Command: (, ['--more', '--local', '--as-json'], "catalog_cmd: Model id not required | flag: ['--more', '--local', '--as-json']") Description: catalog Error: [ { "Index": 1, "Identifier": "eos5axz", "Slug": "morgan-counts", "Title": "Morgan counts fingerprints", "Task": [ "Representation" ], "Input Shape": "Single", "Output": [ "Descriptor" ], "Output Shape": "List", "Model Source": "DockerHub" }, { "Index": 2, "Identifier": "eos3mk2", "Slug": "bbbp-marine-kinase-inhibitors", "Title": "BBBP model tested on marine-derived kinase inhibitors", "Task": [ "Classification" ], "Input Shape": null, "Output": [ "Probability" ], "Output Shape": null, "Model Source": "Local Repository" }, { "Index": 3, "Identifier": "eos3nn9", "Slug": "mpro-covid19", "Title": "Predict bioactivity against Main Protease of SARS-CoV-2", "Task": [ "Regression" ], "Input Shape": "Single", "Output": [ "Score" ], "Output Shape": "List", "Model Source": "DockerHub" }, { "Index": 4, "Identifier": "eos4e40", "Slug": "chemprop-antibiotic", "Title": "Broad spectrum antibiotic activity", "Task": [ "Classification" ], "Input Shape": "Single", "Output": [ "Probability" ], "Output Shape": "Single", "Model Source": "DockerHub" }, { "Index": 5, "Identifier": "eos3b5e", "Slug": "molecular-weight", "Title": "Molecular weight", "Task": [ "Regression" ], "Input Shape": "Single", "Output": [ "Other value" ], "Output Shape": "Single", "Model Source": "Local Repository" }, { "Index": 6, "Identifier": "eos4avb", "Slug": "image-mol-embeddings", "Title": "Molecular representation learning", "Task": [ "Representation" ], "Input Shape": "Single", "Output": [ "Descriptor" ], "Output Shape": "Matrix", "Model Source": "DockerHub" }, { "Index": 7, "Identifier": "eos4u6p", "Slug": "cc-signaturizer", "Title": "Chemical Checker signaturizer", "Task": [ "Representation" ], "Input Shape": "Single", "Output": [ "Descriptor" ], "Output Shape": "List", "Model Source": "DockerHub" }, { "Index": 8, "Identifier": "eos3cf4", "Slug": "molfeat-chemgpt", "Title": "ChemGPT-4.7", "Task": [ "Representation" ], "Input Shape": "Single", "Output": [ "Descriptor" ], "Output Shape": "List", "Model Source": "DockerHub" }, { "Index": 9, "Identifier": "eos7w6n", "Slug": "grover-embedding", "Title": "Large-scale graph transformer", "Task": [ "Representation" ], "Input Shape": "Single", "Output": [ "Descriptor" ], "Output Shape": "List", "Model Source": "DockerHub" }, { "Index": 10, "Identifier": "eos8aa5", "Slug": "kgpgt-embedding", "Title": "Knowledge-guided pre-trained graph transformer", "Task": "Representation", "Input Shape": "Single", "Output": [ "Value" ], "Output Shape": "List", "Model Source": "DockerHub" }, { "Index": 11, "Identifier": "eos7jio", "Slug": "rdkit-fingerprint", "Title": "Path-based fingerprint", "Task": [ "Representation" ], "Input Shape": "Single", "Output": [ "Descriptor" ], "Output Shape": "List", "Model Source": "DockerHub" } ] Check 'Catalog json content is valid': False and Details: 'Validation failed for key 'Input Shape' in object: {'Index': 2, 'Identifier': 'eos3mk2', 'Slug': 'bbbp-marine-kinase-inhibitors', 'Title': 'BBBP model tested on marine-derived kinase inhibitors', 'Task': ['Classification'], 'Input Shape': None, 'Output': ['Probability'], 'Output Shape': None, 'Model Source': 'Local Repository'}' Check 'Local catalog count and fetched model count matching': True and Details: ''