecting no more than one score for a position. WARNING: Plugin 'ReMM' went wrong: ERROR: Expecting no more than one score for a position. WARNING: Plugin 'ReMM' went wrong: ERROR: Expecting no more than one score for a position. Work dir: /mnt/flashblade01/scratch/s.wielhouwer/vip_testing/output/ Tip: you can replicate the issue by changing to the process work dir and entering the command `bash` -- Check '/mnt/flashblade01/scratch/s.wielhouwer/vip_testing/output/.nxf.log' file for details ERROR ~ Unexpected error [InvocationTargetException] -- Check script '/mnt/shared/tools/vip-8.0.0/./modules/vcf/./' at line: 91 or see '/mnt/flashblade01/scratch/s.wielhouwer/vip_testing/output/.nxf.log' file for more details ERROR ~ Unexpected error [InvocationTargetException] -- Check script '/mnt/shared/tools/vip-8.0.0/./modules/vcf/./' at line: 91 or see '/mnt/flashblade01/scratch/s.wielhouwer/vip_testing/output/.nxf.log' file for more details ERROR ~ Unexpected error [InvocationTargetException] -- Check script '/mnt/shared/tools/vip-8.0.0/./modules/vcf/./' at line: 91 or see '/mnt/flashblade01/scratch/s.wielhouwer/vip_testing/output/.nxf.log' file for more details ERROR ~ Unexpected error [InvocationTargetException] -- Check script '/mnt/shared/tools/vip-8.0.0/./modules/vcf/./' at line: 91 or see '/mnt/flashblade01/scratch/s.wielhouwer/vip_testing/output/.nxf.log' file for more details s.wielhouwer@gs-hpc-login01:/mnt/flashblade01/scratch/s.wielhouwer/vip_testing$ /mnt/shared/tools/vip-8.0.0/vip -w vcf -i samplesheet2.tsv -o output -p slurm